
  1. 杭州市土地招标出让博弈实证分析

    Positive Game Analysis on Land Bidding Sale in Hangzhou

  2. 在国有土地招标出让过程中存在的问题及对策研究

    Studies on State-run Land Bidding and Countermeasure

  3. 但随着新一轮房地产市场高潮的到来,土地招标、拍卖、挂牌制度存在的问题被逐渐暴露出来。

    But along with the arrival of the nearest high tide of real estate market , the problem of the system of Bidding , Auction and Hanging out One 's Shingle , is exposed gradually .

  4. 土地招标拍卖挂牌出让制度(以下简称土地招拍挂制度)是国家变革土地出让方式,充分发挥市场机制对土地资源的配置作用,保持国有资产保值增值的重要举措。

    Land bid invitation , auction and listing system is an essential action , which reformed land transferring pattern , allowed full play to market mechanism in land allocation , and keep and raise value of state-owned capital .

  5. 由此可见,相对于土地招标拍卖挂牌供地政策,协议供地政策使房地产开发商得到了好处,但却是以整个社会经济福利的损失为代价。

    So , in relation to land tender auction listing for policy , the agreement for the policy to get the benefits of real estate developers , but it is the entire socio-economic benefits at the cost of the loss .

  6. 中国土地市场招标拍卖挂牌的信托危机和制度异化

    Trust Crisis and System Alienation of Public Bidding in Chinese Land Market

  7. 我们将会推出接近货柜码头的土地公开招标,满足后勤服务的需求。

    To meet demand for support services , we will conduct open tenders for suitable sites adjacent to the container terminals .

  8. 该市大力推进土地公开招标,严格控制邀请招标和协议出让的比例。

    The city actively promoted the open bidding system for the use of land and strictly controlled the proportion of bid-winners among bidders .

  9. 澳门法律规定,政府土地需要通过公开招标程序出售,除非政府特别分配的土地。

    Macao law requires government land to be sold through an open bidding process , unless special dispensation is granted by the government .

  10. 在房地产三级市场体系中,通过对我国土地出让市场土地招标拍卖挂牌出让制度的博弈分析,分析得出土地价格的隐性自膨胀机制。

    Among the three-division market system of real estate , through the game analysis of the regulations for bid , auction , list and selling way of land in land - selling market of our country . , we can draw the recessive self-expansion mechanism of land price .

  11. 发挥市场机制在土地资源征用中的基础性作用,建立土地招标、拍卖制度。

    Exert the basic function of market mechanism in the expropriation of land resources , establish land public bidding and auction system .