
Zhāng Fēi
  • Zhang Fei (formerly translated as Chang Fei,? -221), general of the Kingdom of Shu (蜀国), one of the Three Kingdoms, known for his rash bravery
张飞 [zhāng fēi]
  • [Zhang Fei(Chang Fei)] (?-221) 三国时期蜀汉大将,字益德,涿郡(今河北涿县)人。蜀汉章武元年(221),刘备即皇帝位,任为车骑将军,兼任司隶校尉,进封西乡侯。他作战勇猛过人,人称万人敌。但性情暴躁,不爱惜部下

  1. 我还有两张飞牌来完成大满贯

    I still have two finesses to make a grand slam .

  2. 今年3月,我访问了EasyJet网站,买了6张飞往梅诺卡岛的机票,总价是1285.80英镑。

    Last March I visited the EasyJet website and bought six flights to Menorca for 1, 285.80 .

  3. 我需要一张飞德国的来回机票。

    I need to buy a round trip ticket to Germany .

  4. 他手里捏着张飞机票匆忙地跑走了。

    He hurried off with a plane ticket in his hand .

  5. 论张飞的形象塑造及其文化意义

    On the Portray of the Image Zhang Fei and Its Cultural Significance

  6. 这可难不倒张飞,他决定到街头卖艺。

    This can not beat Zhang Fei , he decided to street performers .

  7. 刘备、张飞请他一同饮酒。

    Liu and Zhang invited him to join them .

  8. 下午好,我叫张飞。

    Good afternoon . My name is Zhang Fei .

  9. 张飞是他们的班长,英语很棒。

    Zhang Fei , monitor of their class , is good at English .

  10. 阆中古城有关张飞的传说流传甚多,皆源于张飞镇守阆中的历史。

    There are many legends of Zhang Fei in the ancient city of Langzhong .

  11. 张飞、马超大战一百回合,不分胜败。

    Zhang Fei and Ma Chao fought one hundred rounds with an even hand .

  12. 我想要一点粗犷的感觉,这(张飞)就是一个剽悍的武士。

    I want something a little bit wild and this is a wild warrior .

  13. 那就定张飞机票。

    Blair : So book a flight . -

  14. 关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。

    Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say , But they walked away sneeringly .

  15. 这时张飞已醉,命鞭打曹豹五十鞭。

    He had Cao flogged fifty times .

  16. 张飞祠庙在历史时期得到了很大的发展,明清更是遍及全国各地。

    Zhang Fei ancestral temples have spread to all the country during Ming and Qing dynasties .

  17. 张飞屡欲下关迎战,均被刘备阻拦。

    At every challenge , Zhang Fei wanted to engage him , but was stopped by Liu Bei .

  18. 让刘备亲自带兵,命张飞为先锋。

    Liu Bei himself acted as the chief commander and ordered Zhang Fei to fight in the vanguard .

  19. 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。

    The young married couple is not for each other ; one is a belle , and the other beast !

  20. 张飞拿出针与线左看右看,终于发现了针后面的小孔。

    Zhang took out needle and line taking a closer look , and finally found a hole behind the needle .

  21. 后来,刘备见马超人马疲乏,令张飞下关克敌。

    When Liu Bei saw Ma Chao and his army became fatigued , he ordered Zhang Fei to take on the challenge .

  22. 刘备怕惊扰他,就和关羽、张飞一直站在外面的石阶上等着,一直等到他醒来。

    Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up .

  23. 这天我因为穿了宽衣大袖,拍了几张飞片,就随意舞起或太极或瑜伽。

    That day because I wore the clothes with large sleeves , took a few flyers , in good moods to play tai chi or yoga .

  24. 后张飞见到刘备,悔恨万分,欲抽剑自刎,被刘备死死拦住。

    When he met Liu , he felt so shame-faced that he unsheathed his sword meaning to commit suicide , only to be stopped by his elder brother .

  25. 战争结束后,刘备建立了其军事集团的正规武装力量,张飞成为刘备的主要军事将领之一。

    After the war ended , Liu Bei has established its military bloc 's regular armed forces , open flies into one of Liu Bei main military military officers .

  26. 还是一位老师傅看出了端倪,给了他悉心的指点,张飞这才明白了这些是什么东西,也学会了它们的使用方法。

    Is an old master to see the clues , and gave him careful instructions , Zhang Fei , they realized what these are , have learned their use .

  27. 刘、关、张桃园三结义故事中的桃园,据说就在张飞家的后面。

    The Peach Garden where he and Liu Bei and Guan Yu took oath to become sworn brothers is said to be located at the rear of Zhang Fei 's own house .

  28. 散席后,曹豹怀恨在心,便连夜派人送信给吕布,让他今夜乘张飞大醉偷袭徐州。

    After the party was over , the resentful Cao sent one of his men to L ü Bu , the enemy general , asking him to attack the city that night while Zhang was drunk .

  29. 而蜀国的创建者刘备,与他的两位结义兄弟&关羽和张飞则是正面角色。三人联合起来试图复兴东汉王朝。

    Meanwhile , Liu Bei , the founder of Shu kingdom , and his two sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are good guys who unite to revive the legitimate throne of the Eastern Han Dynasty .

  30. 让刘备亲自带兵,命张飞为先锋。刘备领兵来到关上,马超三番五次叫阵。

    Liu Bei himself acted as the chief commander and ordered Zhang Fei to fight in the vanguard . Liu Bei led the army to the pass . Time and again Ma Chao challenged them to fight .