
  • 网络daci temple;DACI MONASTERY
  1. 因为我习惯于一组人一起做冥想修行,所以我很高兴能够与这组人在大慈寺同做冥想修行。

    Because I am used to practicing meditation with a group , I was therefore grateful to find this group at DaCi Temple to practice mediation with .

  2. 她告诉我每周四晚上7点,严永奎先生会在大慈寺进行冥想修行指导,而她很乐意陪我去那里。

    She told me that Mr Yan gave instruction for a weekly meditation at7pm of Thursday evenings at DaCi Temple , and that she would be happy to accompany me there .

  3. 本文旨在探讨玄奘法师随兄入蜀,在成都五年的参学之地和受戒之事,详论多宝寺与大慈寺的深厚渊源,力求破解玄奘法师在成都大慈寺受戒的千古悬案。

    It discusses in detail on the tie between Duobaosi and Dacisi , trying to solve the age-old unsettled issues of Venerable Hsuan Chuang 's ordainment in Chengdu Dacisi .

  4. 然后根据大慈寺街区的历史空间状态,从史料中查阅分析寻找出大慈寺街区在古代的声景状态,试图得出大慈寺街区历史空间中的声景特征。

    Then according to the history of space blocks Daci state inspection from historical data analysis to find out the Daci neighborhoods in the ancient soundscape state , trying to draw historical space in neighborhoods Daci soundscape features .