- 名current account

China 's current account surplus was 11.1 per cent of gross domestic product last year .
In 2006 , the US current account deficit amounts to unprecedented 6.2 % of its GDP .
At about 2.3 per cent of gross domestic product , this is not yet alarming .
Yes , China 's current account surplus is likely to reach 10 per cent of GDP in 2007 .
Greece , Portugal and Spain ran current-account deficits of 10 per cent of gross domestic product , or more .
However the current account deficit is still expected to be close to 8 per cent of gross domestic product .
The US should find partners to press for tougher IMF-supervised procedures for addressing current account imbalances .
But the US would also probably run a current account deficit of 4 per cent of GDP at high levels of employment .
The Senate bill relies on IMF methods to calculate a current-account " norm " for a country like China .
The country 's current account surplus has swollen to about 8 per cent of gross domestic product and shows little sign of slowing .
From a peak of 11 per cent of GDP in 2007 , the current account surplus declined to only 6 per cent in 2009 .
With a current-account deficit of close to 4 per cent of GDP in 2010 , it would be vulnerable to another big global shock .
The White House favours a 4 per cent limit on current account surpluses or deficits , which would require major exporters to increase domestic consumption .
If the structural current account deficit remained 4 per cent of GDP , the overall fiscal deficit would need to be 10 per cent of GDP .
As the IMF points out , China still has a large current account deficit related more to over-saving than to the exchange rate .
While Taiwan 's current account surplus widened to just over 8 per cent of gross domestic product at the end of last year , Korea swung into deficit .
Current account surpluses , which were more than 7 per cent of gross domestic product in 2007 , are likely to be about 2 per cent for 2012 .
Spain 's were the most important : its bubble-fuelled private sector deficit was 12.3 per cent of GDP in 2007 and its current account deficit 10.1 per cent .
China last year reported a current account surplus of 5.8 per cent of GDP , significantly lower than apparently assumed as the current level by many people in Washington .
The current account balance was minus 15 per cent of GDP in the third quarter of 2008 , but has been in surplus since the second half of 2013 .
This is an important development since the current account balance as a percentage of GDP is one of the most widely used gauges of whether a currency is fairly valued .
With net foreign liabilities approaching 100 per cent of GDP and a relatively uncompetitive workforce could Spain ever generate a current account surplus large enough to service its foreign debts ?
It is possible to imagine a world in which a substantial part of the US current account deficit were shifted to other high-income countries by a depreciation of the currencies of the entire extended dollar area .
The current account surplus peaked at 10.1 per cent of GDP in 2007 and has since fallen for five of the past six years , hitting 2 per cent in 2013 .
In 2007 , worried about the growing size of current account imbalances , the International Monetary Fund organised multilateral consultations to see what should be done about it .
Gulf oil exporters " current account surpluses are expected to fall this year on rising domestic investment and softer oil prices , said the International Monetary Fund said .
It is hardly surprising that Germany has a current account surplus of 6 per cent of gross domestic product , while Greece , Italy , Portugal and Spain have a bare balance .
The US current account deficit has declined from 6 per cent of gross domestic product before the crisis to about 3 per cent , but could increase again as the recovery builds .
In 2007 , for example , the IMF forecasts a current account surplus for all emerging economies of $ 690bn and another $ 495bn in private net capital inflows .
Moreover , the IMF forecasts that the current account deficit – the balance of trade on goods and services – will be more than 7 per cent of GDP this year .