
  • 网络Fu'an City;Fuan;Fuan city
  1. 这4个品系具有在福安市推广栽培的价值。

    So the 4 strains had values of introduction in Fu'an city .

  2. 对福安市城区生态景观建设的初步构想与建议

    Preliminary Conception and Proposal for Building Urban Ecological Landscape in Fu'an City

  3. 福安市耕地土壤肥力状况及改良途径

    Status of Soil Fertility of Arable Land in Fu'an City and Improved Approaches

  4. 长乐县和福安市胃癌病因的环境水文地质因素探讨

    Research of the Factors of Environmental Hydrogeology of Gastric Carcinoma among Changle County and Fu'an City

  5. 灰色关联度分析法在福安市油茶选育中的应用

    Application of Grey Correlation Degree Analysis on Improved Varieties Breeding of Camellia oleifera in Fu'an City

  6. 结果表明:福安市土壤环境质量等级为优、良和不合格的茶园面积分别占调查总面积的67.9%、31.4%和0.7%。

    The results showed that the proportion of excellent , fine , unqualified tea garden were 67.9 % , 31.4 % , 0.7 % .

  7. 为探讨山地绿竹低产林的施肥效果,在福建省福安市进行了不同肥种对株数增长率、产笋量、新老竹胸径以及退笋的影响试验。

    Experiments of fertilization were conducted in Fuan City to find out the effect of fertilization on the dendrocalamopsis oldhami low productive forest on the hill .

  8. 以福安市环境监测存在问题和对策为例,提出建立县(市)环境监测网络的新思路。

    Taking the existing problems and countermeasures of Fuan City 's environmental monitoring as the example , the paper puts forward the new thought for it .

  9. 以来自全国各主要油茶产区的22个油茶优良无性系与优良家系为材料在福安市进行引种栽培试验。

    Taken 22 fine clones and families introduced from the major producing areas of Camellia oleifera as materials , introduction and cultivation techniques of Camellia oleifera in Fu'an city were researched .

  10. 为探索化学除草剂在宜林荒山造林中的应用效果,在福建省福安市进行了多种高效林用除草剂单用、混用除草的随机试验和正交试验研究。

    In order to study the effects of applying herbicides to afforestation in barren hills , the random and orthogonal tests of applying a sort of single and mixed herbicides were carried out in Fu'an City of Fujian Province .

  11. 为了探索退耕还林适宜的造林树种,在福建省福安市进行了黄底、青底、白底灰泥田的退耕还林造林树种选择试验,应用回归分析研究。

    To explore optimal forestation tree species for converting farmland to forestation , experiments of selection of forestation tree species for converting farmland to forestation of Yellow , green , white mortar paddy fields , were conducted by using regression analysis .