
  • 网络economic geographical location
  1. 临沂市拥有良好的经济地理位置,资源丰富,劳力充足,社会基础设施较好。

    Linyi area has a favorable economic geographical position , rich resources , sufficient work force , and better basic infrastructure .

  2. 陕西是中国大西北的门户,具有承东启西、联南贯北的经济地理位置。

    Shaanxi is the opening gate into the northwest of China and boasts advantageous geographical location , linking the east to the west and connecting the south to the north .

  3. 其他城市的城市旅游效率可能由于经济、地理位置、政策等因素的不同限制,其城市旅游效率相对较低。

    Other cities have the relatively low urban tourism efficiency due to the economy , geography , and other factors of the different policies .

  4. 通过分析国内外各城市的物流节点数量,适当考虑当地的市场经济、地理位置、交通状况等条件综合确定物流节点的数量。

    Logistics nodes the number of domestic and foreign cities by analyzing the number of nodes in the logistics , proper account of local market economy , geographical location , traffic conditions , such as integrated OK .

  5. 第二章论述了河北路的历史发展,经济地位,地理位置等。

    The second chapter discusses the historical development of Hebei , economic status , geographic location .

  6. 有关生命事项的登记与当地权益阶层因素如性别、社会经济地位和地理位置呈显著相关。

    Vital event registration was significantly associated with local equity stratifiers such as gender , socioeconomic status and geography .

  7. 包括经济水平、地理位置、文化差异、人文背景等因素。

    The influencing factor include the the economic level , geographic location , cultural differences , cultural background , and so on .

  8. 千年前的中国荷花工艺饰品出土地区主要分布在黄河中下游,在历史长河中,荷文化装饰艺术的发展趋势和盖度,往往与不同时期的社会风尚、经济实力和地理位置有关。

    The development of the Lotus decoration art is closely related with the social customs , geographical location , and economical situation of different times .

  9. 江西省地处中部地区,其既无东部地区的经济文化、地理位置等方面的优势,又无西部地区的中外合作办学政策倾斜,研究江西省高等教育中外合作办学具有一定的现实意义。

    Jiangxi Province is in the central part of China without advantages of economy and cultures and locations in the eastern part and Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools policy support in the western part .

  10. 由于无线自组织网络的动态自组织和自配置特性,以及网络的构建不需要任何的基础设施,使得无线自组织网络特别适用于因经济条件或地理位置而不适合建立网络基础设施的地方。

    Wireless ad hoc networks are dynamically self-organized and self-configured , and do not need any infrastructure , which render wireless ad hoc networks quite suitable for the places constrained by economic condition and geographic location .

  11. 从大连港的经济腹地、地理位置、自然条件诸方面简述21世纪搞好港口布局规划,建设国际大港的可能和必要。

    It briefly expounds the possibility and necessity of doing well in port layout plan and constructing Dalian Port into an international big port of the 21st century from several aspects including the economic hinterland , geologic location and natural conditions of Dalian Port .

  12. 山东各地情况千差万别,各城市之间自然条件和经济技术以及地理位置的差异,构成了劳动地域分工的基础。

    Following the more urbanization , the city number of Shandong Province must be increased . Every zone of Shandong Province are different , and the difference of natural condition , economic technique , geographical position in every city are the base of labor area division .

  13. 本地区经济发展滞缓,地理位置较偏,经济、政治、文化的发展落后于中东部地区。

    This local economic development is slow , the geographical position leaning , the economical , political , the cultural development falls behind the eastern area .

  14. 中国与东盟国家是经济发展程度和地理位置接近、外向型经济都十分活跃的发展中国家。

    China is close to the countries of ASEAN in terms of geography and development degree of economy , and also they are all active in export-oriented economy .

  15. 但清河在改革开放以后的发展当中,经济迅速崛起,地理位置优越,交通便利,逐渐成为邢台东部的经济强县。

    However , in the process of reform and opening up , Qinghe County has gradually been the a county with developed economy in eastern Xingtai City because of the rapid growth of economy , favorable location and convenient transportation .

  16. 张家港具有良好的发展物流的政策及经济环境,其地理位置佳,自然条件好,经济腹地大,泊位、库场及口岸配套服务设施齐全等,这些都是发展现代物流业不可缺少的基础条件。

    Zhang Jia Gang Port has good policies and economical environment , good geographical position , big inland economical zone , integrated berths , warehouses and open yards and other port service facilities , these are all necessary basic qualifications for developing modern logistics .

  17. 就业压力大、结构性矛盾突出是目前全国高校毕业生就业的突出问题,但是受经济发展水平、地理位置因素的影响,不同地域省份的不同高校毕业生就业现状呈现出自身的特点。

    The employment of college graduates is in high employment pressure and structural contradiction existing is the current outstanding problems at present . But influenced by the level of economic development , geographical factors , college graduates ' employment status of different regional provinces showing its own characteristics .

  18. 地方经济发展的差异在很大程度上取决于区域开发的地理成本,恶劣的自然地理条件、偏僻的经济地理位置都会导致地区开发成本的高昂并影响地方经济的发育。

    The difference of development of the regions depend to great extent on geographical cost . The dicky condition of natural and the devious location of economical geography of the regions cause the high cost of development of the regions and impediment the growth of the regions .