
  1. 张近东表示,国际米兰俱乐部将会从中国的“元素”中受益,但他没有解释这意味着什么。

    The club will benefit from Chinese " elements , " Mr Zhang said , without explaining what that meant .

  2. 俱乐部媒体总监福克纳·罗伯特表示,该代表团是以总部位于南京的苏宁董事长张近东带领的。

    Club chief spokesperson Robert Faulkner said the visiting delegation was headed by chairman of Nanjing-based Suning , Zhang Jindong .

  3. 张近东表示,国际米兰吸引人的一部分就是,在38年前,它是第一个访问中国的欧洲俱乐部。

    Mr Zhang said that part of the appeal of Inter Milan , as the club is more commonly known , was that it was the first European club to visit China 38 years ago .