
fǎng wèn
  • access;visit;call on;interview;go sightseeing
访问 [fǎng wèn]
  • (1) [visit;call on]∶拜访,有目的地探望

  • 天刚黑时去访问了几位朋友

  • (2) [go sightseeing;visit]∶观光;游历

  • 想在一个月后访问英国

访问[fǎng wèn]
  1. 她做了个关于她在中国访问的有趣报告。

    She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China .

  2. 布什总统定于下月访问该国。

    President Bush is due to visit the country next month .

  3. 我们网站的访问人次一年内翻了一番。

    Visits to our website have doubled in a year .

  4. 前总统到中国进行了私人访问。

    The former president paid an unofficial visit to China .

  5. 我们如何才能吸引更多人访问我们的网站呢?

    How can we attract more visitors to our website ?

  6. 他于三月到东京进行了一次公务访问。

    He made an official visit to Tokyo in March .

  7. 她访问英国时做过几个访谈节目的特邀嘉宾。

    She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain .

  8. 城市生活的镜头与访问当地人的画面相互交切。

    Scenes of city life were intercut with interviews with local people .

  9. 首相目前正在访问日本。

    The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment .

  10. 她依稀记得那次访问。

    She had a dim recollection of the visit .

  11. 他常常访问这个国家。

    He is a frequent visitor to this country .

  12. 访问按照一切应有的礼仪进行。

    The visit was conducted with all due ceremonial .

  13. 这是我第一次访问纽约。

    It 's my first visit to New York .

  14. 这次访问促使全世界关注难民困境。

    The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees .

  15. 有关目前的价格,请访问我们的网站。

    For current prices please visit our website .

  16. 访问是在戒备森严的情况下进行的。

    The visit took place amidst tight security .

  17. 部长无法接受访问作出评论。

    The minister was unavailable for comment .

  18. 总统的访问是为了加强两国的联盟。

    The President 's visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries .

  19. 访问纽约是我最想做的事。

    There 's nothing in the world I 'd like more than to visit New York .

  20. 故事接着从她在纽约的童年一下子转到她第一次去伦敦访问。

    The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London .

  21. 要访问与这个网站类似的网站,点击网页底部的链接。

    To visit similar websites to this one , click on the links at the bottom of the page .

  22. 欲知详情,请访问我们的网站www.cobuild.collins.co.uk。

    For details visit our website at www.cobuild.collins.co.uk .

  23. 一位联合国高级官员希望于本月访问巴格达。

    A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month .

  24. 总统正在巴西进行为期两天的正式访问。

    The President is in Brazil for an official two-day visit .

  25. 库尔德领导人将这次访问视作一种表示支持的重要信号。

    Kurdish leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support

  26. 总统即将结束对索马里的访问。

    The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia

  27. 他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。

    His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries

  28. 你已经非法访问并盗用了机密的安全文件。

    You 've illegally accessed and misused confidential security files .

  29. 在访问东帝汶期间,教皇约翰·保罗受到了热烈的欢迎。

    Pope John Paul received a rapturous reception when he visited East Timor

  30. 他将自己的访问整理成了一份600多页的报告。

    He wrote up his visit in a report of over 600 pages