
  • 网络Traffic demand;transportation demand;traffic requirement
  1. OD矩阵推算技术在高速公路影响区交通需求预测中的应用

    Application of OD Matrix Estimation in Traffic Demand Forecasting of Expressway 's Influencing Area

  2. SP(statedpreference)调查与Logit模型被广泛应用到我国城市交通需求预测研究中,但是在研究过程中存在诸多不足。

    The stated preference ( SP ) and logit model were used widely in traffic demand prediction but there are some disadvantages .

  3. 交通需求管理理论(TDM)是一种解决城市交通拥挤的有效理论。

    Transportation Demand Management ( TDM ) is an effective theory to solve urban traffic jam .

  4. 交通需求管理(TDM)是能从根本上解决城市交通问题的策略,具有现实的意义。

    Traffic Demand Management ( TDM ) is a strategy which can solve urban traffic problem radically , that will be of practical meaning .

  5. 对近期提出的北京市交通需求管理(TDM)措施进行不同实施力度的组合,得出了若干组合方案;

    The transportation demand management ( TDM ) scheme is designed by the different implement power combination of TDM measures that is put forward in Beijing .

  6. 针对奥运交通需求特点,建立了一个基于GIS-T的奥运交通管理与信息服务平台。

    Based on the Olympic traffic demand and characters , the author built an Olympic transportation management and information service platform .

  7. 本文以上海为例,应用LEAP模型,研究了在确保交通需求增长的前提下,发展不同的交通出行方式对能源需求和大气污染物排放的影响。

    The paper , taking Shanghai as an example , applies LEAP model to investigate the impact of travel modal split shift on the energy demand and air pollutant emissions as economy and transport demand grow annually .

  8. 而动态OD矩阵描述了时变的交通需求,是ITS中ATIS和ATMS的重要输入,直接影响到ITS系统的实时有效性。

    But the dynamic OD matrix which is described as a time-varying traffic demand inputs of ATIS and ATMS in the ITS , directly effect the adaptibility of real-time system .

  9. 为了有效地实施电梯群的优化调度,需要确知在不同模式下不同时段的交通需求的O-D(OriginandDestination)分布,并依此来为电梯群控系统提供驱动数据。

    In order to efficiently implement the optimal dispatching of elevator group , the Origin and Destination distribution (" O-D distribution " for short ) of passengers traffic under different traffic patterns is needed to drive elevator group control system .

  10. 把每一相位的排队长度都作为优化目标,采用多目标信号配时模型以满足不同的交通需求,并采用改进PSO算法进行求解,实现不同交通流条件下的四相位定相序信号配时。

    This paper takes queue length of each phase as the optimization objectives , and uses multi-objective signal timing model to satisfy diffident traffic demands , and introduces improved-PSO algorithm to solve the problem , realize four-phase stationary sequence signal timing under different traffic conditions .

  11. 动态OD矩阵描述了时变的交通需求,它是ATIS和ATMS的重要输入,也是DTA模型和一些实用的微观交通仿真器的基础输入数据,直接影响到ITS系统的实时有效性。

    In transportation networks , dynamic OD matrix describes the time-dependent traffic demands , which is an important input of ATIS and ATMS , as well as a basic input of DTA models and many applicable microscopic traffic simulators .

  12. 本文详细介绍了TOD策略的内涵、规划思路和实施原则,建立了TOD模式的交通需求预测模型,提出了适合我国城市发展的公共交通导向的城市用地开发模式。

    Connotation of TOD , such as , its planning idea and implement principles , is presented in detail . The transport demand prediction model of TOD is founded , and a suitable land use pattern based on TOD is proposed .

  13. 本文提出一种层间客流O-D矩阵的预测方法,将预测得到的O-D分布信息作为先验交通需求,用于电梯群的优化调度。

    In this dissertation , a prediction method of passengers ' O-D matrix is proposed where the predicted information of O-D distribution is taken as the prior traffic demand information employed to conduct the optimal dispatching of elevator group .

  14. 区域交通需求来源于社会经济活动。

    The regional traffic demand stems from the social economic activity .

  15. 2010年上海世博会园区游客步行交通需求分析

    Walking Transport Demand Forecasting of Visitors in the 2010'Shanghai Expo Arena

  16. 基于活动的出行方式选择模型与交通需求管理策略

    Activity-based travel mode choice model and analysis on traffic demand management

  17. 交通需求管理在解决城市交通问题中的作用

    The Role of Traffic Requirement Administration in Solving City Traffic Problems

  18. 交通需求管理在武汉市跨江交通中的应用

    The Application of TDM to Traffic Crossing the River in Wuhan

  19. 优化人口分布以减少城市道路交通需求

    Control of urban road traffic demand by optimizing population distribution

  20. 交通需求预测中均衡配流与方式划分组合模型

    Combination Model of Equilibrium Assignment and Modal Split in Traffic Demand Forecasting

  21. 北京奥运交通需求预测方法研究

    Study on the Method of Traffic Demand Forecast for Beijing Olympic Games

  22. 区域交通需求关联因素分析研究。

    Study on analysis of regional transport demand association factors .

  23. 基于区域土地利用的交通需求分析方法研究

    The Study of Travel Demand Analysis Method Based-On Regional Land-Use

  24. 交通需求管理的政策化及经济化研究

    Research on the policy and economy of transportation demand management

  25. 城市形态引导着交通需求的总量和布局;

    Secondly , the urban form directs the distribution of traffic demand .

  26. 客运交通需求预测是道路交通规划的基础。

    Passenger traffic demands forecasting is the basic of road traffic planning .

  27. 面向世博会的上海市交通需求管理策略研究

    Study on the Maneuver of Transportation Demand Management for Shanghai World EXPO

  28. 相关系数法在通道交通需求预测中的应用

    Application of Correlation Coefficient Method for Corridor Traffic Demand Forecast

  29. 基于码头作业形态的港区道路交通需求预测

    Traffic demand forecasting model for large port based on terminal operation situation

  30. 城市大型活动中交通需求及疏散研究

    Study on Traffic Demand and Evacuation in Urban Large-Scale Event