
  • 网络coliform;MPN;coliforms;Coliform group;coliform bacteria
  1. 粪大肠菌群指数(FC)是综合评价城市污水,尤其是生活污水的一个重要指标。

    Fecal coliform ( FC ) index can be considered as an important parameter for comprehensive assessment on the pollution of urban wastewater , especially on the pollution of domestic wastewater .

  2. 检验指标包括色度、浑浊度、pH值、总硬度、铁、锰、氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐、氟化物、细菌菌落总数、总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群。

    The indexes for the test were mainly chroma , turbidity , PH , the total hardness , Fe , Mn , ammonia nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen , sulfate , fluoride , colony forming unit ( cfu ), total coliform , and fecal coliform .

  3. 荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术检测水体中大肠菌群研究

    Detection of Coliforms in Water Samples by FISH Technique

  4. 方法对餐具进行游离性余氯、ABS含量及大肠菌群检测;

    Methods Free residual chlorine , ABS content and E.

  5. 大气CO2浓度升高对稻田水体细菌及大肠菌群数量的影响

    Effects of atmospheric CO_2 enrichment on the population sizes of aquatic microbial and coliform group in paddy field ecosystem

  6. 本文以粪大肠菌群作为水质粪便污染指标,于2005年监测了浑河(抚顺段)水体粪便污染情况,同时监测了水质COD值。

    The fecal pollution situation of Fushun section of Hunhe river was investigated by means of monitoring Fecal Coliform and COD .

  7. 水主要污染物为总大肠菌群和Cu,底泥主要污染物为Cr、六六六和滴滴涕。

    The main pollutants in water are total coliform bacteria and Cu , and the main pollutants in fishery sediment are Cr , BHC and DDT .

  8. 对EM发酵饲料中乳酸杆菌、酵母菌、大肠菌群、腐败菌等微生物类群的动态变化进行了研究。

    Changes of lactobacillus , yeast , coliform bacteria , putrefaction-making bacteria in EM fermentation feed were investigated in this paper .

  9. 食具细菌总数超标率为62.56%,大肠菌群阳性率73.71%,HBsAg阳性率6.78%,各种食具中以碗被污染最重。

    The positive rates of coli-group and HBsAg are 73.71 % and 6.78 % , respectively ; the bowls are contaminated most seriously .

  10. 粪大肠菌群(FecalColiform,FC)是判定污泥土地安全利用的重要指标之一。

    Fecal Coliform ( FC ) is an indicator pathogen for evaluating safety of land application of sewage sludge .

  11. 3M测试片法和国标法检测香料香精中大肠菌群结果的比较

    Comparing detection results of coliform by 3M method with that of coliform by nation standard method in flavor fragrance

  12. 结果:池水温度、尿素、游离性余氯、PH值的合格率分别为2.8%、68.1%、92.4%、94.4%,浑浊度、细菌总数、大肠菌群合格率为100%,有5个游泳池尿素严重超标。

    Results : Yield of temperature or carbamide or residual chlorine or ph valve is 2 . 8 % , 68 . 1 % , 92 . 4 % , 94 . 4 % .

  13. 经大肠菌群纸片快速鉴定法,测定出面团发酵前后大肠菌群都不超出国家标准(<30)。6、蒸前和蒸后的pH值都呈波动变化。

    Classics of coli group rapid identification method , determination of dough fermentation of coliform did not exceed the national standard ( 30 ) . 6.Steamed before and after steaming pH value fluctuated over time .

  14. 碳酸饮料换成白开水,慢慢咀嚼,服用preandpro生物产品,这样就可以有效改善您的大肠菌群,从而减少腹内胀气。

    Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks , chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements , which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating .

  15. 不考虑光活化的影响时,17mJ/cm2的UV剂量可以将污水中的细菌、大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群全部灭活。

    When photoreactivation is not considered , all the bacteria , coliform group and fecal coliform group in MBR effluent could be inactivated with 17 mJ / cm2 of UV dose .

  16. 广味香肠制品的大肠菌群MPN值均未超出国家标准。

    Cantonese style sausage products coliform MPN values did not exceed national standards .

  17. NaClO处理鲜切生菜中大肠菌群数的预测模型研究

    Study on Predictive Model for Total Coliform Group Reduction on Fresh-cut Lettuce Treated with NaClO

  18. 其结果表明,浑河(抚顺段)水体粪便污染严重,粪大肠菌群与COD呈现良好的相关关系。

    The results showed that the Fushun section of Hunhe river was severe polluted by feces and the valuer of Fecal Coliform had significant correlation with the concentration of COD .

  19. 说明3M高灵敏度大肠菌群测试片用于检测香料香精中大肠菌群是可行的。

    It indicated that 3M high sensitive Coliform count plate method was a feasible way to detect the Coliform in flavor fragrance .

  20. 计算机模拟大肠菌群MPN

    Computer simulation MPN theory of coliform groups

  21. 多管法检测大肠菌群MPN值&HBG程序的探讨

    MPN value of the coliform group measured by multi-tube method ─ a study of HbG programme

  22. 综上结果说明,A3培养基是一种适宜大肠菌群生长,抑制革兰氏阳性菌生长的初发酵基础培养基,能在短期内使发酵管产气的菌群基本就是大肠菌群。

    A3 was a kind of initial fermentation media which was good for Coliform bacteria detection and bad for the growth of grams positive bacteria .

  23. 不同贮藏销售方式下,腊肉制品的大肠菌群MPN值均未超出国家标准。

    Different storage methods , coliform MPN value of cured meat products did not exceed national standards .

  24. 大肠菌群最大可能数(MPN)的数学推导与计算机程序的应用

    Mathematics principle of most possible number ( MPN ) of coliform group and the application of computer program

  25. 结果21个坑道贮水库细菌总数及大肠菌群合格率为48%及57%,真菌数平均为654个ml。

    Results The rates of hygiene qualification of the water stored in 21 tunnels were 4.8 % and 57 % by total bacteria counts and Escherichia coli counts respectively with average 654 per ml water of fungi .

  26. 以LST培养基为基础并优选出A3培养基(LST+0.2%吐温),扩大实验表明:A3培养基对大肠菌群的检出率比GB培养基和LST培养基分别高出577.12%和143.72%。

    The successful rate of A3 medium in detecting coliform groups of 12 specimens was higher than GB medium and LST medium by 577.12 % and 143.72 % respectively .

  27. 结果,检测100台待出厂饮水机所供纯净水,细菌总数均为0cfu/ml,均未检出大肠菌群。

    The results showed that the total bacterial count was 0 cfu / ml and no coli-group bacteria were detected in the puri - fled water supplied by 100 sets of the drinking water machine awaiting to leave the factory .

  28. 研究了臭氧水处理鲜切生菜在4℃贮藏期间的细菌总数、大肠菌群、PPO活性、Vc含量、失重率和感官质量的变化。

    Fresh-cut lettuce was treated with ozonated water and the effect on total bacterial counts and coliform group , PPO activity , Vc content , weight loss ratio and sensory quality were evaluated during storage at 4 ℃ .

  29. 不合格的项目主要是铁、锰、pH值、浊度、细菌总数、总大肠菌群、粪大肠菌群,其超标率分别是24.16%、28.33%、60.83%、26.66%、20.00%、37.50%、32.50%。

    The unqualification rates of iron , manganese , pH value , turbidity , total unmber of bacteria , total coliform , fecal coliform were 24.16 % , 28.33 % , 60.83 % , 26.66 % , 20.00 % , 37.50 % and 32.50 % , respectively .

  30. 在生物膜样品和管网水样品中均可检出大肠菌群,与水质监测结果对比,说明运用PCR扩增检验技术更加准确、可靠。

    The result showed the existence of E. coli both in samples of the biofilm and samples of the drinking water . Compared to the monitoring of the bacteria using the conventional methods , the test based on PCR amplification were more sensitive and reliable .