
  • 网络History of Turkey
  1. 本周在索玛小镇所发生的很可能成为土耳其历史上最严重的矿难灾害。

    What happened this week in the town of Soma , is likely to become the worst mining disaster in Turkey 's history .

  2. 博加兹大学教授科里·克里斯坎表示这是土耳其历史上第一次因为相互矛盾的观点抗议带来了政治活动。

    Professor Koray Caliskan at Bogazici University says for the first time in Turkish history the protests brought together political activists with often conflicting views .

  3. 在乌沙克利吉尔于1975年逝世后,她的这些文字资料一直在位于首都安卡拉的土耳其历史基金会保存着。

    But the family of Latife Usakligil has unexpectedly refused to publish the papers , kept in the vaults of Ankara 's Turkish History Foundation since her death in1975 .

  4. 皇家马德里将在第33届圣地亚哥•伯纳乌杯中对阵土耳其足球历史上最富盛名的球队加拉塔萨雷。

    Real Madrid will face Galatasaray , the most honoured side in Turkish football history , in the33rd edition of the Santiago Bernabeu Trophy .

  5. 土耳其着手历史上最复杂的疏散操作。通过派飞机油轮以及公车将几千国民从利比亚带回。

    Turkey has launched " the most comprehensive evacuation operation in history " by sending planes , ferries and buses to bring back thousands of nationals from Libya .

  6. 在对亚美尼亚访问的演讲中,萨科齐表示,集体否认是不可接受的,土耳其应该正视历史。

    Speaking on a visit to Armenia , Mr Sarkozy said collective denial was unacceptable and Turkey should look its history in the face .

  7. 在约旦扎尔特里难民营的叙利亚难民高呼革命,而主张革命的代表在土耳其举行了历史性的会面。

    The chants of revolution from the Syrian refugees in Jordan 's Zaatari Camp among the voices represented at a historic event in Turkey .

  8. 希腊与土耳其两国在历史上有着很深的矛盾。进入现代以来,两国又因为塞浦路斯问题和爱琴海争端而长期不睦,数次走到战争的边缘。

    Greek-turkey relations have been in deep contradiction for such a long time in history that stepping into new century , they were also inflicted by the Cyprus problem and Aegean Sea issues and even went into the edge of war .

  9. 被管理的现代性及其挑战者&对土耳其现代化进程的历史反思

    The Historical Rethinking on the Process of the Modernization of Turkey

  10. 虽然土耳其有政变的历史,但自从1997年发生最近一次政变以来,该国已经发生了很大的变化,乌菲耳德强调说,因此更重要的因素是土耳其几乎20年来没有发生政变。

    While Turkey has a history of coups , the country has changed considerably since its last , in 1997 , and Mr. Ulfelder stressed that what mattered more was its nearly 20 years without one .

  11. 本文分三个阶段对土耳其库尔德问题的历史和现状进行了回顾与总结,分析了土耳其库尔德问题产生的根源及其对土耳其政治、经济和社会的影响,探讨了库尔德问题未来的发展趋势。

    Reviewing the history and the present situation of Turkey 's Kurdish question , the paper analyzes the cause of the question and its influence on Turkey 's politics , economy , and society ; meanwhile its tendency is discussed .

  12. 土耳其馆舍弃展示土耳其城市的显赫历史和悠久传统,转而将焦点聚集在伊斯坦布尔这个奇妙而独特的城市。

    Turkey pavilion abandons to present the illustrious history of Turkey 's cities , instead , it focuses on Istanbul , a wonderful and unique city .

  13. 不过我只对土耳其感兴趣,我这个学期既在学土耳其语,也在学土耳其历史。

    I 'm only interested in Turkey , though . I 'm studying both Turkish and Turkish history this term .

  14. 形成于二战结束后的土耳其-美国联盟已持续半个世纪之久,它是现代土耳其历史上持续时间最长的国际关系联盟之一。

    The alliance between Turkey and the US that was formed in the immediate aftermath of world war II has remained in effect for more than half a century , easily qualifying it as one of the longest lasting international alliances in the history of modern Turkey .

  15. 2006年诺贝尔文学奖得主土耳其作家奥尔罕·帕慕克的小说创作致力于表现东西方文化之间的关系,以土耳其的历史和现实为创作蓝本,展现了在现代社会不同文化之间的碰撞。

    The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2006 was awarded to the Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk , whose novels are dedicated to show the relationship between East-West cultures and to reveal a clash of cultures of modern society with a focus on the history and reality of Turkey .