
  • 网络access type
  1. 不能同时指定createinstance和另一个访问类型。

    Cannot specify both createinstance and another access type .

  2. 严格闪蒸和混合单元操作用于点访问类型物流。

    Rigorous flash and mix unit operations are used for point access type streams .

  3. 该框架还从构件使用者和测试者的角度设计了内涵丰富的构件元数据,并且针对COM构件,通过访问类型库来自动获取构件结构信息元数据,并用XML描述。

    It also designs component metadata with plenty of content from component users and testers ' view . Especially for COM components , it retrieves component metadata about structural information automatically by accessing type library and describes that with XML .

  4. 相反,应该在parameterType内包括对象的类型并使用标准标记访问类型的属性(比如,为Java对象上的id字段使用{id})。

    Instead , include the type of the object in the parameterType and access the properties on the type using the standard notation ( for example , # { id } for the id field on a Java object ) .

  5. 它只以定义完善的允许方式访问类型。

    It accesses types only in well-defined , allowable ways .

  6. 请选择此邮件服务器将提供给客户端的访问类型。

    Select the type of access this mail server will provide for clients .

  7. 属性来指定所允许的访问类型。

    Property can then be set to specify the type of access allowed .

  8. 请单击共享为,然后选定适当的访问类型和安全机制。

    Click Shared As , and then select the appropriate access type and security .

  9. 解释如何通过使用反射在运行时访问类型信息。

    Explains how to get access to type information at run time by using reflection .

  10. 如果访问类型并不是直接来自于应用程序本身,那么就会产生问题,必须对这类问题进行控制。

    The type of access that is not directly from the application itself presents problems that must be controlled .

  11. 选定组或用户名后,在“访问类型”列表中单击“允许访问”。

    With the group or user name selected , in the type of access list , click allow access .

  12. 一种数据访问类型,它允许数据被读出,但不允许数据被复制、打印或修改。

    A type of access to data that allows it to be read but not copied , printed , or modified .

  13. 计算工具也应包括所有数据库访问类型和程序启动,程序包括用户制定公式特征。

    The calculation tool shall also include all types of database access and starting of programs with features of specifying customer specific formulae .

  14. 托管代码的一个优点是类型安全性,即确保代码只通过正确定义并且权限许可的方式访问类型。

    One of the benefits of managed code is type safety , or the assurance that code accesses types only in well-defined , permissible ways .

  15. 方式:指定了锁的拥有者所允许的访问类型,以及对锁定数据资源的并发用户许可的访问类型。

    Mode : Specifies the type of access allowed for the lock owner as well as the type of access permitted for concurrent users of the locked data resource .

  16. 这个决策还依赖于客户机访问类型和响应时间,以及其他基础设施能力(如网络连接、带宽、断电风险)。

    This decision is also based on client access types and response times , as well as other infrastructure capabilities such as network connectivity , bandwidth , and power outage risks .

  17. 应用程序配置文件中的设置示例包括程序集版本控制规则,以及有关如何查找应用程序域中运行的类型可远程访问类型的指南。

    Examples of settings in the application configuration file include assembly versioning rules and instructions for locating types that can be accessed remotely by the types running in the application domain .

  18. 基于访问内容类型统计的Webrobot检测算法

    A Web Robot Detection Method Based on Content Classification and Statistics

  19. “access”参数表示访问的类型(读、写或执行)。

    The " access " parameter denotes the type of access ( read , write , or execute ) .

  20. 利用RationalWebDeveloper,您不仅获得了许多Web开发工具&您还可以访问最优类型的Java开发工具。

    With Rational Web Developer you get more than just a variety of Web development tools & you also have access to a best-of-breed Java development tool .

  21. Java语言支持称为子类型多态性的特定类型多态性,这意味着可访问某种类型(类)的实例,就像它是其他类型的实例。

    The Java language supports a particular kind of polymorphism called subtype polymorphism , which means that an instance of a type ( class ) can be accessed as if it were an instance of another type .

  22. 可访问任何类型的数据,包括相关的分析型OLAP或桌面文件,还可通过Web、PDF、MicrosoftExcel电子表格、电子邮件或门户交付报告。

    Access any type of data , including relational , analytical OLAP , or desktop files , and deliver your reports via the web , PDF , Microsoft Excel spreadsheets , email , or portal .

  23. 添加到ACL的每个用户或组可以具有不同的活动权限,从而可对任何用户可用的访问权限类型进行适当的细粒度控制。

    Each user or group that is added to the ACL can have a different set of active permissions , enabling very granular control over exactly what type of access is available to any user .

  24. 您不想访问所有类型的站点,只是想访问同一个源的不同端口,但是SOP就是拦着您。

    You don 't want to access all kind of sites ; you just want to access a different port at the same origin , but SOP won 't let you .

  25. 针对计算机仿真过程中经常需要访问不同类型数据库,而利用开放式数据库连接并手动配置数据源容易出错的问题,提出了在程序中进行ODBC数据源动态配置的方法。

    Towards the fallible problem of accessing different type of databases by configuring Open Database Connection ( ODBC ) data source manually during computer simulation process , the paper presents a method of ODBC data source dynamic configuration in program .

  26. 如果没有beforefieldinit,运行库就必须在某个精确时间运行类型构造函数,即,恰好在第一次访问该类型的静态或实例字段和方法之前。

    Without beforefieldinit , the runtime must run the type constructor at a precise time & just before the first access to static or instance fields and methods of the type .

  27. 指定网站的访问权限类型。

    Specify the type of access permission for your web site .

  28. 客户通过属性访问值类型时,值是被复制的。

    Value types are copied when clients access them through a property .

  29. 只有系统管理员可以访问这种类型的文件。

    Only administrators may access files of this type .

  30. 凭借继承图,开发者能快速访问到类型的整个继承关系。

    The ancestry diagram allows the developer to quickly access the hierarchy of a type .