
  • 网络Landslides;Debris flow;mudslide;mudflow
  1. 台湾土石流灾害与防治工法

    Disaster and Counter Measurements of Debris Flow in Taiwan

  2. 土石流灾害的发生,通常都会造成非常严重的损失。

    Debris flow disasters are usually accompanied by a serious loss of lives and property .

  3. 请不要牺牲美丽澎湖,使它成为赌场土石流!

    Please don 't sacrifice beautiful Penghu become a CASINO landslide !

  4. 梳子坝对土石流之防治效率

    The Controlling Efficiency of Slit Dam for Debris Flow Disaster

  5. 中国地区因雨势不断土石流死亡人数可能升高

    Debris flows might take more lives due to non-stopping rains in China

  6. 远离山崩或土石流的路径可以救你一命。

    Staying out of the path of a landslide or debris flow saves lives .

  7. 农村建设与土石流防治计划之间接效益评估&以华山地区为例

    Evaluation of Indirect Benefits From Rural Development and Debris Flow Prevention Plans-Case of Huashan Area

  8. 台湾土石流研究综述

    Overview on debris flows in Taiwan

  9. 在土石流区域,建造渠道或转折墙,以引道流向避开建筑物。

    In mudflow areas , build channels or deflection walls to direct the flow around buildings .

  10. 土石流即是石块、泥土、残骸混合著水的河流。

    Debris and mud flows are rivers of rock , earth , and other debris saturated with water .

  11. 土地使用规划、专业的检察及适当的设计,都可以减少许多山、土石流等问题。

    Land-use zoning , professional inspections , and proper design can minimize many landslide , mudflow , and debris flow problems .

  12. 假如你在有潜在山崩或土石流危险的区域,在安全的前提下考虑撤离那里。

    If you are in areas susceptible to landslides and debris flows , consider leaving if it is safe to do so .

  13. 再以流变学的观点,探讨土石流的特殊流动特性及其基本特质。

    In-depth discussion on the characteristics of debris flow as well as its flowing phenomena will be conducted during the middle third of the class period .

  14. 请记得:假如你建造了墙面来改变土石流,但却流向邻居的家产,你将会为其损失而追究责任。

    Remember : If you build walls to divert debris flow and the flow lands on a neighbor 's property , you may be liable for damages .

  15. 为减少土石流对华山地区居民生命与财产的危害,并且发展农村经济,政府部门在该区实施土石流防治和农村建设计划。

    Public Sector had used debris flow prevention and rural development plans to mitigate the damage of resident 's life and properties caused by the debris flow in the Huashan area .

  16. 以华山地区为例,列举出居民对土石流灾害的认知,以社区总体营造方式结合农村文化,成功地发展地区性的咖啡产业之过程。

    Take Huashan village as an example to illustrate the process of perceiving the debris flow disaster , forming the community empowerment , and successfully developing the local coffee industry combine with rural culture .

  17. 本文除介绍土砂灾害防止法之概念外,并说明在地滑、陡坡崩场地区及土石流区域划设警戒区(黄区)及特别警戒区(红区)之方法。

    This paper introduces the outline of the law and the method of setting a restricted area ( Yellow zone ) and a special restricted area ( Red zone ) for steep slope failures and debris flows .

  18. 通过水土保持技术实地考察,我们感到,尽管台湾地形、地质、气候等自然环境特殊,土地资源相对缺乏,加上人口稠密,是一个自然灾害(如地震、土石流等)多发地区。

    Based on on-the-spot investigation on soil and water conservation , the authors found that Taiwan is with frequent natural disasters because its topography , geology and climate are special , land resources is relatively deficient and the density of population is large .

  19. 死得光荣胜过忍辱偷生。他证实,最近已知省内有四十七人在洪水和土石流中灭顶;不过,目前仍无法得知最新的死亡统计。

    Better die with honour than live with shame . He confirmed that the recent deaths of 47 people in the floods and debris flows in the province are already known , but the number of the latest deaths is not available yet .

  20. 库水位升降作用下大型土石混合体边坡流-固耦合特性及其稳定性分析

    Fluid-solid coupling characteristics and stability analysis of soil-rock mixture slope in rising and drawdown of reservoir water levels