
jīnɡ diǎn tú jìnɡ
  • classical pathway
  1. 脂质体-免疫分析法(LIA)检测总补体溶血活性,主要反映补体经经典途径活化的活性。

    CH_ ( 50 ) tested by with liposome immunoassay mainly reflects complement activity of classical pathway .

  2. 补体的激活过程依据其起始顺序的不同,可分为三条途径:经典途径、MBL途径和旁路途径。

    Complement is activated by three pathways : the classical pathway , the alternative pathway and the lectin pathway .

  3. 本文对30例晚期血吸虫病患者进行了血清C4、C3与循环免疫复合物(CIC)的检测,发现:(1)晚血患者C4水平较正常人降低,提示有补体经典途径的激活;

    The level of the serum C4 , C3 and CIC was determined in 30 cases of late schistosomiasis .

  4. 结论:部分LN患者肾组织PTCC4d沉积,其存在自身免疫功能亢进和补体经典途径的激活。

    Conclusion : The peritubular capillary deposition of C4d is present in patients with LN .

  5. 实验目的:Wnt信号通路包括经典途径和非经典途径。

    Objective : Wnt signaling pathway includes the canonical pathway and non-canonical pathway .

  6. 香椿果抗补体活性多酚虽能强烈抑制补体经典途径和替代途径激活,但对LPS激活补体损伤内皮细胞没有保护作用。

    The anticomplementary polyphenol strongly inhibits the haemolysis of the complement , but it nearly failure protect endothelial cells against injury by LPS-activated complement .

  7. 上述实验结果提示:SF1在体外实验中能抑制补体的活性,表现于对补体经典途径和替代途径激活的抑制。

    This suggests that SF_1 could not change the antigenicity of C_3 andC_4.It is concluded that SF_1 possesses potent immunosuppressive effect on complement invitro by both the classical and alternative pathways .

  8. 补体成分3(Complementcomponent3,C3)是补体系统的中枢,补体激活的3条途径即经典途径、旁路途径和凝集素途径都要通过激活C3才得以实现。

    The third component of complement ( C3 ) plays a central role . C3 supports the activation of all the three pathways of complement activation , i.e. the classical , alternative , and lectin pathways .

  9. ESCs体外诱导为神经细胞的经典途径是先通过拟胚体阶段以启动分化,再通过RA或无血清培养法诱导拟胚体分化为神经细胞。

    The typical method of ES cells differentiation into neural cells in vitro includes embryoid bodies ( EBs ) formation and subsequent differentiation into neural cells under all-trans retinoic acid or serum-free conditions .

  10. 作为补体系统经典途径的启动分子,C1q在对病原微生物的识别和整个补体系统的激活中起着重要作用。

    As the first component of complement classical pathway , C1q plays an essential role in recognizing pathogens and activating the whole complement system .

  11. 3创伤后血中补体通过经典途径和替代途径被激活,C3a和攻膜蛋白(MAC)升高,参与了ALI/ARDS的发病;

    Complement activation through both classical and altenative pathways and increase of C3a and MAC in blood were observed after trauma . It took part in the pathogenesis of ALI / ARDS ;

  12. 已有实验证实,CTGF可通过介导糖基化终末产物这一经典途径促进肾脏系膜细胞合成胶原蛋白和纤维黏连蛋白,从而参与了肾脏纤维化的进展。

    Experiments have been confirmed , CTGF mediated by advanced glycation end product of this approach for kidney mesangial cells to synthesize collagen and fibronectin , which participated in the progress of renal fibrosis .

  13. 结论获得一个更具稳定结构和生物学活性的C1q结合短肽,它能更有效地抑制C1q与免疫复合物结合,从而阻断补体经典途径的激活。

    Conclusion A peptide with improved structural stability and inhibitory activities is obtained , which inhibits the binding of C1q to immune complex and blocks the activation of the classical complement pathway .

  14. 认为测定血清Cls对研究补体经典途径活化、探讨乙肝发病机理、判断患者肝脏损害程度及估计预后都有一定的意义。

    The determination of serum Cls levels may be of value for study on complement classical pathway activation and the pathogenesis of hepatitis B , estimation of the extent of hepatic damage in the patients and evaluation on prognosis .

  15. 补体系统的经典途径是无脊椎动物免疫的第一道防线。

    The classical complement pathway is a part of the first line of defence in the innate immunity .

  16. 将经典途径及旁路途径缺陷的人血清等体积混合,其细胞毒作用恢复正常。

    Mixing serum with deficient classical pathway and serum with deficient alternative pathway restored the cytotoxicity to normal levels .

  17. 在HeLa细胞中,吴茉英碱启动了经典凋亡途径。

    In HeLa cells , evodiamine initiated classic apoptotic pathway .

  18. 补体经典激活途径C3转化酶的体外组装及活性观察

    Formation and characterization of classical pathway C3 convertase of complement system in vitro

  19. 在经典Wnt途径中β-连环蛋白是其关键成员。

    The central mediator of canonical Wnt signaling is β - catenin .

  20. 目的体外组装包含人C4分子的补体经典激活途径C3转化酶,并对其转化酶活性及衰变特性进行观察。

    Objective To prepare classical pathway C3 convertase of complement system in vitro and to observe its activity .

  21. HCV的经典传播途径为经血液或血液制品传播,但1991年后献血员HCV的筛检已使输血后丙型肝炎大为减少。

    The typical transmission way of HCV is through blood or blood product . But since blood donors being routinely screened for HCV after 1991 , the way of HCV transmission has been changing .

  22. 结论C1、C2用量及孵育温度是影响C3转化酶形成和自发性衰变的主要因素,体外组装的补体经典激活途径C3转化酶可应用于相关补体调控蛋白的活性检测。

    Conclusions gp C1 or gp C2 concentration and incubation temperature are key factors in the formation and decay of the classical pathway C3 convertase . C3 convertase prepared by this method can be used to detect DA activity of related complement regulatory proteins .

  23. FSGS中C4d沉积方式有两种:基底膜线状沉积和系膜区颗粒、团块状沉积。线状沉积代表经典补体途径更强激活,提示患者预后较差和对激素治疗不敏感。

    In FSGS , there are two types expression of C4d , Linear deposition in basal membrane and granulo-form or bolus-form deposition in mesangium . Linear deposition of C4d are present the higher activation of classical pathway of complement , and indicate the poor prognosis and hormone resistance . 2 .

  24. 重写:文学文本的经典化途径

    Rewriting : Classicizing Means for Literary Text

  25. 本文介绍了无模型控制器又称非建模自适应控制器的基本理论和近年来在理论和应用方面研究的进展,无模型控制器的设计途径是一种非经典的途径。

    In this paper the basic theory and the progress of theoretical and application research of model free controller or anther name non-modeling adaptive controller has been introduced . The designing approach of model free controller is a non-classical .

  26. 其中MDR1是较为经典的耐药途径,对其机理研究得也较为透彻。

    Among them , P-gp is the more classical one , as to its mechanism study too more very clear .

  27. 研究目的1.原代培养SD大鼠乳鼠心肌细胞,经典的线粒体途径凋亡诱导剂staurosporine(STS)建立心肌细胞凋亡模型,观察氯离子通道阻断剂对心肌细胞存活及凋亡的影响。

    Primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and apoptosis induction with a potent mitochondrial apoptotic inducer staurosporine ( STS ), and investigating the effects of chloride channel blockers on cardiomyocyte apoptosis . 2 .

  28. 唐宋时期对于汉赋的注释、选辑、摘引等,也是经典化的途径之一,为明清时期大规模的汉赋文献整理奠定了基础。

    All these laid a foundation for a large-scale documentation of the Han Fu-poetry in the Ming and the Qing Dynasty .

  29. 介绍了非建模自适应控制器,又称无模型控制器,它是一种通过非经典的设计途径完成的。

    In this paper the designing approach of model free adaptive controller , also named non modeling adaptive controller has been introduced .

  30. 高校图书馆在大学生经典名著接触途径中有多重要&大学生课外阅读调查研究之五

    The Importance of Libraries as Channel for College Students to Read Literary Masterpiece & The Fifth Research on College Students ' Outside Class Reading