
jiāo yì rì
  • Trading Day;market day
  1. 注:外币折本币所用汇率为当年最后一个交易日的中间汇率。

    Note : The exchange rates of foreign currencies for RMB are the middle rates of exchange on the last market day in current year .

  2. 因庆祝劳工节,这个交易日交易时间缩短了。

    The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labor Day holiday

  3. 该公司股票价格在首个交易日就跌破了发行价。

    Shares in the company slipped below their issue price on their first day of trading .

  4. 这则消息震惊了整个华尔街,股票在交易日结束时下跌了4.3%。

    Wall Street was rocked by the news and shares fell 4.3 per cent by the end of trading .

  5. 基于BP神经网络的下一交易日出清电价预测

    Method for forecasting next-day market clearing prices based on BP neural network

  6. 研究了沪、西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第n页深股市交易日内的价格波动特征:分析了沪、深股市高频价格数据波动的可预测性。

    The intraday price volatility and the predictability of high-frequency price fluctuations in Chinese stock market are also studied .

  7. 并利用建立的BP神经网络模型,采用单隐层多输入单输出系统,预测股票市场第2个交易日的收盘价变化趋势。

    A BP network model with single hidden layer and single output is used to forecast the trend of the index of the coming day .

  8. 受铜价上涨因素的推动,江西铜业(jiangxicopper)连续第二个交易日涨停,至19.83元人民币。

    Jiangxi Copper rose by the daily 10 per cent limit for a second successive session to RMB 19.83 , helped by stronger copper prices .

  9. 瑞银集团上周承销了中国铅锌生产商&西部矿业(WesternMining)的首次公开发行(IPO)。该股在首个交易日中大涨144%。

    UBS last week handled the initial public offering of Western Mining , a Chinese lead and zinc producer , which surged 144 per cent on its first day of trading .

  10. SourceTrading的交易员尼克•考普(NickKaupp)说,与最近几个交易日相比,周一尾盘的活跃程度是比较轻的。

    End-of-day activity was light compared to recent sessions , said Nick Kaupp , a trader with Source Trading in Stamford , Conn.

  11. 此外,在计划的IPO之前60个交易日中的至少一半交易日,该公司股票的买入价还必须保持在每股4美元以上。

    The bid price also must have been maintained above $ 4 a share for at least half of the 60 trading days before the planned IPO .

  12. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)数据显示,2015年上半年发售的新股在IPO后头20个交易日平均上涨2.5倍。

    New shares sold in the first half of 2015 rose by an average of 2.5 times in the first 20 trading days after IPO , according to Credit Suisse .

  13. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)在纽约股票交易所的上市轰动全球。在第一个交易日之后,马云的个人资产达到180亿美元。

    Chinese e-commerce colossus Alibaba finished its first blockbuster day trading on the New York Stock Exchange Friday by making Jack Ma an $ 18 billion man .

  14. 但本周有迹象显示,自从两地上市的中国冶金集团(chinametallurgicalcorp)在香港首个交易日下跌12%之后,香港投资者对新发行股票变得更加挑剔了。

    But there were signs this week that investors in Hong Kong were being more selective about new offerings after shares in dual-listed China Metallurgical Corp dropped 12 per cent on its Hong Kong debut .

  15. 但数据供应商汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)称,在2007年香港上市首个交易日下跌的公司中,多数为较不引人注目、融资规模低于3亿美元的中型企业。

    But the majority of the first-day losers in Hong Kong in 2007 were more obscure mid - sized companies that raised less than $ 300m , according to Thomson Financial , the data provider .

  16. SEC指控称,万格在月末或季末最后一个交易日收盘时针对一些交易量很低的股票提交买入指令,这些指令的价格被人为地抬高。

    The SEC alleged that Mr. Wanger had submitted artificially high buy orders in thinly traded stocks at the close of the final trading day of the month or quarter .

  17. ETF成本低于被动型共同基金,而且与共同基金不同的是,投资者可以在交易日中买卖基金份额。

    ETFs cost less than passive mutual funds and , unlike mutual funds , investors can buy or sell shares in the trading day .

  18. WTI收复了前一交易日的大部分失地市场对美国需求状况的担忧,曾推动WTI价格在前一交易日下跌。

    WTI recovered most of the previous session 's fall which was prompted by concerns about US demand conditions .

  19. 在周一首个交易日中,中国石油A股股价开盘大幅走高,最终收于每股人民币43.96元(约合5.90美元),其IPO价格为16.70元。

    When those shares made their debut on the exchange yesterday , their price rocketed to a close of 43.96 yuan ( US $ 5.90 ) each , from the IPO price of 16.70 yuan .

  20. 前两个交易日过山车般的走势,表明了这个市场的投机色彩是多么浓厚,摩根士丹利首席中国股市策略师娄刚(JerryLou)说。

    The rollercoaster ride in the first two days of trading tells you just how speculative the market is , said Jerry Lou , chief China equity strategist at Morgan Stanley .

  21. 自8月初以来,芝加哥期权交易所波动率指数(cboevolatilityindex,简称为vix,是衡量投资者恐慌程度的指标)每交易日都保持在30以上。

    The CBOE volatility index , the barometer known as the VIX that is a gauge of fears of turbulence , has stayed above 30 in every session since early August .

  22. 如果Harbinger未能在7月11日前获得批准,就必须在3个交易日内售出这4.27%的股份。

    If Harbinger fails to secure approval by July 11 , it would have to sell the 4.27 per cent stake within three trading days .

  23. 本文给出了一种浙江电力市场MCP的预测方案,对浙江电力市场下一交易日市场清算价格进行了预测,得到的预测精度达到90%左右。

    This article presents a MCP forecasting method according to Zhejiang circumstance . Application to the real power system shows the accuracy of the proposed method is about 90 % .

  24. 因此,对于步履蹒跚的市场反弹而言,泄露了当下复苏真实程度的证据并不是好兆头&富时环球指数(FTSEall-WorldIndex)在10个交易日内下跌5%。

    So evidence filtering through of the true extent of recovery does not bode well for a faltering market rally – the FTSE All-World Index has fallen 5 per cent in 10 days .

  25. 在这种情况下,当市场在未来SNC的交易日重新开放时,订单将在“尽最大努力”的基础上被执行。

    In such circumstances , orders will be executed on a " best-efforts basis " once the market is reopened on the next SNC business day .

  26. 在美国,近期进行IPO的一些中国公司的股票本周大幅下跌。在各方对这些公司的财务感到担心之际,许多在近期上市筹得巨资的公司的股票跌至首个交易日以来的最低价。

    In the US , recent IPOs of Chinese companies have plunged this week , with many of the largest deals falling to their lowest prices since their first day of trading amid broader fears about such companies ' finances .

  27. 人人网首日收于18美元,较日内高点低25%,并且接下来连跌6个交易日,最低至12.60美元,比IPO价格还低10%。

    The stock dropped 25 % from its peak on opening day to close at $ 18 , then dropped in each of the next six trading sessions before bottoming out at $ 12.60 , 10 % below the IPO price .

  28. 比方说,SEC至少提出过一次有关交易员涉嫌在季末最后一个交易日结束前不久大量买进股票,以阻止股票进一步下跌的指控。

    For example , the SEC has brought at least one case in which a trader allegedly swooped in near the end of the final trading day of a quarter to keep a falling stock from declining even further .

  29. 上周五,也就是其首个交易日,Bazaarvoice股价大涨38%,报收于每股16.51美元。

    Last Friday , on its first day of trading , bazaarvoice closed up 38 % at $ 16.51 .

  30. 黄金价格周一连续第11个交易日上涨,这是自1980年以来最长的一波上涨。1980年时,油价飙升,亿万富翁亨特兄弟(Hunt)在白银市场的逼空行为推动金价升至创纪录水平。

    Gold was on Monday set to register its 11th consecutive day of gains , the longest run since 1980 , when an oil price spike and the billionaire Hunt brothers ' squeeze in the silver market drove bullion to a record .