
jīnɡ jì xiāo tiáo
  • Economic depression;sag;economic depression/slump;shake-out
  1. 小商店在经济萧条中深受其害。

    Small shops have been a casualty of the recession .

  2. 在上个经济萧条期,人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。

    During the last recession , migration to the sunbelt accelerated .

  3. 在此经济萧条时期,我们容许增加消费和借贷。

    We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession .

  4. 多年的玩忽职守和经济萧条过后,这个城市在进行自我整顿。

    After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up

  5. 工党的支持率依然很高,并未受到经济萧条的影响。

    Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression .

  6. 菲亚特一直是经济萧条中损失最惨重的公司之一。

    Fiat has been one of the greatest casualties of the recession .

  7. 经济萧条只不过加速了原本就在改变行业状况的变化。

    Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway .

  8. 经济萧条开始对英国的工业产生严重影响。

    The recession started biting deeply into British industry .

  9. 20世纪80年代初期的经济萧条气氛因各种奇异古怪建筑的出现而有所缓解。

    The economic gloom of the early 1980s was relieved by fanciful architecture .

  10. 经济萧条导致失业救济金的支出不可避免地增加。

    The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit .

  11. 司法行业看来是最不易受经济萧条影响的领域了。

    It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry

  12. 他预期经济萧条将见底。

    He expects the recession to bottom out

  13. 这家公司从经济萧条中挺了过来。

    The company has weathered the recession

  14. 公司认为他们正在摆脱经济萧条的影响,声称订单仍然让人满意。

    The company believes it is bucking the recession and says orders continue to be satisfactory .

  15. 他的问题在经济萧条前就出现了。

    His troubles predated the recession

  16. 美国人是个慷慨的民族:即使是在经济萧条时期,慈善捐赠也在不断增加,这便是明证。

    Americans are a generous people : witness the increase in charitable giving , even during the recession .

  17. 虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。

    The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful

  18. 由于经济萧条,他的收入已减少到以前的一半。

    His income has been reduced to half its former amount due to the economic depression .

  19. 由于经济萧条,许多人失业了。

    Many people lost their jobs because of the economic depression .

  20. 在贾达所在的这个经济萧条的地区,她办的企业为降低失业率发挥了作用。

    Al-jadaa 's business helps drive down unemployment in her economically depressed area .

  21. 但值得注意的是,在经济萧条时期,气流隔离专家公司曾以19.95美元的价格购买了大量“天气分割器”。

    In these troubled economic times , it should be noted that the tdg 's $ 19.95 asking price buys an awful lot of weatherstripping .

  22. 接着,经济萧条差不多使所有的人都失了业,那些偷工减料盖成的房子也都无人照料;正如鲁道的母亲所抱怨的那样,整个市镇简直成了一个贫民窟。

    Then the depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry-built houses had been neglected , and as rudolph 's mother complained , the entire town had become a single slum .

  23. 消费者们,至少在美国的消费者,非常谨慎地对待在加油站里省下的钱,因为最近的经济萧条仍令他们记忆犹新。

    Consumers , in the U.S. at least , are acting cautiously with the savings they 're getting at the gas pump , as the memory of the recent great recession is still fresh in their mind .

  24. 但是如果你生活在食不果腹、经济萧条的街区,这种冲动无疑会更强烈。

    But the urge would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money .

  25. 在2009年的经济萧条期,雇主们普遍采用的新做法是给员工升职(比如给他们现任的职位增加更多责任或给他们新头衔)但是却不给员工相应的金钱补偿(没有加薪或额外津贴)。

    During the recession of 2009 , employers have embarked compensation for it ( e.g. no raise , no bonus ) .

  26. 早在1983年,著名经济学家Hamilton就指出,从第二次世界大战到1983年,全球7/8的经济萧条都伴随着高油价的出现。

    Hamilton had pointed out that seven out of eight economic depressions were accompanied with high oil price since World War II to 1983 .

  27. 美国非盈利机构罗斯福研究所(RooseveltInstitute)的研究发现,在此次经济萧条期间,私营部门工作流失对于支持性岗位的女性员工打击尤为严重,使她们的工作被其他人分担。

    Research by the Roosevelt Institute , a US non-profit body , found that private sector job losses during the recession particularly hit female support staff whose work was distributed among others .

  28. 同样,Catalyst做了一项研究显示,在低于CEO一到两级的高级管理人员中,大约有19%的女性在这场经济萧条中失去工作,而男性则只有6%。

    Also , Catalyst did a study showing that , at the senior management level -- one or two rungs below CEO -- 19 % of women lost their jobs in this recession , versus 6 % of men .

  29. 在这个经济萧条的时候,我的生产率度量竟如此之高,于是我决定试着寻找一个不同的度量标准(dial),以得到更多的专业发展。

    Because my productivity dial got turned up so high during the recession , I decided to try and find a different dial that I could turn to get more professional growth .

  30. 萨斯喀彻温省大学的一位经济学家RichardGray认为,同以往农场衰落时期相比,当前的农场经济萧条可能不会产生影响深远或持续长久,因为生物燃料现在正同粮食和能源价格密切相关。

    The bust , when it comes , may not be as deep or as long as previous farm slumps because biofuels now link grain and energy prices , says Richard Gray , an economist at the University of Saskatchewan .