
Huánɡ Xìnɡ
  • Huang Xing;revolutionary who founded the Huaxinghui which merged with other groups in 1905 to form the Tongmenghui
  1. 黄兴也是护国运动的主要领导者

    HUANG Xing is the Main-leader of the Protection Nation Movement

  2. 试论黄兴的联合作战策略思想

    On Discussing Huang Xing 's Strategy Thought of Unified Operation

  3. 黄兴与武昌起义新论

    Huang Xing and Wuchang Revolt

  4. 辛亥革命后黄兴和李烈均在顽强协作中的顽强抗争就是其中的光辉典范。

    The tenacious struggles of Huangxing and Li Liejun in their tenacious cooperation after the1911 revolution are just the shining examples among them .

  5. 黄兴的各种政党活动体现了他的政党思想,政党思想又推动了他的进一步政党活动,他的政党思想和政党活动是相互作用、相互促进的。

    Huang Xing 's political party activities reflected his political party thought while his political party thought made him take further political party activities .

  6. 其实,黄兴在1906~1911年发动粤、桂、滇6次起义,与南洋华侨有密切的联系。

    In fact , Huang Xing took part in six uprisings from 1906 to 1911 and had much to do with overseas Chinese in South Asia .

  7. 1907年与黄兴、蔡锷等在广西发动武装起义,因积劳成疾,28岁即英年早逝。

    In 1907 , he rose up with Huang Xing , Cai E , etc. in Guangxi , late he died from tiredness when he was 28 yeas old .

  8. 通过一系列的策划活动稳固了革命政权,使黄兴领导的武汉反清武装斗争有一个较为坚实的后方环境。

    Revolutionary regime was stabilized through a series of scheme activities so as to armed fight of opposing Qing dynasty leaded by Huang Hsing had a more solid rear surroundings .

  9. 黄兴在进行资产阶级革命斗争中提出并实践了他的教育观,即主张教育为革命培养骨干,教育要平等,教材要实用等,补充和充实了近代资产阶级的教育思想。

    Huang xing ′ s outlook on education about advocating education for revolution , cultivating core members , implementing education equality and teaching materials for practice , etc , is briefly accounted .

  10. 文章强调复合界面对于城市街道有机更新的指导意义,并以长沙市黄兴南路步行街为例,说明了复合界面对城市街道更新改造的实际意义。

    Giving an example of the development and renewal of the Huangxing Pedestrain Street , the thesis also explained the significance of compound-interface to the organic renewal of the urban street space .

  11. 故经济思想主要以孙中山、黄兴、蔡元培等从海外归来的人士的殖产兴业、实业救国、科学救国、教育救国等思想为主。

    Therefore , economic thoughts mainly referred to prospering industrial , saving the nation by developing industrial , science and education , which were proposed by people who were returning from overseas , such as Sun Zhongshan , Huang Xing and Cai Yuanpei .

  12. 武昌首义中,居正通过其独特的身份开展有效的联络工作,团结统一了武汉地区的革命力量,使孙中山、黄兴等革命领袖及时了解湖北革命实力,加快了其它地区起义的发生;

    In Wu Chang revolution , Ju Zheng united Wu Han 's revolution strength , made the revolution leaders such as Huang Hsing , Sun Yat-sen etc know revolution power in Hu Bei and quickened the uprising of other areas through his special status developing effective work .