
  • Economic structural imbalance;imbalance of economic structure
  1. 经济结构失衡中的宏观调控

    Macroeconomic Regulation and Control During Imbalance of Economic Structure

  2. 经济结构失衡的诱因与宏观调控下一步

    The Inducement of Economic Structural Imbalance and the Next Step of Macro-control

  3. 企业跨地区并购是解决区域经济结构失衡的重要途径。

    Cross - regional business combination is an important counter - measure in solving the unbalance of regional economy .

  4. 土地供需不协调往往会国民经济结构失衡,也会导致土地资源的破环和浪费。

    The demand imbalance in the structure of national economy , would lead to the break ring and waste of land resources .

  5. 林区经济结构失衡,人民生活水平低下,经济发展速度滞后,资源数量急剧减少。

    Those crises were marked by disequilibrium economic structure , low level living standard , impeded economic development and sharply reduction of resource .

  6. 通过定位正向的总需求及潜在总供给效应,本文揭示中国经济结构失衡态的逆周期波动性质。

    Through identifying the positive effect of AD change on potential AS , this paper reveals the con - cycle movement of structural unbalance in China s economy .

  7. 经济结构失衡主要有三种类型:经常账户失衡、财富与收入分配失衡、资本主义经济增长过程中产生的金融部门与实体经济部门间的失衡。

    There are three kinds of structural imbalances , which are current account imbalances , wealth and income inequality , and sectoral imbalance between financial sector and real economy sector .

  8. 金融危机是全球经济结构失衡、金融风险积聚长期积累的结果,解决问题也不可能一蹴而就。

    This financial crisis is a result of imbalance of global economic structure and accumulation of financial risks over a long time , so the problem can not be solved at one blow .

  9. 本文认为2008年国际金融危机是国际金融体系缺陷的集中体现,美元霸权、全球经济结构失衡以及金融监管缺失是主要原因。

    This paper argue that the international financial crisis of 2008 is the result of the international financial system defects , the dollar hegemony , the global economic imbalance and lack of financial supervision is the main reason .

  10. 人口城市化滞后导致了经济结构失衡,乡镇企业布局不合理,城乡就业矛盾突出,内需不足等后果。

    The delay of population urbanization leads to the disequilibria of economy structure , the irrational distribution of village and township enterprises , the contradiction of the employment of urban and rural area and the insufficiency of domestic demands .

  11. 证券交易委员会在《盯市会计研究报告》中也指出,公允价值计量并不是导致金融危机的元凶,金融危机产生的真正原因是经济结构失衡、金融监管不力以及金融创新过度。

    In the study on mark-to-market accounting , Securities and Exchange Commission also pointed out that the fair value measurement is not the cause of the financial crisis , and the real cause of the financial crisis is the economic structural imbalances , weak financial regulation and excessive financial innovation .

  12. 席卷全球的金融危机爆发,使中国经济结构发展失衡,资源配置效率低下等问题尖锐暴露出来。

    The financial crisis sweeping the world , it has exposed issues such as Chinese economic structure development unbalance and inefficient resource allocation .

  13. 当代中国市民社会利益结构失衡的主要表现在经济利益结构失衡、文化教育与社会保障权益结构失衡。

    The imbalance of interest structure mainly reflects on the imbalance structure of economic interests , the imbalance structure of cultural education and social security .

  14. 造成此次金融危机爆发的根本原因是经济结构的失衡,而最直接原因是金融工具创新过度和金融监管缺位,尤其以证券化为基础的信用模式被肆无忌惮的滥用更是本轮金融危机的罪魁祸首。

    The fundamental factor of such a crisis is the imbalance of economic structure , and the most direct causes are that the absence of official supervision and the over-controlled innovation of financial instruments , especially the wide application of securitization-based credit .

  15. 我国证券市场存在过度投机、市场走势与宏观经济背离、风险结构失衡等问题。

    Chinese Security Market has some problems of the excessive speculation , the divergence between stock market prices and macro-economy as well as the off-balance in risk structure etc.

  16. 粗放式经济增长与经济结构长期失衡的格局未得到根本改变。

    The extensive economic growth mode and economic structural long-term imbalance pattern have not been changed fundamentally .

  17. 主要表现为需求不足、经济增长乏力、重复建设严重、经济结构失衡、预算内资金短缺、财政宏观调控功能弱化。

    Mainly for lack of demand , economic growth is weak , repeat the construction of serious structural imbalances in the economy , the shortage of budget funds , the financial macro-control function of weakening .

  18. 此种对外贸易结构虽使菲律宾民族经济发展繁荣一时,却造成其经济结构的失衡与脆弱,以及社会问题的积累与社会发展的滞后。

    Though the foreign trade promoted development and prosperity of Philippine national economy for a time , the whole economic structure was out of balance and fragile . Moreover , the country had been confronted with many social problems and its social development bogged down .

  19. 长期以来,我国各级政府都把工作的重心放在追求经济增长之上,忽视甚至牺牲社会公共利益,导致社会发展与经济发展部协调、社会发展与经济发展结构失衡,引起各种社会问题。

    Over the years , governments at all levels focus on the pursuit of economic growth , neglect or even sacrifice public interests , this lead to uncoordination of social development , economic development and cause a series of social problems .

  20. 摘要发展中国家的经济问题不仅表现为资本匮乏、人均收入低、生活水平低,而且还表现在市场不完善、经济结构失衡、区域发展失调、制度刚性等方面。

    The economic problems in developing countries include not only the lack of capital , low per capita income , poor living standard , but also the imperfect market , disequilibrium of economic structure , disequilibrium of regional development , and rigid system .

  21. 作者运用现代奥地利经济学的分析框架对当前宏观经济形势重新分析后认为,中国宏观经济所面临的不是总量失衡,而是结构性失衡,是货币市场的不均衡,加剧了经济结构的失衡。

    By applying the theory of Austrian School , this article reexamines the situation of Chinese macro-economy and insists Chinese macro-economy is not in a situation of ' aggregate disequilibrium ' , but is the structural imbalance in aggregate demand .