
  • 网络Wagang Army
瓦岗军 [wǎ gāng jūn]
  • [a peasant uprising army in the Sui Dynasty] 隋末翟让领导的农民起义军。以韦城瓦岗寨(今河南滑县)为根据地,是使隋王朝覆灭的主力军之一

  1. 大业十三年(617),瓦岗军进逼东都,这时炀帝已南下江都,以越王侗留守东都。

    In the 13th year of Daye ( 617 ) , the Wagang Army attacked the Eastern Capital . At that time , Emperor Yang was journeying south to Jiangdu , with Tong the Prince of Yue staying to defend the Eastern Capital .

  2. 起义军在与隋军不断的战斗中,分并离合,形成了三支较强大的力量,即中部李密领导的瓦岗军,北部窦建德领导的夏军和南部杜伏威领导的吴军。

    During the battle with the Sui army , the rebellious peasants gradually fell into three main forces : the Wagang Army in the central of the country led by Li Mi , the Xia Army in the north led by Dou Jiande and the Wu Army in the south led by Du Fuwei .