
  • 网络Yongchun County
  1. 福建永春县的竹类资源及开发利用

    Bamboo Resources and Their Exploitation and Utilizaton in Yongchun County , Fujian Province

  2. 永春县学龄儿童碘缺乏病监测结果分析

    Results of monitoring of iodine deficiency disease in school children in Yongchun County

  3. 闽南地区生态农业建设发展模式探讨&以永春县为例

    Eco-agriculture Construction Model and Development in South Fujian Region-Taking Yongchun County as a Case Study

  4. 分别从永春县森林乔木层各林种、各龄级、各乡镇三个方面进行分析,重点研究各乡镇碳储量特征动态变化。

    Analysis from three aspects : the forest type , age group and each villages , and focuses on the dynamic change of characteristics of carbon storage in each villages .

  5. 1943年永春县纪念总理诞辰的武术表演赛中,颜树炳荣获舞狮表演徒手表演双一名。

    In the exhibition game held in1943 to commemorate Birthday of the Prime Minister , Yan Shu Bing won double first prize separately for demonstration of lion and bare-handed demonstration .

  6. 概述福建省永春县的物种资源特点及现状,并结合生物多样性的特点,提出相应的保护对策。

    The status and characteristics of species resources in Yongchun County , Fujian Province are described and the measures of protection are put forward according to the biodiversity in this county .

  7. 边防医院负责手术的黄医生后来介绍说,当时伤者是经由永春县医院转运过来的,伤口并没有包扎,一直血流不止。

    Doctor Huang , who was in charge of the operation , said later that the wound was not bandaged and was bleeding heavily when the man was transferred from a hospital in Yongchun county .

  8. 文章利用永春县2000、2005、2010三期森林资源二类调查续档数据及资料,运用换算因子连续函数法,估算永春县森林乔木层碳储量特征的动态变化。

    The paper was used the three periods of the inventory of forest resources data and information in YongChun 2000 , 2005 and 2010 , and used the conversion factor continuous function method , to estimate the stand and the dynamic changes of YongChun forest carbon .