
ɡōnɡ ɡào pái
  • bulletin board;notice
  1. 电子公告牌系统(简称BBS)通常在一个较小范围内提供联机服务。

    Electronic bulletin board systems ( abbreviated as BBS ) provide on-line services generally on a smaller scale .

  2. 它包括邮件,公告牌,和聊天功能。

    It includes mail , bulletin board , and chat functions .

  3. 候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。

    Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit

  4. 他的笑脸出现在T恤衫、公告牌和海报上面。

    His smiling face appears on T-shirts , billboards , and posters .

  5. 公告牌显示了每个主管人员的工作进展情况。

    Bulletin boards charted each executive 's progress .

  6. 她已把照片贴在了公告牌上。

    She has posted photographs on bulletin boards .

  7. OnReflection商人们看着东京市中心公告牌上大幅下跌的股价。

    Businessmen watch stock prices drop on an indicator board in downtown Tokyo .

  8. 《SeeYouAgain》发布3个月后,依旧稳稳占据美国公告牌榜单榜首之位。

    Three months after its release , the song is still sitting pretty at the top of the Billboard charts .

  9. 有关详细信息,请阅读相关的microsoft安全问题公告牌。

    For more information , read Microsoft Security Bulletin ms03-010 .

  10. 比如,Blog和公告牌使用的就是这种缓存。

    Blogs and public bulletin boards are a couple of examples of this kind of application .

  11. N次举牌限价委托交易系统中行情公告牌的信息含量与交易者行为分析

    Lift The Plate for N times An Empirical Investigation on the Order Book Information and Trader Activities in a Pure Limit Order Market

  12. 该专辑的主打歌《ShakeitOff》一经发布就荣登公告牌百强单曲榜冠军。

    Lead single Shake it Off debuted at number one on Billboard 's Hot 100 chart .

  13. 超文本方式BBS电子公告牌的运行机制及其设计

    The running mechanism and design of hyper BBS electronic bulletin board

  14. 历时三小时的美国公告牌音乐大奖是周日晚上收视率最高的节目,也让ABC电视台成为当晚最大赢家。

    The three-hour Billboard Music Awards were the most-watched program Sunday night , guiding ABC to a win for the night .

  15. 1998年“女孩时间”的后继者真命天女(Destiny'sChild)乐团第一次跻身“公告牌”百大金曲前五名时,碧昂斯才16岁。

    when the successor to Girls Tyme , Destiny 's Child , first cracked the Top 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 , in 1998 , Beyonc é was just 16 .

  16. 行情公告牌信息对交易者行为的影响&基于自回归交易持续期模型(ACD)的分析

    The Effect of Announced Information about Market Quotations on the Behavior of Dealers

  17. 《我吻了一个女孩》(IKissedaGirl)是一首含糊的歌,尝试了双性恋题材,也是佩里在2008年首次登上公告牌100首金曲排行榜头名的歌曲。

    Take " I Kissed a Girl , " a dim song about experimenting with bisexuality that was Ms. Perry 's first Billboard Hot 100 chart topper , in 2008 .

  18. 该单曲在公告牌韩国流行音乐排行榜上连续3周登顶。成为2014年到目前为止,停留该榜单No.1时间最长的单曲。

    With three weeks on top of the Billboard " K-Pop chart , the song is the longest-running No 1 on the chart in 2014 so far .

  19. 在从billboard公告牌音乐大奖斩获两项大奖之后,KatyPerry可以好好庆祝一下。

    After scooping two gongs at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night , Katy Perry has plenty to celebrate .

  20. Katy在今年的公告牌音乐奖上取得了相当不错的成绩。

    Katy made out pretty well at this year 's Billboard Music Awards , hang on for more .

  21. 他的专辑《UnorthodoxJukebox》(2012)曾登顶《公告牌》杂志的200强专辑榜,其中收录了如《LockedOutofHeaven》和《Treasure》等热门歌曲。

    Unorthodox Jukebox ( 2012 ) , which peaked at No 1 on the Billboard 200 list , included the hits Locked Out of Heaven and Treasure .

  22. 美国的《公告牌》杂志把蕾哈娜与LadyGaga、碧昂斯和玛利亚-凯利并列为单曲夺冠最多的热门歌手。

    Billboard announced last week that she 's tied with Mariah Carey , Lady Gaga , and Beyonce for the most number one songs on the pop airplay chart .

  23. 每当Craigslist.org(一个在线DIY电子公告牌)进入一个新的城市,当地的报纸就会摒住呼吸。

    Whenever Craigslist . org , a do-it-yourself online bulletin board , enters a new city , local papers hear that proverbial sucking sound .

  24. 今年29岁的“火星哥”虽然只发行过两张录音室专辑,但是已有5首单曲登顶公告牌排行榜,其中既有深情民谣《WhenIWasYourMan》,也有雷鬼摇滚风的《LockedOutofHeaven》。

    With only two studio albums under his belt , 29-year-old Mars has already scored five No 1 songs on the Billboard charts , including the soulful ballad When I Was Your Man and the reggae-rock-style Locked Out of Heaven .

  25. 2013年9月,权志龙发行了个人专辑《Coupd’Etat》,并首次登上美国公告牌200强榜单,名列第182位。

    In September , G-Dragon released his solo album Coup d'Etat , which debuted at No 182 on the US " Billboard 200 chart .

  26. 门泽尔献声的这一版在YouTube上的点击量超过了2.5亿,并获得奥斯卡金像奖(最佳原创歌曲奖),连续数周蝉联美国公告牌音乐排行榜冠军。

    The version featuring Menzel has been played more than 250 million times on YouTube , has won an Academy Award , and topped the Billboard charts for weeks on end .

  27. 利用统一渲染GPU对粒子、线段、公告牌等的绘制与输出功能,在千万级数据集上达到较强的深度感与交互级的绘制性能;

    Using the unified shader GPU to render and output particles , line segments and billboards , we have achieved strong depth cue and interactive performance on rendering tens of millions of data .

  28. 《公告牌》杂志周四曝光了这封信的内容,上面包括凯蒂•佩里、保罗•麦卡特尼、林-马努埃尔•米兰达、DJ哈里德、雪儿、凯莎等人的签名。

    The letter , released Thursday by Billboard magazine , features signatures from Katy Perry , Paul McCartney , Lin-Manuel Miranda , DJ Khaled , Cher , Kesha and others .

  29. 她的第二张专辑,1987年发行的Whitney,成为公告牌200强专辑排行榜的空降冠军,这是女艺人第一次取得这样的成绩。

    Her second studio album , Whitney ( 1987 ), became the first album by a female artist to debut at number one on the Billboard 200 albums chart .

  30. 唯一一位在格莱美奖,艾美奖,MTV音乐录影带奖,MTV电影奖,人民选择奖,以及公告牌音乐奖上均有斩获的歌手。

    Only artist with at least one Grammy , Emmy , MTV Video Music Award , MTV Movie Award , People 's Choice Award , and Billboard Music Award to their name .