
  • 网络fukuzawa yukichi;Yukichi Fukuzawa
  1. 福泽谕吉的教育思想及其对近代中国的影响

    Fukuzawa Yukichi 's Educational Thought and Its Influence on Modern China

  2. 福泽谕吉(1834-1901)是日本近代著名的思想家、教育家,有日本伏尔泰之称的美誉。

    Fukuzawa Yukichi ( 1834-1901 ) is a famous thinker , educator who is considered as the Japanese Voltaire in Japan during modern times .

  3. 启蒙时期福泽谕吉与康有为的民权思想比较

    The Comparison of the Democracy Concept between Yukichi-Fukuzawa and Youwei-Kang during Enlightenment Period

  4. 康有为与福泽谕吉的启蒙思想比较

    Comparisons between the Ideology of ' Enlightenment ' as Seen by Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa

  5. 王韬与福泽谕吉舆论思想之比较

    The Comparison between Wang Tao 's Thought of Public Opinion and Fuze Yuji ′ s

  6. 福泽谕吉和梁启超对“文明”的积极倡导,反映了欧洲“文明”作为世界性话语的影响力。

    Fukuzawa and Liang 's advocacy of " civilization " reflects the powerful influence of European " civilization " as a global discourse .

  7. 有近代日本之父之称的福泽谕吉的中国观,在近代中日两国关系发展变化过程中,不断调整和发展。

    Fukuzawa Yukichi is called " Father of Contemporary Japan . " His views on Sino-Japan relations have been adjusted and developed through the process in contemporary history .

  8. 这两部著作在日本反响很大,是近年来福泽谕吉研究的代表作品。

    These two books have brought about a lot of discussions on Fuku Zawa Yuki in Japan and they are typical works on the researches ofFuku Zawa Yuki in recent years .

  9. 另一方面,明治维新以后,明治政府大力推行“文明开化”,从政治制度到文化、生活习惯全面模仿西方,民间以福泽谕吉为代表的指导者积极倡导西方式的教育。

    At that time , Meiji government promoted " civilization ", imitating the west in politics , culture and daily life , and some educators , represented by Fukuzawayukiti , advocated the western education .

  10. 福泽谕吉在十九世纪八十年代初,提出了旨在日本谋求东亚霸权的“东洋政略”主张,紧接着又提出了“脱亚论”。

    Fuzukawa proposed the opinion of " Toxyox Political Strategy " for the sake of seeking the Japans supremacy in East-Asia at the beginning of1880s , and he brought forth the " Theory of Abandoning Asia " .

  11. 80年代后期,福泽谕吉(1834-1901)发表《脱亚论》,一股脱亚论主张又在日本社会上流行起来,并开始影响到日本政府的对外决策。

    In the evening of 80s , Yukichi Fukuzawa ( 1834-1901 ) composed Theory of Deviating the Asia , then this theory prevailed in Japanese society , and it start to affect the external policy of the state .