
  • 网络The Kingdom of Hawaii;Hawaiian Kingdom;Hawaii Kingdom
  1. 1993年,美国政府为推翻夏威夷王国而向夏威夷土著道歉。

    It also issued an apology in 1993 to native Hawaiians for the unlawful overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom .

  2. 当您游览的时候,请保持我们的岛屿和海洋清洁,我们想为我们合法的夏威夷王国的后代们保留一块净土。

    When you visit , please , keep our beautiful land and precious ocean clean ; we want to preserve it for the future generations of the Lawful Hawaiian Kingdom .

  3. 1843年,卡·拉会日:夏威夷独立日&夏威夷王国正式被英国和法国承认为一个独立国家。

    1843-Ka Lahui : Hawaiian Independence Day-The Kingdom of Hawaii is officially recognized by the United Kingdom and France as an independent nation .