
  • 网络Wagner;Rick Wagoner;RICHARD WAGNER
  1. 节目以瓦格纳的歌剧《漂泊的荷兰人》的序曲开场。

    The programme opened with the overture to Wagner 's Flying Dutchman .

  2. 多数人都熟悉瓦格纳歌剧中的这一人物。

    Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner 's opera .

  3. 瓦格纳为很多歌剧作曲。

    Wagner composed a lot of operas .

  4. 情感的祭坛&论R·瓦格纳在19世纪德国音乐中的存在

    Sacrificial altar of emotion & Wagner 's existence in German music in the 19th century

  5. 如果将本书拍成电影,通用公司CEO里克•瓦格纳可以由汤姆•威尔金森饰演。

    In the movie version , GM CEO Rick Wagoner would be played by Tom Wilkinson .

  6. 董事长及CEO里克。瓦格纳声称他将不会轻易放弃(销售桂冠),但他更大的聚焦将在收益率上。

    Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner says he won 't easily give it up , but his bigger focus is profitability .

  7. 《气候冲击:一个变暖星球的经济影响》(ClimateShock:TheEconomicConsequencesofaHotterPlanet),赫尔诺特•瓦格纳与马丁•威茨曼合著,售价19.95英镑/27.95美元

    Climate Shock : The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet , By Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman , ( £ 19.95 , $ 27.95 )

  8. 他用一手潦草的蝇头小字,赞赏瓦格纳(Wagner),惋惜《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(UncleTom’sCabin)的乏味文字,哀悼自己的心理状态。

    In a tiny scrawl , he praises Wagner , bemoans the prose of " Uncle Tom 's Cabin " and laments his psychological state .

  9. 瓦格纳指出,日本竞争对手花了10年多时间,希望能够赶上底特律汽车厂商在SUV和皮卡领域的领先地位。

    Mr Wagoner noted Detroit 's Japanese rivals had spent more than a decade trying to match its leadership in SUVs and pick-up trucks .

  10. 然而,自瓦格纳(Wagner)发表了自己的设想以来,人们越来越重视演出的视觉效果,这似乎不仅仅是巧合。

    It seems more than coincidence , however , that there has been an increased emphasis on visuals since Wagner penned his ideal .

  11. 赫尔诺特•瓦格纳(GernotWagner)与马丁•威茨曼(MartinWeitzman)合著的《气候冲击》(ClimateShock)指出,新技术也可能打破最后一个联系——排放与气候之间的联系。

    But Climate Shock by Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman , notes that new technology might also break the final link - that between emissions and climate .

  12. 但就GM和整个汽车行业来说,人们都认为瓦格纳在面临收拾一个烂摊子,而且他至少几乎达到他的一些目标。

    But within GM and the car industry generally , there is recognition of what a rotten hand Mr Wagoner had to play , and how close he came to achieving at least some of his goals .

  13. 文章的第二部分介绍了冯卡门、瓦格纳及MLM三种理论模型,对三种模型的计算结果和适用范围进行了比较分析。

    In the second part of this paper , the Von Karman , the Wagner and MLM models are introduced .

  14. 毕竟马基奥尼当年曾从通用汽车(GM)的里克•瓦格纳手中生生榨出20亿美元,几乎是空手套白狼地收购了克莱斯勒20%的股权,而且之后一直使菲亚特保持着生机。

    Marchionne is the one , after all , who squeezed General Motors ' Rick Wagoner out of $ 2 billion , acquired 20 % of Chrysler for nothing in 2009 , and has kept Fiat alive against all odds .

  15. 瓦格纳昨日访问上海时,试驾了通用的Sequel概念车。该车采用了氢燃料电池技术,但距商业化生产尚有多年时间。

    During a visit to Shanghai yesterday , Mr Wagoner test-drove the group 's Sequel car , which uses hydrogen fuel-cell technology but is many years away from being commercially available .

  16. 德国建筑师沃尔特•瓦格纳(WalterWagner)说,这种不断试错的做法在房主中很常见。瓦格纳的事务所Habitat5在印尼、泰国和菲律宾曾建造过多栋开放式房屋。

    This trial-and-error approach is common with homeowners , says German architect Walter Wagner , whose company , Habitat5 , has built open-air houses in Indonesia , Thailand and the Philippines .

  17. 我醒来时机舱里没开灯,我以为出了什么事,瓦格纳跟ABC之声的采访人员说,我觉得自己应该还在同一架飞机上,飞机只是短暂停留下。

    I woke up and the lights were out . I was like , what 's going on ? Mr Wagner told ABC station . I thought maybe it was a layover , still on the same plane .

  18. 这儿始终是高级区,鲁本斯(rubens)、丁尼生(tennyson)、司汤达、巴尔扎克、李斯特、瓦格纳(wagner)、萨克莱、拜伦、济慈他们都待过这里。

    This has always been an upscale district . Rubens , Tennyson , Stendhal , Balzac , Liszt , Wagner , Thackeray , Byron , keats-they all stayed here .

  19. 但在他们的新书《气候休克:全球变暖的经济后果》(普林斯顿大学出版社,2015年)中,保护环境基金会的日尔诺特·瓦格纳和哈佛大学经济学家马丁·L·魏茨曼对这个理论提出了质疑。

    But in a new book , " Climate Shock : The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet " ( Princeton 2015 ) , Gernot Wagner of the Environmental Defense Fund and Martin L. Weitzman , a Harvard economist , question that assumption .

  20. 瓦格纳对国会表示,申请破产是不可想像的。

    The GM CEO told Congress a bankruptcy filing was unthinkable .

  21. 基于结构突变的瓦格纳定律的实证检验

    The Empirical Analysis of Wagner 's Law Based on Structural Change

  22. 百年经典历久弥新&评2006拜罗伊特瓦格纳乐剧节

    A Review of the 2006 Wagner Music Drama Festival in Bayreuth

  23. 瓦格纳仅是造访过该镇的众多著名人士之一。

    Wagner was just one of many illustrious visitors to the town .

  24. 瓦格纳:首先,我们将注意力集中在产品上面。

    Wagoner : First , we 're focused on product .

  25. 瓦格纳有几阵美妙的一瞬间,可有一刻钟令人不堪入耳。

    I waited for you for about a quarter of an hour .

  26. 瓦格纳:不,你不能那样做。

    Vagner : No , you can 't do that .

  27. 这支管弦乐曲是瓦格纳写成的。

    This piece of orchestral music is write by Wagner .

  28. 以瓦格纳的歌剧来说明这一点最恰当不过。

    Nowhere is this more true than with Wagnerian opera .

  29. 谁是你最爱的作曲家?&贝多芬,瓦格纳,舒曼。

    Who are your favorite composers ? Beethoven , Wagner , Shuhmann .

  30. 通用首席执行官里克.瓦格纳了解这个重要性。

    GM Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner knows the stakes .