
jiāo tōnɡ zhì xù
  • traffic order
  1. 再次,阐述了交通秩序管理。

    Third , it expounds the way of traffic order keeping .

  2. 上海交通秩序的维持需要每个人的自己配合。

    Shanghai 's maintenance of traffic order needs the cooperation of everybody .

  3. 警察很快就把交通秩序整顿好了。

    The policemen have got the traffic system sorted out quickly .

  4. 警方正在大街上维持交通秩序。

    The police are keeping traffic order in the street .

  5. 武汉市内环线交通秩序评价及改善

    On the evaluation and improvement on the inner loop traffic order in Wuhan

  6. 道路交通秩序定量评价与分析是交通管理过程中很重要的一项工作。

    The evaluation and analysis is one important work for the traffic order .

  7. 我已经习惯了美国良好有序的交通秩序,一切按规则办。

    I 'm used to orderly traffic , with a set of rules for everything .

  8. 是的,这里的马路很宽,人们很遵守交通秩序。

    No , the people here don 't obey the order , they often jaywalks .

  9. 交通秩序失控并非城里骑自行车者不得不担心的唯一问题。

    Out of control drivers aren 't the only thing city cyclists have to worry about .

  10. 我是志愿者,协助民警维护交通秩序、宣传交通文明。

    I am a volunteer helping the police maintain the traffic safety and promote the traffic etiquette .

  11. 成千上万的人已经是第二天被滞留在旅途中,由于寒冷的天气严重影响了交通秩序。

    Thousands were left stranded for a second day after the cold weather brought severe disruption to transport across the country .

  12. 健全海上航行安全的立法,对于维护海上的交通秩序有着十分重要的意义。

    Improve the safety of the sea legislation , to maintain the order of the sea transportation is very important meaning .

  13. 笔者认为,危险驾驶罪的客体是交通秩序和安全。

    The author thought that the object of the crime of dangerous driving was safety and order of the public traffic .

  14. 通过对指标值的分析,找出了观测路段交通秩序混乱的原因,提出了具体的改进建议。

    The reason that caused disorder in the observed mid-blocks was clarified by analyzing the indicator value , and improvement was proposed .

  15. 中国中央电视台播放画面显示:建筑被毁坏,到处是碎片和红灯笼,警察在混乱的街上指挥交通秩序。

    China Central Television showed damaged buildings with debris and red lanterns lying around as police officers directed traffic on a chaotic street .

  16. 同时城市交通秩序的建设和维护依靠公民的自主治理。

    At the same time , the construction and maintenance of the the urban traffic order should rely on citizens ' autonomous management .

  17. 整顿交通秩序,提升城市品位&以嘉兴市为例调整、改革、整顿、提高

    On the Rectification of Traffic Order to Improve Urban Quality & Taking Jiaxing as an Example ; readjustment , restructuring , consolidation and improvement

  18. 学生自觉地遵守纪律,可以经常看到红领巾拿着喇叭,维持交通秩序。

    Students and pupils willingly observed discipline . Young Pioneers wearing red scarves could frequently be seen holding megaphones and helping to direct traffic .

  19. 昨日下午,沈阳市交通秩序整治战役指挥部召开新闻发布会,对近期出现的交通拥堵的成因进行分析,并制定了多项缓堵保畅措施。

    Yesterday afternoon , Shenyang traffic police held a press conference to analyze the contributing factors of the congestions and reported a series of solutions .

  20. 据另外一家报纸报道,为了恢复交通秩序,可怜的埃及警察不得不把这些姑娘带进一家商店,并让她们多穿点衣服。

    Police tried to restore order by escorting the girls into a shop and asking them to put some clothes on , the opposition newspaper said .

  21. 弗朗西斯女士不是一位交警,但是她日复一日的在同一个地方:一个繁忙的十字路口,维护着交通秩序。

    Ms Francis is not a police officer but she manages traffic in the same spot day after day , on a busy intersection of roads .

  22. 国外用水户参与灌溉管理及我国开展该项工作的建议道路交通秩序定量评价与分析是交通管理过程中很重要的一项工作。

    The Situation of Water Users Participating Irrigation Management Abroad and Suggestions for Developing Such System in China The evaluation and analysis is one important work for the traffic order .

  23. 目的是维持良好的水上交通秩序,以确保船舶流能够迅速、畅通和安全的运行,防止和减少船舶交通事故以及保护水域环境免遭船舶污染。

    The aim is to keep marine traffic order , ensure the security of the vessels , avoid and deduce vessel traffic accidents and protect marine circumstance against the vessel pollution .

  24. 由于缺乏城市道路交叉口合理角间距的标准,经常存在因角间距过小造成交通秩序混乱,导致交叉口通行能力严重降低。

    The traffic capacity of intersections is usually seriously reduced by the lack of standards on reasonable angle spacing of urban road intersection and traffic chaos caused by too small pitch angle .

  25. 近日,德国哥廷根市警方接到投诉说,一辆货车严重扰乱了当地早间的交通秩序。警方惊讶地发现,汽车里的司机竟是一名5岁的男孩。

    BERLIN ( Reuters ) - Police investigating a complaint about a van disrupting morning traffic on Monday in the German city of Goettingen were surprised to discover a5-year-old boy behind the wheel .

  26. 该系统对信号灯的控制更方便、更实效,对于实现改善交通秩序、增加现有交通设施的通行能力、减少交通事故的目的具有重要意义。

    The signal control system easier and more effective , to improve traffic order for the achievement , increase the traffic capacity of existing transport facilities , the purpose of reducing traffic accidents is important .

  27. 到2007年,形成北京环境整洁优美、交通秩序井然、服务热情规范、市民文明礼貌的良好风貌。

    The pleasant image of a city with a clean and beautiful environment , orderly traffic , warm and professional services , and polite citizens should take hold in Beijing in 2007 at the latest .

  28. 我国1979年刑法对于聚众扰乱公共场所秩序、交通秩序罪进行了明确规定,但理论界关于这一罪名的探讨只是停留在对于罪名的简单描述上。

    Our Criminal Law in 1979 for organizing a mob to disturb public order , traffic order crime are specified , but the theory discussion about this crime just stay as a brief description for charges .

  29. 道路拥挤、交通秩序混乱,道路交通设施增长速度低于城市机动车的增长速度,交通管理手段落后等诸多问题和矛盾急待解决。

    Problems and contradictions such as road congestion mess in traffic order , the growing speed of road traffic facilities is slower than city motor vehicles , backward in traffic control are nasty need to be settled .

  30. 该规划可建立良好的海峡船舶交通秩序,改善两岸海上直航的通航条件,更有效地保障船舶航行安全。

    With this project , a fine traffic order may be established in the strait , the navigation condition for direct sailing across the strait may be improved , and marine safety may be guaranteed more effectually .