
jīnɡ juàn
  • buddhist text;scrolls of Buddhist sutras;volumes of classics
经卷 [jīng juàn]
  • [Buddhist scripture roll or reel] 指宗教经典

  • 经卷雕板

  1. 敦煌经卷多已流散国外。

    Most of the Dunhuang MSS are now scattered in various foreign countries .

  2. 藏经楼里收藏着很多重要的经卷。

    There are many scriptures in the Sutra depository .

  3. 基于ARM和μC/OS-Ⅱ的电子送经卷取控制系统

    Electronic let-off and take-up control system based on ARM and μ C / OS - ⅱ

  4. 当时穿梭于河西走廊的骆驼满载着香料、丝绸、经卷,有些经卷原先保存于著名的藏经洞里,正是这个洞窟吸引探险家奥雷尔·斯坦因爵士(SirAurelStein)和保罗·伯希和(PaulPelliot)在20世纪初来到敦煌。

    Camel caravans crossed the Hexi Corridor here laden with spices , silks and scriptures , some of which were deposited in the famous library cave that drew the explorers Sir Aurel Stein and Paul Pelliot in the early 20th century .

  5. 利用Pro-E软件对剑杆织机的主要部分进行建模。如机架系统模型、空间四连杆引纬、共轭凸轮打纬机构实体模型、送经卷取机架结构与开口机构实体模型等。

    The main parts of rapier loom is modeled by Pro / E , such as loom frame model , spatial four-link weft , conjugate cam beating model , let-off and take-up system , and shedding mechanism model .

  6. 基于单片机的电子送经卷取控制系统设计

    Control System of Electronic Let-Off and Electronic Take-up Based on the Microcontroller

  7. 只有信仰和宗教场所,没有经书,因此被学者称之为没有经卷的宗教。

    Shinto only has faith and religious places without scriptures .

  8. 电子送经卷取控制系统设计

    The Control System of Electronic Let - Off and Electronic Take - Up

  9. 藏经楼里收藏着很多重要的经卷。(自己)珍视的藏书

    There are many scriptures in the sutra depository . a prized collection of Books

  10. 一种新型的电子送经卷取机构

    An electric let-off and take - up mechanism

  11. 《死海经卷》是一个牧羊人到一个山洞里去寻找一只迷途的山羊发现的。

    The Dead Sea Scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave .

  12. 经卷是用完全不同于汉字的象形文字写成的。

    The scriptures are written in a pictographic script which is independent from the Chinese writing system .

  13. 今天的题目是白马寺的经卷是由白马怎么带回的呢?

    Today 's question is how these Buddhist scriptures in the White Horse Temple were brought back ?

  14. 那时我说,看哪,我来了。我的事在经卷上已经记载了。

    Then I said , 'Here I am , I have come-it is written about me in the scroll .

  15. 即便在当时,这些经卷也是手抄的,不是每个基督徒的家中都会有。

    Even then , it too was hand-copied , so it was not available in the home of every individual Christian .

  16. 敦煌壁画和文书跨越了近千年的历史,在精美的壁画和发黄的经卷中,我国古代体育文化的一些形态被栩栩如生地保存了下来。

    Dunhuang frescoes and document span several thousands historical stages of development , among the beautiful frescoes and classics , some physical culture formation was preserved .

  17. 此系统采用了交流伺服技术和CAN总线通信技术,对送经卷取运动进行同步控制;

    With the application of AC servocontrol technology and CAN bus technology in it , the system realizes synchronization control between electronic let-off and electronic take-up .

  18. 目前《圣经》(或其部分经卷)已被译成2454种文字或方言,各种译本更是数不胜数。

    The Bible ( or part of its scriptures ) has been translated into 2454 languages or dialects till today , and various translation versions are numerous .

  19. 使用冲制成齿形的铁心带状材料,经卷绕装置卷曲成形,可以大大提高材料的利用率。

    With the belt material to be punched in tooth form , and going around & overlaying by device , the coefficient of utilization of material was increased .

  20. 那时我说,神阿,我来了为要照你的旨意行。我的事在经卷上已经记载了。

    Then said I , Lo , I come ( in the volume of the book it is written of me ,) to do thy will , O God .

  21. 一九一四年,斯坦因第二次又来,仍用一点银元换去五大箱、六百多卷经卷;

    In 1914 , Stein came for a second time to Dunhuang and got five boxes of scrolls amounting to more than six hundred with only a little silver .

  22. 论文在分析和总结国外电子送经电子卷取系统的基础上,深入分析了电子送经卷取系统的功能、工作原理和两者之间的同步关系。

    After analyzing and generalizing electronic let-off and electronic take-up control system , the paper analyses the functions , the work theory and the synchronous relationship of the above two .

  23. 电子送经卷取控制系统作为高档织机的关键部分之一,它的开发对于织机控制系统有着非常重要的意义。

    ELO and ETU control system is a key part of looms , for the loom control system , the development of ELO and ETU has a very important significance .

  24. 射频同轴电缆铝外导体是由薄铝板经卷管成型、焊接、轧纹等几道工序形成的密闭金属皱纹管。

    Aluminum outer conductor of the coaxial RF cable is a kind of airtight corrugated metal tube , made by thin aluminum plate via tube-shaping , welding , corrugating and several other procedures .

  25. 次日,明帝委派一位学士去印度开始了他的取经之旅,经过几千里的长途跋涉,学士终于带回了经卷。

    The next day , Emperor Mingdi sent a scholar to India on a pilgrimage to locate Buddhist scriptures . After journeying thousands of miles , the scholar finally returned with the scriptures .

  26. 约伯记若是圣经最古老的经卷之一,那麽,当时的人一定普遍认识神,纵然认识有限,也会经常想到神。

    If the book of Job is one of the oldest books , there must have been a general knowledge of God , however limited , which led men to think often of Him .

  27. 僧人脖子上戴着骷髅串成的项链,腰上配刀,右手执佛尘,左手持经卷,举步向前。

    The priest wears a necklace of skulls around his neck and a sword around his waist and he is carrying a horsehair flapper in his right hand and a sutra in his left hand .

  28. 圣经中最古老的经卷约伯记,记载约伯呼求说:「我们中间没有听讼的人,可以向我们两造按手。」

    Job , in what may be the oldest written book in the Bible , cried out , 'If only there were someone to arbitrate between us , to lay his hand on both of us .

  29. 上清派经卷和小说中都出现了大量对于祥和、圣洁的仙境的描写。

    There are lots of peaceful and holy wonderland descriptions in volumes of scriptures and fictions from Shangqing Taoism . Novels on some mortals entering the wonderlands by accident and coming across the immortals also arises accordingly .

  30. 同时,开发具有自主知识产权的送经卷取系统也有助于提高我国织机的档次和技术水平,对我国的纺织机行业起到积极推动的作用。

    In the meantime , exploiting the let-off and take-up system which has independence intellectual property rights could help to enhance the quality and technical merit of our country , and play a positive role in loom industry .