
  1. 砒砂岩&黄土沟谷土壤含水量的时空变化

    Spatiotemporal Variation of Soil Moisture Content in the Soft-rock Loess Gully

  2. 利用DEM提取陕北黄土高原沟谷网络的汇流阈值研究

    Conflux Threshold of Extracting Stream Networks from DEMs in North Shaanxi Province of Loess Plateau

  3. 黄土高原沟谷系统及立地类型分布特征研究

    The Study on the Difference of Terrain Feature in Different Types of Regions in the Loess Plateau

  4. 末次间冰期以来黄河中游黄土高原沟谷侵蚀-堆积过程初探

    Processes of Gully Erosion and Accumulation in the Central Loess Plateau of China Since the Last Interglacial

  5. 黄土高原沟谷侵蚀速率研究&以洛川黄土源区为例

    Study of the Gully Erosion Rates on the Loess Plateau ── Taking Luo Chuan Yuan As an Example

  6. 黄土丘陵地区沟谷系统的平面结构及其对土壤侵蚀的影响

    On the Gully - Valley System in Loess Hilly - Gullied Region

  7. 黄土丘陵区沟谷发育及其稳定性评价

    Development of gullies and evaluation on their stability in the Loess Hill Region

  8. 元代以来黄土塬区沟谷发育与土壤侵蚀

    Gully Development and Soil Erosion in the Loess Yuan Region since Yuan Dynasty

  9. 黄土塬区沟谷侵蚀与发展

    Gully Erosion and Its Development on Loess Plateau

  10. 基于谐波分析的黄土高原小流域沟谷分布规律研究

    Quantifying valley topographic distribution using harmonics analysis in the Loess Plateau

  11. 陕西渭南黄土台塬区沟谷侵蚀作用的初步研究

    On the erosion process of stream valley in Loess platform , weinan , Shaanxi

  12. 研究表明,包括切沟在内的黄土丘陵区的沟谷密度值可高达20km/km~2以上;

    Density of gully in this area is so high that it can reach 20km / km2 ;