
wǎ tè
  • watt
瓦特 [wǎ tè]
  • [watt] 绝对米-千克-秒制中的功率单位,以每秒作出1焦耳的功为1瓦特。电压为1伏通过1安的恒定直流电流的功率,即1瓦特

  1. 瓦特是小功率的单位,因此我们用千瓦代之。

    The watt is a small unit of power so that we use the kilowatt instead .

  2. W(瓦特)有电力带动工作的。

    W ( Watt ) if they have power to work .

  3. 如今,能源存儲已经是全球产值三百三十亿美元的产业,每年产生近一千亿瓦特的电力。

    Today , energy storage is a $ 33 billion global industry that generates nearly 100 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year .

  4. 而十年后,其产值有望达到五百亿美元,发电量将达到一千六百亿瓦特,足以吸引那些主流公司的关注,他们本不会对平淡无奇的技术感兴趣。

    By the end of the decade , it 's expected to be worth over $ 50 billion and generate 160 gigawatt-hours , enough to attract the attention of major companies that might not otherwise be interested in a decidedly pedestrian technology .

  5. 请连接戴尔六十五瓦特AC适配器或更大瓦特以取得最佳系统性能。

    Please connect a Dell65W AC adapter or greater for best system performance .

  6. 采用简单PWM原理单相三线瓦特/频率变换器及准确度分析

    A Single-phase Three-Wire Watt to Pulse Frequency Converter Using Simple PWM and Its Accuracy Analysis

  7. Ni-P复合材料电镀涂层是在溶有次磷酸钠的瓦特镍池中不同无机物颗粒沉淀的混合物。

    Electrodeposited Ni P composite coatings incorporating a variety of inorganic particles were obtained from Watt 's nickel bath containing sodium hypophosphite .

  8. 彭博新能源财务公司(BloombergNewEnergyFinance)今天称,到2020年,大型光伏项目的发电成本将降至每瓦特1.45美元,是现在价格的一半。

    Large photovoltaic projects will cost $ 1.45 a watt to build by2020 , half the current price , Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimated today .

  9. 国际能源机构(internationalenergyagency)称,在未来25年内,中美两国共需要1.5万亿瓦特新的净发电量,是美国现有产能的1.5倍。

    According to the International Energy Agency , China and the us together will need 1500 gigawatts of new net electricity generation in the next 25 years 1.5 times current US capacity .

  10. 现在公司正在为petroleumdevelopmentoman设计一个年产7百万瓦特的工厂&一个16000平方米温室,每年生产大概570亿英热单位的蒸气。

    And the company has now signed a deal with petroleum development Oman for 7 megawatts of plant-a 16000-square-metre greenhouse providing some 57 billion BTU of steam a year .

  11. 选用复配使用的阴阳离子表面活性剂,通过沉降实验、纳米颗粒的极限分离直径和TEM来测试纳米颗粒在瓦特镀液中分散性能好坏。

    By using the mixture of anionic surfactant and cationic surfactant , we can define the stability of SiC suspension with sediment experiment , the limited separation diameter and TEM .

  12. 研究了用瓦特镀镍液电沉积彩色微胶囊复合镀层的工艺,讨论了镀液中微胶囊颗粒的含量、操作温度、pH值、阴极电流密度,对镀层中微胶囊复合含量的影响。

    Color composite coating of nickel-microcapsule was electrodeposited from a Watts electrolyte . The effects of microcapsule concentration , temperature , pH , and current density on the microcapsule content in the compound film were studied .

  13. theelectroniczone在英国出售的包,价格最低159英镑,包的外面装着3块质轻、耐磨、防水的太阳板,发电功率最高达4瓦特。

    The bags , sold in Britain by the electronic zone , cost from 159 and come with three lightweight , tough , waterproof solar panels embedded into the outside of the bag which generate up to 4 watts of power .

  14. 不过,根据伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)的数据,在这五年中,安装太阳能发电设施的每瓦特成本也降低了五分之四。

    Yet the cost per watt of installing solar facilities has also fallen by four-fifths over those five years , according to Bernstein .

  15. 对于这个负载水平,默认ondemand调控器拥有的“性能/瓦特”值略好一些。

    For this load , the default ondemand governor had a slightly better performance per watt .

  16. 有人抱怨说很少有黑客会长成海姆斯沃斯这个样子,曼提起自己的一位顾问——斯蒂芬·瓦特(StephenWatt),他身高七英尺,是一位金发的举重运动员,后来成了网络犯罪分子。

    To the grumble that few hackers look like Mr. Hemsworth , Mr. Mann invoked another consultant , Stephen Watt , a 7-foot blond weight lifter turned cybercriminal .

  17. 这座风力发电厂于2006年完工,由NextEraEnergy经营。NextEraEnergy是佛罗里Power&Light的子公司,后者经营的风力发电设施向全美各地输送超过40亿瓦特的电力。

    The farm was completed in2006 and is operated by NextEra Energy , a subsidiary of Florida Power & Light , which operates wind facilities that deliver over four gigawatts of power across the U.S.

  18. 最近中国的研究者们发现,使用一个1瓦特的LED灯泡,li-fi就可以以带宽150兆/秒的传输速率连接4台电脑接入互联网。

    Researchers in China recently showed that , using a one-watt LED bulb , li-fi could connect four computers to the Internet at data transfer rates up to 150 megabits per second .

  19. 图13d通过用每秒请求数除以平均电能消耗显示“性能/瓦特”。

    Figure13d shows the performance per watt by taking the number of requests per second divided by the average power consumed .

  20. 在普通的瓦特型镀液中,采用复合电沉积技术在形状为正八面体阴极的各个面上沉积了含Al2O3的复合镀层,并对镀层厚度和镀层内的粒子含量进行了测量分析。

    By means of composite electroplating technique , Al_2O_3 particle of 5.0 μ m was deposited with nickel on the octangonal cathode in watt 's solution . The thickness and the amount of particle in the composite coating were measured and analyzed .

  21. SPECpowerssj2008还测量电能(以瓦特为单位)并在每个负载水平计算一个性能/电能比(performance-to-power)。

    SPECpower_ssj2008 also measures power in Watts and calculates a performance-to-power ratio at each of the loads .

  22. WiTricity称目前已能传输高达3300瓦特电能而损耗极小,这已经足够给一辆电动汽车充电了。

    WiTricity says its system can move an impressive 3300 watts -- enough to charge an electric car -- with little efficiency loss .

  23. 采用瓦特型电解液(NiSO40.8M,NiCl20.2M,H3BO30.5M),加入适量的粒径为3.5~4.5μ的萤光颜料,制成悬浮液进行电镀并研究了镀液及镀层的基本性质;

    The plating is conducted with the bath prepared by adding a correct amount of fluorescent pigment with a grain Size of 3.5-4.5 μ to Watt electrolyte ( NiSO_4 0.8M , NiCl_2 0.2M , H_3BO_3 0.5M ) to form a suspension .

  24. 瓦特自称为蒸气发动机的发明者。

    Watt claimed to be the inventor of the steam engine .

  25. 我们用来检查功率的仪表是瓦特计。

    The meter with which we check power is a wattmeter .

  26. 我听说是瓦特升职了,而不是汤姆。

    I heard that Walter , not Tom has been promoted .

  27. 功率的瓦特数等于安培数乘以伏特数的积。

    Power in watts equals the product of amperes times volts .

  28. 瓦特森-瓦特测向工程设计误差源分析

    Analyze on Error Source of Watson-Watt Direction Finding Method in Engineering

  29. 二瓦特计测量法的读数与无功功率的计算公式

    Readings of Two-wattmeter Measuring Method and Calculating Formula of Reactive Power

  30. 瓦特参议员对环保问题不予理会。

    Senator watt shows disregard for the protection of the environment .