
  • 网络large and medium-sized cities
  1. 为与之相适应,各大中城市有线电视HFC网络作为传输广播电视的主要载体,必须按照广播电视数字化的要求进行网络改造。

    In order to meet the needs , the CATV HFC networks , as the major carrier of broadcasting & television transmission in large and medium-sized cities , must be improved .

  2. 很多大中城市的交通状况非常严峻,而且不同程度地占道停车、违章停车,进而加剧了停车难的状况。

    The parking situation is very serious in many large and medium-sized cities .

  3. 基于GIS的大中城市应急决策反应系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation for the decision support system of earthquake emergency response of large and medium-size cities based on GIS

  4. 利用优越的全光1550nm+1310nmWDM技术建设中国大中城市HFC网络方案建议

    A Suggestion to the Construction of City HFC Network Based on 1550nm + 1310nm WDM Technology

  5. 有些大中城市C级GPS网,由于生产单位对规范要求理解不同,在建立GPS控制网时,有很大的随意性,致使很多城市平面控制网留有瑕疵。

    Because the ways to make GPS control nets are so random that different companies have different understandings to the specifications of surveys , many horizontal control nets in many big cities have some fault .

  6. 随着经济的持续快速增长,近年来我国一些大中城市纷纷着手建设自己的CBD。

    With the persistent increase in the economy , several large-scale or mid-scale cities have commenced building their own CBDs .

  7. 根据路透(Reuters)的计算,去年12月,中国70个大中城市的新房价格同比平均上涨1.6%。

    New home prices in 70 large cities rose by an average of 1.6 per cent year-on-year in December , according to calculations by Reuters .

  8. 来自瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的数据显示,今年4月中国商品房销售额下降了7.8%,而中国40个大中城市的商品房销售量降幅则超过了20%。

    Chinese real estate sales dropped 7.8 per cent in April , while volumes dropped more than 20 per cent in the top 40 cities in China , data from Credit Suisse show .

  9. 在我国大中城市一般布设C级GPS网作为首级控制,其主要任务是发展城市基础控制网,为测图和施工放样服务。

    In our country , the first degree for controlling nets of GPS is C in many middle and big cities , which main purpose is to develop the basic control nets and to give service for construction and layout .

  10. 自然源是沿长江流域Cd异常普遍存在的根本原因,而人为源却有可能是高Cd异常主要沿长江干流及支流两岸大中城市分布的重要影响因素。

    Therefore , the natural source is the root cause for the prevalence of cadmium anomaly in the Yangtze River , while the anthropogenic source is likely to be responsible for high Cd anomalies in large and intermediate-sized cities along the Yangtze River .

  11. 中国国家统计局(NBS)昨日表示,全国70个大中城市10月新建商品住宅价格同比下降的城市有67个,与9月相比价格下降的城市有69个。

    New home prices had dropped in October in 67 out of 70 cities from a year earlier , and in 69 during September , the National Bureau of Statistics said yesterday .

  12. 路透(Reuters)计算的加权平均值显示,6月至7月,政府跟踪的70个大中城市的新房均价环比下降0.9%,为三次连续下跌中的最大降幅。

    New home prices across 70 cities tracked by the government fell by an average 0.9 per cent between June and July , the sharpest tumble in three straight declines , according to a weighted average calculated by Reuters .

  13. 随着HIS/RIS系统在国内大中城市医院的普及,对医疗电子数据交换标准HL7的研究越来越重要。

    With the development of HIS / RIS ( Hospital / Radiology Information System ), it is very important to study the HL7 ( Health Level Seven ) Standard for electronic data exchange in healthcare environments .

  14. 中国移动1999年开始搭建GPRS试验网,目前中国移动GPRS网络覆盖了全国200多个大中城市,云南移动GPRS网络第1期工程已经覆盖了8个地州,近期内将逐步扩大。

    GPRS experiment network was set up by China mobile communication in 1999 . At present , China mobile GPRS net has covered more 200 provincial and middle cities in China . GPRS network in Yunnan has covered 8 areas and is enlarging its mobile terminals gradually .

  15. 大中城市震害预测与辅助决策的空间分析

    Spatial analysis of earthquake disaster prediction and assistant decision-making in urbs

  16. 大中城市市内电话的业务预测

    The Traffic Forecasting of Local Telephone for Large - Middle Cities

  17. 关于我国大中城市郊区城镇规划的思考

    Thoughts on the Suburban Planning of Chinese Large-sized and Medium-sized Cities

  18. 大中城市过境规划及具体问题分析

    Analysis on Territory Passing-through Planning of Large-middle City and Its Problem

  19. 甘肃大中城市贫困问题研究

    Study on The Poverty In Big - Middle Cities In Gansu

  20. 国内沿海主要大中城市房价居高不下。

    The price in domestic coastal cities rises too high .

  21. 36个大中城市居民消费价格分类指数

    The Consumer Price Index of Residents in 36 Major Cities

  22. 国家统计局今年弃用了70个大中城市房价指数。

    The statistics agency abandoned the 70-cities index this year .

  23. 我们开放了十四个沿海城市,都是大中城市。

    We have opened 14 large and medium-sized coastal cities .

  24. 适用于大中城市电网的无功规划原则

    Reactive Power Planning Principles Suitable to Power Networks in Large-and Medium-Size Cities

  25. 大中城市社区服务网络建设的思考

    On construction of community service networks in Chinese middle and large cities

  26. 国内大中城市生活垃圾分类收集实施方案

    Implementary of Municipal Solid Waste Sorted Collection in Chinese City

  27. 在国家统计局跟踪的70个大中城市中,有69个城市的房价2月同比下跌。

    Prices fell in 69 of the 70 cities tracked .

  28. 大中城市老年居住设施初探及开发实践

    Research of City Elderly Residential Facility in Development Practice

  29. 学术界的农民工研究聚焦在进入大中城市里面的农民工群体。

    Academic research focused on those migrant workers into urban or big city .

  30. 环渤海滨海地带大中城市的发展

    Development of the large and medium-sized cities in the Bohai Sea coastal zone