
  • 网络Oahu;Oahu Island;Island of Oahu;TheGetheringPlace-Oahu
  1. 你知道你总是说“瓦胡岛”

    You know that way that you always say " oahu ,"

  2. 他是瓦胡岛最大的房地产经纪人。

    Number one real estate broker on oahu .

  3. 2.Ben也不知道他们是否会一直留在瓦胡岛,Lisa说过可能要去一个另外的岛屿。

    Ben : I 'm not sure yet . Lisa here said something about going to another island .

  4. 在夏威夷的瓦胡岛上,一条肉食性波尺蛾(Eupithecia)毛虫正在一片蕨叶上巡游,寻找猎物。

    A carnivorous Eupithecia caterpillar prowls a fern leaf in Oahu , Hawaii , in search of prey .

  5. 夏威夷中部的一个岛屿,位于毛伊岛和瓦胡岛之间。

    An island of central Hawaii ( between Maui and Oahu ) .

  6. 错在瓦胡岛上

    Nope . It 's on the island of Oahu .

  7. 在该岛上面是近来成立一个卡梅哈梅哈翼的瓦胡岛的博物馆。

    Above is a close-up of a Kamehameha wing from an Oahu museum .

  8. 位于瓦胡岛西北的夏威夷的一个岛。

    An island of Hawaii northwest of Oahu .

  9. 日本空军部队在美国的瓦胡岛。开始轰炸一小时后,

    Indeed , one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu ,

  10. 距震中250公里、口最多的瓦胡岛城市火努鲁鲁有震感。

    The quake was felt in Honolulu , 250 kilometers away on the chain 's most populated island of Oahu .

  11. 因此,她把这些T恤衫藏了起来,包括一件来自某家沥青公司和一件来自瓦胡岛某家潜水店的刹绿色T恤衫。

    So she hides the T-shirts , including one from an asphalt company and a'screaming green'one from a scuba shop in Oahu .

  12. 目前,夏威夷可能还有7只瓦胡岛管舌雀,尽管1985年之后没人再看见过它们。

    It 's currently thought that as many as seven Oahu alauahios may still exist in Hawaii , yet no one has seen one since 1985 .

  13. 本指南包括顶部冲浪目的地,从日落海滩和昆士兰州的黄金海岸,澳大利亚到马里布,加利福尼亚州和瓦胡岛,夏威夷。

    This guidebook includes top surfing destinations ranging from Sunset Beach and the Gold Coast in Queensland , Australia to Malibu , California and Oahu , Hawaii .

  14. 很显然,日本的这次进攻将使得瓦胡岛上的所有海军及其军事设施遭受毁灭性打击,日本对珍珠港的进攻,很明显意味着这就是战争。

    The attack apparently was made on all naval and military activities on the principal island of Oahu . A Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor naturally would mean war .

  15. 这些风力涡轮将为瓦胡岛的电网提供另一种清洁能源,进一步推动夏威夷在清洁能源领域进入世界领先的地位。

    These Wind Turbines will provide another source of clean energy for Oahu 's power grid , further building on the progress Hawaii has made in becoming a world leader in clean energy .

  16. 按惯例,他们一家会在夏威夷主岛瓦胡岛的开鲁瓦高档小区租一所豪华别墅住下来,然后在周边徒步旅行,打高尔夫,或与友人到餐厅聚餐。

    They have traditionally rented a luxury villa in the upscale Kailua area on Oahu , the main island , and head out for hikes , rounds of golf and restaurant meals with their friends .

  17. 往回向南经过瓦胡岛,邮轮在毛伊岛停泊,毛伊岛也叫谷之岛,因两座巨大的火山爆发而形成的峡谷而得名。火山喷发出的红色火山灰是种植甘蔗的绝佳土壤。

    Sailing back south past Oahu , the ship anchored at the Island of Maui or Valley Island which got its name from a huge valley formed when two large volcanoes erupted.Its red volcanic dirt is excellent for growing sugar cane .