
  • 网络Yuci;yuci district
  1. 对山西省晋中市榆次区近10年(1991年~2000年)大气中SO2污染物浓度进行监测,所得数据用方差分析进行分析。

    The concentration of SO_2 pollution in the air in Yuci District , Jinzhong , Shanxi from 1991 to 2000 was monitored continuously , and the monitored date were analyzed by using analysis of variance .

  2. 文章以榆次区主栽鲜食品种梨枣为试验材料,研究了在0±2℃贮藏条件下,不同浓度的乙醇处理(1.5mL/kg、2.5mL/kg、4.5mL/kg)对梨枣果实品质的影响。

    The article researched a different ethanol consistency ( 1.5mL / kg , 2.5vmL / kg , 4.5mL / kg ) treated Pyriform Jujube mainly planted in YuCi for the influence of rigidity , content of vitamin C and rot ratio when preserved in 0 ± 2 ℃ .

  3. 山西省榆次区避孕节育知情选择访谈结果分析

    Analysis on Informed Choice of Contraception in Parts of Shanxi Province

  4. 榆次区高校与社区体育资源共享的调查研究

    Investigation on Sport Resources Sharing in Yuci District and Colleges in It

  5. 榆次区村民选举与自治分析

    Villager 's Election and Self-government of Yuci District

  6. 山西省晋中市榆次区碘缺乏病健康教育调查

    Health Education of Iodine Deficiency Disorders in Yuci District , Jinzhong City , Shanxi Province

  7. 2004年榆次区学校、幼儿园食堂卫生现状调查

    The Investigation about the Hygiene Situation of Cafeterias in Schools Kindergartens in Yuci of 2004

  8. 2007年晋中市榆次区部分农民结核病防治知识知晓情况调查

    Investigation on Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Knowledge in Farmers in Yuci District , Jinzhong City in 2007

  9. 了解晋中市榆次区学校、幼儿园集体食堂的卫生状况,以便发现存在的问题,及时制订相应的卫生管理措施,确保学生集体用餐卫生安全。

    To strengthen the administration of University dining hall , to ensure food safety and material benefit , an analysis was made on the mode of administration and management of Universitys dining hall .

  10. 榆次平川区生态经济园林村规划模式初探&东阳镇德音生态经济园林村规划

    A Preliminary Probe of Eco economic gardening village Planning Patterns in Flat Land Yuci City

  11. 旨在摸索榆次市平川区生态经济园林村规划模式,以典型示范,辐射全市。

    The aim was to try to find ecological economy gardening village planning patterns of flat land in Yuci city , to set a typical example , and to promote all the city .