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  1. 我叫XXX,是北华大学教育科学学院小学教育系2009届毕业生。

    My name is XXX , a2009 graduate from BH university majoring in Education .

  2. 设计:抽样调查。单位:山东省聊城大学教育科学学院心理学实验室。

    DESIGN : Sampled investigation SETTING : The Laboratory of Psychology of the College of Education Science of Shandong Liaocheng University .

  3. 其次,本文特别选择南通大学教育科学学院作为试点,研究教育思路,积累实战经验。

    Second , This paper specially choice Nantong University as a pilot to do the empirical research , study education ideas , accumulate the actual combat experience .

  4. 以东北师范大学教育科学学院课程与教学改革为例,探索了“宽口径、厚基础、精专业、多出路”的改革思路。

    The paper , taking as example the curriculum and the teaching in College of Educational Science of Northeast China Normal University , explores ways of their reform .

  5. 大学教育中科学与人文的融合

    The Blending of Science and Humanity in College Education

  6. 在并校改革中推进大学人文教育与科学教育的融合

    Combining Humanistic and Scientific Education in the Reform of Amalgamated Universities

  7. 在人文教育的理念下加强科学教育,在科学教育中贯彻人文精神;构建大学人文教育与科学教育的和谐关系。加强人文素质教育,培养全面发展的大学生

    Nurturing Fully Developed College Students through Strengthening of Humanity Education

  8. 论大学人文教育与科学教育的和谐

    On the harmony of humanity and science in higher education

  9. 因此,从人的主体发展层面看,大学人文教育与科学教育结合非常必要,大学教育应该是人文教育与科学教育的结合与统一。

    Therefore , the human development needs the combination of humanistic education and science education .

  10. 我国现代大学人文教育与科学教育融合的国际化问题

    On the internationalization problem about the fusion of Humane Study and Scientific Study of Modern Universities

  11. 现代大学人文教育与科学教育融合的内涵和原则

    On the Intension and the Principle of the Fusion of Humane Education and Science Education about the Modern University

  12. 要切实推进大学人文教育与科学教育的结合,大学教育必须加强人文教育,实施素质教育。

    If we want to advance combination of humanity education and science education , we should strengthen humanity education and implement quality education .

  13. 大学教育要以科学发展观为指导,探索在高等教育中对大学生进行科学发展观教育的针对性和结合点,改革大学教学方法,对大学生加强科学思维方法的教育引导。

    College education should explore how to carry out the education of scientific concept of development , reform college education methods and guide college students to develop scientific thinking methods .

  14. 论大学体育教育对体育科学发展的驱动

    Discussion on Promotion of Sports Science Development by Physical Education in Universities

  15. 现代大学教育既需要实施科学教育,也需要进行人文教育。

    Modern universities need both humanistic education and scientific education .

  16. 大学教育教学评估与科学发展观

    Tertiary education assessment and the idea of scientific development

  17. 科英布拉大学体育与运动教育科学学院,科英布拉,葡萄牙

    Faculty of sports and physical education sciences , University of coimbra , coimbra , portugal , 2004

  18. 本文分析了合并大学推进人文教育与科学教育融合的基本层面与原则和主要途径与措施。

    This paper analyzes the basic aspects , principles and some ways and steps for the effective combination .

  19. 本文分析了英国伦敦大学教育学院职前科学教师的培养目标、课程体系与评价方式,旨在为我国综合与分科科学教师的培养有所启示。

    The teaching objectives , curriculum system and means of assessment for the pre-service scientific teachers in London University of UK were introduced and analyzed .

  20. 真正的科学精神本身就具有深刻的人文价值,而完善的大学教育的基础就是科学精神与人文关怀的完美结合。

    The real scientific spirit embodies humane value , while the perfect higher educational foundation is the perfect combination of scientific spirit and humane care .

  21. 领识教育的提出,不仅拓展了大学生思想政治教育的理论视野,同时也是对大学教育新方向的科学探索。

    From education to know not only expanded the ideological and political education of theoretical vision , but also for the University to explore new scientific directions .

  22. 并提出理工科大学公共艺术教育的科学实施应遵循以下的原则:主体性原则、实践性原则、审美性和学术性原则、开放性原则、艺术教育与科学教育的融和性原则。

    Then the author proposed the principle for art education in science and technology universities implemented : Main body principle , practical principle , esthetic appreciation and study principle , open principle , the combination of art education and science education .

  23. 来自剑桥大学教育学院和神经科学教育中心的研究人员与英国和意大利的2700名中小学生进行了合作,包括详细的一对一访谈,以探讨数学焦虑及其原因。

    Researchers from the faculty of education and the centre for neuroscience in education at Cambridge University worked with 2700 primary and secondary students in the UK and Italy - including detailed one-to-one interviews - to explore maths anxiety and its causes .

  24. 此研讨会议由香港大学教育学院教育领导研究中心及中国上海华东师范大学教育科学学院合办。

    The conference was organized by The Centre for Educational Leadership , The University of Hong Kong , and School of Education Science , East China Normal University , Shanghai , China .