
  • 网络welfare state
  1. 苏格兰民族党在公投活动中抛出了一个欺骗性主张,即独立的苏格兰不仅能维持而且可以改善其福利国家制度。

    One of the deceitful arguments made by the SNP in the referendum campaign was that an independent Scotland could not merely sustain , but improve , its welfare state .

  2. 如果政客们真的试图使GDP最大化,他们就会立即废除所有的市政规划限制、废除所有移民障碍以及福利国家制度的一大部分。

    If politicians truly sought to maximise GDP they would immediately abolish all planning restrictions , all barriers to immigration and a good chunk of the welfare state .

  3. 1960年至1980年,随着福利国家制度的扩张,一个黄金时期来临:发达国家的政府支出增至占GDP大约43%。

    The golden period came with the expansion of the welfare state between 1960 and 1980 , when government spending in the developed world rose to around 43 per cent of GDP .

  4. 全球化与西欧福利国家制度的困境

    Globalization and Dilemma of Welfare System in West Europe

  5. 全球化改变了福利国家制度的政治和社会基础。

    Globalization thus shakes the political and social foundation of the welfare state system .

  6. 福利国家制度对我国建立社会保障制度的启示

    The Inspiration of Welfare State System on China to Set up the Social Security System

  7. 但制度设计要避免重蹈瑞典福利国家制度“过度”福利供给的覆辙。

    In designing the welfare system , we should avoid excessive supply the Swedish mistake .

  8. 福利国家制度是资本主义发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The welfare state system is the product of capitalism at a certain developmental stage .

  9. 自上世纪中叶开始,西方发达资本主义国家普遍实行福利国家制度。

    Since the middle of last century , western developed capitalist country executesgenerally " welfare state " system .

  10. 但很显然,独立的苏格兰甚至难以维持现有的福利国家制度。

    Yet it was clear that an independent Scotland would struggle to sustain even its existing welfare state .

  11. 但是,生命历程形态的变迁对社会政策同样也有深远的影响,从而使原本的福利国家制度安排发生问题。

    Yet the change of life course patterns have equal influences on the social policy , posing new problems to the original welfare arrangements .

  12. 首先从现代化和国家体制建构两个层面揭示福利国家制度建立的重大意义。

    First of all , it reveals the significance of the establishment of welfare state institution from two aspects , modernization and state system construction .

  13. 报纸热切地希望,欧洲人能够欣然接受全球化,最终认真考虑改革本国死板的经济体制和福利国家制度。

    This newspaper 's fervent hope would be that Europeans embrace globalisation by at last getting serious about reforming their rigid economies and their welfare states .

  14. 他一向是抱“同情”态度的保守派,谈到如何以某种比较可行的制度来代替福利国家制度,而不是把它完全废除。

    He has always been a " compassion " conservative , talking of replacing the welfare state with something more workable rather than tearing it down completely .

  15. 英国的福利国家制度自二战后建立起,经历了20多年的辉煌历程,为社会稳定,经济发展发挥了重要的影响作用。

    British welfare state system established since World War ⅱ, has experienced more than 20 years of glorious history , playing an important influence for social stability and economic development .

  16. 人口老龄化、金融市场的全球化、国家间区位竞争的加剧等等因素的变化对传统福利国家制度提出了前所未有的挑战。

    The changes in a number of factors are challenging the traditional welfare states system , such as the aging population , the globalization of financial markets and the international competitive .

  17. 随着全球化和欧洲一体化的不断推进,以及德国统一给德国内部环境带来的巨大变化,德国与其他欧洲国家一样,其福利国家制度也面临着新的危机。

    Along with the development of globalization and European integration , and with the dramatic changes in Germany brought about by reunification , the welfare state system in Germany is in a crisis like other European countries .

  18. 首先回顾了英国传统福利国家制度的发展,认为英国福利国家制度是当时政治、经济、社会等多方面因素综合作用的结果,有其形成的必然性,同时概括出制度特征。

    The first part analyses the history of British traditional welfare system . And argue that the British welfare state is inevitable result of a combination of politics , economy and Social change . Then the paper summarizes the characteristics of its system .

  19. 在此,研究福利国家养老金制度,发挥其借鉴的作用,以寻求符合我国国情的具有中国特色的社会主义养老金制度建设的道路具有重要的意义。

    There are great significances here to do the research of pension system in welfare state , taking it as the reference , to seek for a proper socialism road of pension system construction corresponding to the real situation of our country and with Chinese characteristics .

  20. 经过多年的发展,福利国家的养老金制度已经发展到成熟与改革的阶段。

    After many years ' developing , the pension system in welfare state has been developed to the stage of mature and reformation .

  21. 法学院作为“在思想意识上培训学生自愿服务这共同福利国家的等级制度之中”的机构而发挥作用。

    The law schools function as the institution for " ideological training for willing service in the hierarchies of the corporate welfare state " .

  22. 然后,分析了福利国家与养老保险制度的再分配效应。

    Secondly , analyze the redistribution effects on welfare state and Endowment security system .

  23. 接着,以福利国家的养老保险制度改革为蓝本,考察了养老保险制度改革对商业年金的影响,归纳出可供借鉴的经验与教训。

    Then , to the welfare state reform of old-age insurance system is based on to inspect the old-age insurance system reform on the commercial impact of an annuity , can be summed up with the lessons of experience to draw on .

  24. 介绍了福利及福利国家的概念,分析了福利国家制度对经济发展和社会稳定的影响,阐述了福利国家制度对中国的启示。

    This paper introduces the concepts of welfare and welfare state , analyzes on the effect of welfare state system on economic development and social stabilization , and expounds the inspiration of welfare state system on China .

  25. 本文将以主权国家的福利职能为切入点,全面深入地研究经济全球化对欧洲福利国家社会福利制度的冲击。

    So this paper will research the challenge of globalization on welfare system of European countries in the perspective of welfare function of sovereign state .