
  • 网络Empirical technology;empirical skill
  1. 独特配方因地制宜10年经验技术保证。

    It is10 years experience to study the technical to keep the quality .

  2. 杭州华超紧固件有限公司以台湾经验技术开辟国内市场。

    We expand the domestic market based on Taiwan 's experience and technology .

  3. 查证了国外的经验技术,并将铁路与其他运输方式进行了综合比较。

    Railway is compared with other transport modes and its counterpart of foreign countries .

  4. 实践性工作的经验技术。

    The skilled practice of a practical occupation .

  5. 但是他却肯定接近道的工艺及工艺精神,同时也肯定类艺术的个体劳动者的经验技术。

    But he admitted the spirit of crafts , the experience and technique of personal workers of arts .

  6. 公司拥有全套加工设备和一批具有研发经验技术娴熟的工作人员。

    The company has a full set of processing equipment and a number of research and development experience of skilled staff .

  7. 由于经验技术和科学技术的来源或基础不同,它们之间存在着许多本质差异。

    Because of difference of sources or foundations of experience technology and science technology , there are many essential differences between them .

  8. 楔横轧经过几十年的发展,其实践经验技术已达到很高水平。

    With the development in past years , practice and experiment technology of cross wedge rolling has been to a high level .

  9. 从经济形态上看,中国传统药业是农业经济形态,主要是对自然药物的自然而然的应用。从科技形态上看,中国传统药业是经验技术形态,鲜有科学方面的发现和发明。

    On the way , Chinese traditional medicine trade is an agricultural economic pattern which is a spontaneous using of natural medicines .

  10. 人类在这两类不同知识的基础上分别创造发明出两类不同的技术经验技术和科学技术。

    Human produces and invents two distinct kinds of technology on the two different types of knowledge : experience technology and science technology .

  11. 尽管我从九岁时起就开始学习摄影,但还是因为这次在山区的经历让我积累了不少经验技术。

    Although I started taking photographs when I was nine years old I really learnt to cultivate my skills when taking photographs in the mountains .

  12. 拥有一支经验技术过硬的钢琴制造专业技术人才队伍,和先进的整套钢琴生产流水线,具备国内一流的现代化钢琴质量检测设备。

    It has a skillful piano-making team , a set of advanced piano production line and the state of art modern piano quality control equipment .

  13. 数据挖掘就是一种半经验技术,其主要指综合运用多种算法,从大量数据中发现事先未知的信息和知识的计算机数据处理过程。

    Data mining , a multi-disciplinary research area , is a semi-empirical technology to find the unknown , hidden and interesting knowledge from the massive data .

  14. 将日积月累的经验技术活用至最大极限,对顾客提供最佳的专用设备及精密零件加工服务,以扩大事业版图。

    We aim to expand our business by providing the special purpose machine and precision parts processing service best suited to our customers while maximizing our accumulated expertise .

  15. 对于共同的敌人,精灵和森林的生物会结合年长者的经验技术和森林生物的自然能量与凶猛,齐心协力去战斗。

    Against a common foe , Elves and forest creatures fight as one , combining the skill of the elder race with the sheer elemental power and ferocity of the forest .

  16. 高职课程内容从总体上讲,应是理论技术与经验技术相结合,侧重于理论技术;

    Generally speaking , the curriculum of higher Vocational and Technical Education should be the integration of the theoretical technology and the experimental technology , and pay more attention to the experimental technology .

  17. 针对这一社会需求,通过总结国内外相关领域的经验技术,我们设计了适用于近海及湖泊环境的水质检测系统。

    In response to this social demand , by summing up experience and technology in related fields , we designed water quality monitoring system , which is suitable for coastal waters and lakes .

  18. 拥有一批二十多专业技术经验技术人员,自我研发生产配方,有独特的技术力量以及全自动化生产设备,生产出品优价廉的产品为客户服务。

    We possess a team of experienced technical personnel , which equipped ourselves with R & D capacity and sufficient technical power to provide our customers with high quality and low price products .

  19. 是本民族群众在长期的生产生活中经验技术的积累,以独特的形式展现着它自身所独有的历史价值、文化价值、观赏价值及实用价值,受到人们的喜爱。

    Is the ethnic people in long-term production and life experience and technology accumulation , in the form of a unique show with its own unique historical value , cultural value , ornamental value and practical value , quite popular .

  20. 技术现象学是伊德研究人类经验技术的内涵而提出的重要观点。然而人-技术-世界的关系却是进行经验转向研究的前奏。

    The Technical phenomenology was significant views proposed by Don Ihde , Who aims to studies the connotation of the human experience and technology . furthermore , the relationship of human-technology-world was the prelude to study the " empirical turn " .

  21. 企业十分需要有经验和技术的员工,他们大都在五六十岁左右。

    Experienced technicians in their 50s and 60s are treasures for enterprises .

  22. KW造型线的运行经验及技术改造

    KW Molding Line Runing Experience and Technical Transformation

  23. 仿真表明基于历史经验回放技术能提高Q学习效率。4.设计了ADAMS仿真平台。

    Simulation results indicate that the Experience Replay technology can improve the efficiency of Q-learning . Fourthly , the ADAMS simulation platform is designed .

  24. 类似于COCOMO和SLIM这样的方法开始放出光芒,而基于专家经验的技术则逐渐失去作用。

    Methods like COCOMO and SLIM begin to shine , while expertise-based techniques gradually become less useful .

  25. 面向学习和基于专家经验的技术可以在这里使用,以便研究提议的新的活动的可行性,以及确定下一个EA周期的参数。

    Learning-oriented and expertise-based techniques may be useful here to study the feasibility of proposed new activities , and to shape the parameters of the next round of EA round .

  26. 对提取的模型、建立的可复用库及其EADS领域的软件生产线模型进行了验证,最终得到很多经验和技术积累。

    By testifying extracted model , reusable base , and software production line model , experience and techniques are accumulated .

  27. 使用人工神经网络BP算法模拟样板师的经验和技术,用于女西裤的纸样设计,实现了从净体尺寸到成衣尺寸的自动映射,并且具有较高的映射精度。

    The method using BP algorithm of ANN to simulate the pattern master ′ s experience and technique is proposed and used in the flat pattern design of women trousers . This method realizes automatic mapping from the body measurement to the garment size with higher accuracy .

  28. 本文简要总结了该生产线超高压(63MPa)液压系统的改进经验和技术。

    The improvements and experiences gained are presented on the superhigh pressure ( 63MPa ) hydraulic system for the line .

  29. 介绍了L41×49WD-1型罗茨风机的检修与维护经验及技术改进。

    Repair and maintenance , experience , technology innovation on L41 × 49WD-1 roots blower are introduced in the paper .

  30. FRZ和EYL两项技术是在全面分析新疆油田公司注水开发生产区历史和现状的基础上,充分吸取国外先进经验和技术,研究成功的综合增注技术。

    The technologies , FRZ and EYL , are comprehensive injection increase ones derived from analyzing production history and present situation of water injection development in waterflood production area , Xinjiang Oil Company Ltd. Throughout , and introducing foreign advanced Technology and the experience .