
  1. 永贞革新集团核心人物的政治素质

    On Political Quality of the Key Figures of the Yongzhen Innovating Group

  2. 永贞革新与中唐文学

    Yongzhen Reform and the Literature in Mid-Tang Dynasty

  3. 柳宗元因永贞革新被贬永州长达十年。

    Liu Zongyuan was exiled from the capital Chang an City and lived in Yong Zhou for ten years because of innovation in Yong-zhen years .

  4. 他极有可能是通过该诗来讽喻皇帝,反映其对永贞革新的态度,并对因革新而遭打击的官员表示深深的同情。

    It is very likely to satirize the emperor , reflecting his attitude to the Yongzhen Reform ( 805 ) in the middle Tang Dynasty .

  5. 他不仅是中唐“永贞革新”的直接参与者,同时也是元和文学创新的主体成员。

    He is not only the pillar in the political reforms , but also the backbone in the literary world of the middle & late Tang Dynasty .