
ɡōnɡ ān jú
  • public security bureau
  1. 北京市公安局未立即回应《中国实时报》(ChinaRealTime)周四提出的有关肇事车辆及司机现状的问题。

    Beijing 's City Police Bureau didn 't respond immediately to questions from China Real Time Thursday about the condition of the car , or of its driver .

  2. 从各类促销广告到公安局官方微博上发布的通缉令,“hold住”简直无处不在。

    Before long the word has been used everywhere , from sales promotion ads to wanted postings on police microblogs .

  3. 塔纳公安局局长AshutoshDumbre称,被告锁住了所有房门,趁他的家人熟睡时杀害了他们,作案凶器在他的尸体旁找到,是一把刀。

    Thane police commissioner Ashutosh Dumbre said the accused " bolted all the doors of the house and murdered his family while they were asleep , " using a knife that was found near his body .

  4. 北京公安局没有回复置评请求。

    The Beijing Public Security Bureau did not respond to requests for comment .

  5. 广州公安局说,大多数的游行示威者都是理智的。

    The Guangzhou Public Security Bureau says most people behaved rationally during the protests .

  6. 小金县森林公安局的警察使用环状的绳索将被困的红熊猫救下。

    Authorities from the Xiaojin Forestry Bureau captured the stranded panda using a looped rope .

  7. B:在公安局。

    B : At the Police Station .

  8. 官方微博表示,北京市公安局正对此展开调查。

    The bureau is currently investigating , according to an official statement released on Weibo 。

  9. 据林州市公安局确认,涉事警察仅被处以15天监禁的处罚。

    The officer was only punished with 15-days confinement by the city 's public security bureau .

  10. 东莞公安局发言人证实,重新核查正在进行中,但拒绝提供进一步细节。

    A spokesman at Dongguan Public Security Bureau confirmed the re-examination is underway but refused to offer further details.Mr .

  11. 不想将这么大一笔钱留在店里,他们打给了赞斯维尔公安局。

    Not wanting to leave that amount of cash in the store , they called in the Zanesville Police Department .

  12. 事后,湘潭公安局在其官方微博上发布声明,证实这一事件确有发生。

    Statements released by the Xiangtan Public Security Bureau on their official social media account on Weibo confirmed the incident .

  13. 林州市公安局一名警察将婴儿摔在地上,两名公安局官员因此被撤职。

    Two police officials in the city of Linzhou have been sacked after a policeman in their bureau threw a baby to the ground .

  14. 据上海市公安局表示,成为佩枪民警要通过法律和心理的训练和考试。

    The police officers qualified to carry them after a training series and examinations on laws and psychology , according to the municipal public security bureau .

  15. 这名男子得救之后依然睡倒在地,于是当地警方将他带到公安局进行醒酒。

    The man continued sleeping on the ground after he was rescued . The local police took him back to the police station to sober up .

  16. 湖州公安局食品和药品安全部门表示,摄入过量的铝可能会导致骨骼和神经的损伤,对记忆力也有一定的危害。

    The food and drug safety branch of Huzhou police said too much aluminium could result in bone and nerve damage , and potentially harm memory .

  17. 北京市公安局表示此次促销活动“扰乱了社会秩序”,警方已经采取措施将其终止。

    The Beijing Public Security Bureau said the promotion " disturbed social order , " and that the police had taken action to end the show .

  18. 微博发布后,立即引发网友热议。新民网记者了解到,事发路段为于南北高架共和新路立交附近。上海警方今天回应称,目前市公安局交警总队高架支队已经找到这辆大巴车,并将依法定程序对此事开展调查。

    Police started investigation after a picture of the men urinating on the North-South Elevated Road was posted online yesterday morning , causing indignation on the Internet .

  19. 肇事司机李启明则是保定市北市区公安局副局长李刚的儿子。

    The man accused of killing her , Li Qiming , is the son of Li Gang , the deputy police chief in the Beishi district of Baoding .

  20. 最后,上海公安局在其网站上发布了一则公告,允许中国记者采访报道此事。

    In the end , the PSB [ Shanghai 's Public Security Bureau ] issued a notice on its website that allowed Chinese reporters to take up the story .

  21. 海口市公安局美兰分局局长李伟说,学生寝室中贵重物品较为集中,因此成为犯罪团伙的主要目标。

    Li Wei , police chief of Meilan district in Haikou , says that the concentration of valuable items in student dormitories makes them a primary target for criminal gangs .

  22. 约3000个停车位已经无法应付至少8000辆入山的汽车,庐山公安局的负责人说。

    The area , with about 3000 car parking spaces , was unable to cope with at least 8000 inbound cars , said head of the Lushan Mountain public security bureau .

  23. 浦东新区的公安局局长李桂荣表示,相应的服务也会提供给坐公交车和开私家车前来的游客。

    Li Guirong , director of the public security bureau in Pudong New District , says services are also being provided for those who wish to take buses or drive in person .

  24. 通报说,东莞市公安局于2009年给予冀中星人民币10万元(16280美元)人道主义救助金,但他仍继续上访。

    The local public security bureau had provided him with a humanitarian payment of 100000 yuan ( $ 16280 ) in 2009 , according to the announcement , but he nevertheless continued to petition .

  25. 浦江县公安局在其官博上说,男婴的母亲已经找到,目前正在调查过程中。但具体内容并未公布。

    The Pujiang county police bureau said on its official microblog account that the boy 's mother has been located and that an investigation was under way , but it gave no further details .

  26. 北京市公安局新闻办表示,《新快报》一名刘姓记者因涉嫌制造传播谣言已被警方拘留。

    The press office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau says a journalist surnamed Liu with the Xin Kuai Bao newspaper has been held by police as he is suspected of fabricating and spreading rumors .

  27. 接下来的故事你也许已经猜到:恐惧和泪水接踵而至,一次次的来到公安局,而这对离婚的夫妇为了寻子再次走到了一起。

    You can guess most of what happens for the next hour : There 's panic and tears , visits to the police station and the divorcees turning to each other again to find their son .

  28. 为了把所有相关文件备齐,他们在当地工商局、公安局和税务局之间来回跑了十多趟。

    In order to prepare all the necessary paperwork , they had to go back and forth between the local bureau for industry & commerce , the public security bureau and the taxation bureau more than 10 times .

  29. 8月,几所学校向立人表示它们要终止合作。至9月,所有立人图书馆都经历了来自当地文化局、教育局官员或公安局的检查。

    In August , several schools told Liren they were ending the partnership , and by September , all Liren libraries had undergone inspections by officials from the local cultural affairs and education departments or public security bureaus .

  30. 两人于7月27日又捕捉了两只燕隼和两只猎鹰,之后两人被辉县市森林公安局拘留。闫某曾非法购买过一只凤头鹰。

    The pair caught two more Eurasian hobbies on July 27 , as well as two other falcons , before they were put into custody by the forestry police bureau of Huixian county.Yan also illegally bought a crested goshawk .