
fú zhǐ
  • well-being;happiness;blessedness
福祉 [fú zhǐ]
  • [happiness and benefit] 幸福、利益

  1. 这一代人不是说他们关心自己的健康和地球的福祉吗?

    And isn 't this the generation who say they 've concerned about their health and the well-being of the planet ?

  2. 我们的福祉所依赖的任何关系网络(如食物和能源)的崩溃都会产生可怕的结果。

    The collapse of any of the networks of relations our well-being depends upon , such as food and energy , would produce terrible results .

  3. 这些是关系到整个社群的福祉的事情。

    These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community .

  4. 我们关注那个孩子的福祉。

    We are concerned about the child 's welfare .

  5. 若不用于为他人谋福祉,俗世的成功到头来不过是个枷锁而已。

    Worldly success could prove a snare unless used for the good of others .

  6. 雅典当时饱受寡头集团的统治,他们对人民的福祉毫不关心。

    Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people 's welfare .

  7. 每个人都对雅典的福祉有着自己的责任,这并不是因为外界强加要求,而是因为他将这座城市看作自己的骄傲和保障。

    Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens , not because it was forced on him from the outside , but because the city was his pride and his safety .

  8. 在考虑大美沙文利益的时候想想世界的福祉。

    And seeing others ' suffering when considering your chauvinistic interests of great America .

  9. 要把体现人民利益、反映人民愿望、维护人民权益、增进人民福祉落实到全面依法治国各领域全过程。

    To advance overall law-based governance is to protect people 's rights , meet their demands and constantly enhance their sense of fulfillment , happiness and security .

  10. “祝”,表达了对人类踏进星辰大海的美好祝愿,“融”,体现融合、协作,表达中国人和平利用太空、增进人类福祉的格局和愿景。

    Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology and cooperation ) reflects China 's vision of the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity .

  11. 我们要为人民福祉着想,秉持人类命运共同体理念,用实际行动为建设美好世界作出应有贡献。

    We must keep people ’ s welfare close to heart and pursue the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind . Through concrete actions , we will contribute our share to making the world a better place for everyone .

  12. 健康是人的可行能力和人类福祉(well-being)的最基本组成部分之一,具有重要的生命伦理价值。

    Health is the one of most important elements of well-being for human beings with great bio-ethical value .

  13. 国内生产总值(gdp)由如此荒唐的支出推动,是一种浪费(而非经济福祉)的表现。

    To the extent that gross domestic product is driven by such absurd spending is a measure of waste , not of economic welfare .

  14. 弗洛姆技术人道化思想的最终目的,是促成一个以人的福祉、人的自由、人的全面发展为最高目标的健全的社会(thesanesociety)。

    The main goal of Fromm 's thought was to develop a sane society which highest target was human 's well-being , freedom and whole development .

  15. 从积极的方面说,英国国家统计局创造了国民福祉互动指标轮(NationalWell-BeingInteractiveWheelofMeasures)&这是一个图解,可以让你查看大量明显杂乱无章的统计数据。

    On the plus side ,  the   ONS has created the National Well-Being Interactive Wheel of Measures , an animation that allows you to view lots of apparently arbitrary statistics .

  16. 同样在最近,英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)发布了英国各地个人福祉排行榜。该排行榜的依据是对16.5万人的生活满意度调查。

    Also this week , the Office for National Statistics published its geographical league table of personal wellbeing in the UK , compiled by quizzing 165000 people on how satisfied they are with life .

  17. 昨日公布的这份研究报告是根据NetImpact进行的一项调查研究编写的。NetImpact是一个由MBA和硕士研究生组成的团体,倡导企业应致力增进社会福祉。

    The study , released yesterday , is based on research conducted by Net Impact , a group of MBA and graduate students who advocate that businesses should work for the social good .

  18. 经济学家指出,在太多情况下,人们常常把对市场表现的狭隘衡量比如国内生产总值(GDP)与更广泛的福祉衡量指标混淆起来。

    Too often , the economists note , a narrow measure of market performance , such as gross domestic product , has been confused with broader measures of welfare .

  19. 联合国儿童基金会(Unicef)2007年发布的一份报告,对21个发达国家青少年的福祉水平进行了排名,而英国在排名中垫底。

    A report by Unicef in 2007 ranked the UK last among 21 developed nations for the well-being of youngsters .

  20. 它还会造成不正当的动机和错误的取舍:抑制气候变化的行动可能有益于社会福祉,但可能被认为有损于GDP。

    It can also create perverse incentives and false trade-offs : action to curb climate change may be seen as damaging to GDP when it may be beneficial to the wellbeing of society .

  21. 该委员会表示,就福祉而言,联合国(UN)人类发展指数(HDI)等现有的综合指数起到了一定作用,但也存在一些缺陷。

    As for wellbeing , the commission said that existing composite indices , such as the United Nations human development index , served a purpose but were flawed .

  22. 据韩国保健福祉部6月2日通报,韩国首次出现2例中东呼吸综合征(MERS)死亡病例。

    South Korea on Tuesday reported the first two deaths from an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ( MERS ) .

  23. 今天,顺利进入二十一世纪的第六个年头,Magnum和出售他的后代所产生的经济代表阿拉伯马行业的财务福祉的核心。

    Today , well into the sixth year of the twenty-first century , Magnum and the economy generated by the sale of his offspring represent the nucleus of the Arabian horse industry 's financial well being .

  24. GDP和国民生产总值(GNP)等国民收入数据最初的目的是为了衡量包括公共部门在内的市场经济活动,但目前它们越来越被视为衡量社会福祉的指标,而实际上它们不是。

    National income statistics such as GDP and gross national product were originally intended as a measure of market economic activity , including the public sector . But they have increasingly been thought of as measures of societal well-being , which they are not .

  25. 另一位是美国贸易代表罗恩∙柯克(RonKirk)大使,他曾担任位于得克萨斯州的美国大城市之一达拉斯的市长,他深知经济发展对人民福祉的重要性。

    and Ambassador Ron Kirk , our U.S. Trade Representative , a mayor of one of our large cities in Texas - Dallas , Texas - someone who understands the significance of economic development for the well-being of people .

  26. MHRA被认为会平衡消费者在产品安全与新药品迅速廉价传播之间的利益冲突:制药公司的利润没有公众福祉来得重要。

    The MHRA is expected to balance the conflicting interests of consumers in product safety and the rapid and cheap dissemination of new drugs : pharmaceutical companies ' profits are subordinate , and incidental , to the welfare of the public .

  27. 区域发展不平衡的福祉空间地理学透视

    A Study of Perspectives of Well-being Space of Unbalanced Regional Development

  28. 祝国家繁荣民众福祉

    To wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people

  29. 降低汽车的排气量是为了全人类的福祉。

    The reduction of car exhaust is good for all mankind .

  30. 当然,生产率的提高最终会提升所有国民的福祉。

    Of course , productivity growth ultimately lifts everyone 's prosperity .