
  • 网络Happiness and Wisdom;kutadgu bilig
  1. 《福乐智慧》一书蕴含着丰富的伦理思想,和谐观是贯穿全文的一条主线,具体体现在和谐、有序、知识、知足等四个方面。

    Kutadgu Bilig , a classical literary work in the history of the Uyghur nationality , has rich ethical thoughts and the perspective of harmony runs through the whole book .

  2. 试析《福乐智慧》的艺术成就

    On Artistic Achievement of Wisdom of Happiness

  3. 试论《福乐智慧》与《论语》的共性

    Remarks on the Similarities between " Happiness and Wisdom " and " The Analects "

  4. 试论《福乐智慧》的戏剧特征

    On the Dramatic Characteristics of Happiness Intelligence

  5. 《福乐智慧》与喀喇汗王朝时期社会文化的整合

    " The Wisdom of FULE " and Its Influence on the Conformity of Karahan Social Culture in the Karahan Dynasty