
  • 网络Economic mathematics;Mathematics in Economics;Mathematics with Economics
  1. 发展中的经济数学

    Fun with Math Mathematics and Beautifulness Developing Mathematics in Economics

  2. 讨论了其中若干数学模型的新解法,以方便Excel数据分析工具的推广使用,使经济数学模型在企业管理和经营决策中发挥更大的作用。

    To discuss a large numbers of new means of solving in mathematics models so as to extend the usage of Excel data analysis and the economic mathematics model can play better part in enterprise management and managing strategic decision .

  3. 运用经济数学方法和计算机技术以及VISUALBASIC6.0,研制开发了一个专门用于测算农机化贡献率的应用软件。

    This paper created a software specially in calculation the contribution rate of mechanization in agriculture by using economy math method , computer technology and Visual Basic 6.0 version .

  4. 关于经济数学模型的RMI方法映射分析

    On RMI mapping analysis of the mathematics model

  5. 价值型Leontief矩阵是经济数学的重要工具之一,在数学上它们是对角线占优矩阵。

    The Leontief matrix of value & type , which is a diagonally dominant matrix , is one of the important tools in economic maths .

  6. 在整合可能与整合方向分析的基础上指出,能值综合与Exergy和效益成本分析等成熟的经济数学方法的整合,将成为产业生态学研究方法优化、完善的一个探索方向。

    Based on analysis of possibility and direction of integration among these methods , the integration among emergy synthesis , exergy analysis and economic benefit-cost analysis can be one of the main some optimization directions for study method of industrial ecology .

  7. 利用目前基于WWW信息发布的Html4.0标准与技术以及相关的编程语言,如Java,JavaScript,VBScript,DHtml等来设计《经济数学应用基础》课程的网上教学。

    In this paper we discuss how to use Html 4 . 0 standard and some program languages such as Java , JavaScript , VBScript , Dhtml etc , to design a network course based on Web for the course of Economical Mathematics of the open university students .

  8. 论经济数学基础课程的分级教学

    The Discussion of Teaching in Grades for Economic Mathematics Basic Course

  9. 试论在经济数学教学中体现数学的现实性

    The Reality of Math Reflected in the Teaching of Economic Math

  10. 经济数学课程教学模式改革实践与分析评估

    Reform practice and analysis evaluation of economic mathematics course teaching mode

  11. 浅议高职院校经济数学的教学策略

    On the Methodology of Economic Math Teaching in Higher Vocational College

  12. 谈谈《经济数学》教学幻灯片的制作

    On Making of Power Point for the Teaching of Economic Mathematics

  13. 成人经济数学基础课教学探索

    Teaching Adult 's Course of " Economic Mathematics Foundation "

  14. 《经济数学基础》课程的适应性教学初探

    Economical Mathematics Foundation the curriculum compatible at the beginning of teaching searches

  15. 实施数学素质教育培养21世纪创新人才&谈《经济数学》教学改革

    Implementation of Mathematics Quality Education , Cultivation of Innovative Talents

  16. 关于经济数学教学中学生能力培养的探讨

    On the Development of College Students ' Ability in Economic Mathematics Teaching

  17. 用实例建模重构高职经济数学课程内容的探讨

    On Reconstruction Matters With Instance by Mathematical Modeling for Economic Mathematical Course

  18. 《经济数学》课程体系改革的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Curriculum System Reform on Economical Mathematics

  19. 转变教育思想探索经济数学教学改革新路

    Transform Educational Idea Explore New Path to Economic Mathematics Instruction

  20. 在经济数学教学中融入数学建模思想的探讨

    Discussion of Melting Mathematical Modeling Thought into Economic Mathematics Teaching

  21. 经济数学是电大一门重要基础理论课。

    Economic Maths is an important theoretical basis course to some subjects .

  22. 经济数学基础双向交流规范化作业的设计

    Design of Interactive and Standardized Assignment for Economy Mathematics

  23. 应用经济数学方法提高汾酒品质的综述

    Introduction to Improving Fen Liquor with Economic Mathematics Method

  24. 经济数学基础课程建设引发的几点思考

    A Few Thoughts from the Design of Economic Mathematics

  25. 一类新的华氏宏观经济数学模型

    A New Sort of HUA 'S Macro-economic Mathematical Model

  26. 若干经济数学模型的研究与应用

    A Study and Application to Some Economic Mathematical Models

  27. 《经济数学基础》课导学环节初探

    Instructive Links in the Course of Economic Mathematical Foundation

  28. 经济数学在人口教育程度预测中的应用

    Application of economic mathematics to prediction of population education

  29. 略论经济数学教学内容与方法之改革

    A Study About Reforming the Content and Method of the Economic Mathematics Education

  30. 华氏宏观经济数学模型定理的改进

    Improver the Theorem of Hua 's Macro-Economic Mathematical Model