
tè shū ɡānɡ
  • special steel
  1. CCTV主楼底板复杂钢筋与特殊钢结构交叉施工技术

    Crossed Construction Technology of Complicated Steel Reinforcement and Special Steel Structure in CCTV Main Building Bedplate

  2. 根据交流电弧炉(EAF)的工作特性,对抚顺特殊钢公司两台电弧炉产生的电压波动和闪变进行了预测,并阐述了将要采用的补偿措施。

    According to characteristics of AC electrical arc furnaces ( EAF ), the voltage fluctuation and flicker caused by two EAFs of Fushun Special Steel Co. , Ltd. are predicted .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的特殊钢大方坯质量在线预报系统开发

    Development of on Line Quality Prediction System Based on BP Neural Network for Specialty Steel Bloom Castings

  4. 用清洗特殊钢废酸生产聚铁净水剂及其Mn,Cr,Ni量的测定

    Producing PFS Reagent from Waste Acid and the Determination of Mn , Cr and Ni

  5. 研究杯状砂轮修整器对CBN砂轮的修形原理,及修形后砂轮磨削特殊钢的加工特性。

    This paper describes the dressing principle and its grinding characteristics of vitrified bonded CBN wheels trued by cup truer .

  6. 达涅利无头连铸连轧(ECR)工艺是小型钢厂生产特殊钢和普通钢种长材产品的一项创新技术。

    The ECR endless casting rolling process is the latest innovation in minimills for speciality steel and commercial steel long products .

  7. 应用电子显微镜、FormasterDigital全自动相变仪研究了特殊钢相变规律;

    Transformation rule of special steels was investigated by means of electronic microscope and full automatic phase transformation tester ( Formaster Digital ) .

  8. 北满特殊钢股份有限公司从瑞典引进的“SL”钢包喷吹装置,其工艺特点是利用载气将粉状材料直接喷入钢液。

    The SL ladle that the Beiman Special Steel Company Limited introduced from Sweden has the characteristic of spraying the powdery material to the molten steel directly with the air .

  9. 本文介绍了国内第一台特殊钢方坯连铸机连铸的40Cr合金结构钢铸坯的质量水平。

    This paper shows the quality of alloy structural steel billet produced by a special steel billet caster in china .

  10. 最后以东北特殊钢集团为例,使用J2EE企业解决方案构建了B/S模式的制造过程质量标准化管理软件系统。

    Thereby , they are able to timely modify the content of standard and process of production . Finally , taking DT Steel Corporation as example , it has used the J2EE enterprise solution to construct the enterprise software system with B / S mode .

  11. 采用硝酸与其它酸的混合酸对特殊钢进行表面处理时,会产生大量的NOx和其它挥发性酸雾,是冶金企业的主要污染源之一。

    When the surface treatment of special steels is conducted by using the mixed acid formed with Nitric acid ( HNO3 ) and other acids , there will occur a lot of NOx and other Volatile acid mist which become the main pollution source of metallurgical enterprises .

  12. 建立了LF精炼过程喂Al线速度模型,分别计算了大冶特殊钢股份有限公司60t钢包炉生产过程中钢液不同温度、不同重量条件下的最佳喂入速度。

    The model of optimum feeding Al wire rate in LF refining was developed . The available feeding Al wire rate was calculated with the condition of different temperature and weight of liquid steel for a 60 ton LF at Daye Special Steel Co Ltd.

  13. 特殊钢生产的清洁生产途径

    Cleaner production path in produce of special steel the cleaning woman

  14. 抚顺钢厂&我国特殊钢生产和科研的重要基地

    Fushun Steel works & china 's important base of special steel

  15. 太钢热连轧特殊钢卷取的变张力控制

    Variable tension control of special steel coiler for hot strip mill

  16. 湿式空气氧化法治理特殊钢酸洗废液

    Wet air oxidation treatment of spent pickling solution of special steels

  17. 抚顺特殊钢公司模具钢轧钢机组

    Rolling Mill Train for Die Steel at Fushun Special Co Ltd

  18. 杂质元素磷、硫在特殊钢中的作用

    Influence of Impurity Elements - Phosphorus and Sulfur in Special Steel

  19. 转炉冶炼特殊钢工艺简述

    Compendium of the Smelting Technique of the Special Steel with Converter

  20. 冷轧法生产高精度特殊钢型材

    Production of High Precision Special Steel Bars by Cold Rolling Process

  21. 大冶特殊钢股份有限公司(原大冶钢厂)

    Daye Special Steel Company Limited ( foregone Daye Steel Works )

  22. 我国汽车用特殊钢的现状和发展

    Current Situation and Development of Special Steel for Automobile in China

  23. 汽车零部件用高品质特殊钢技术的最新发展

    The Latest Development of High Quality Special Steels for Auto Parts

  24. 对国内特殊钢冶炼及连铸技术的分析和探讨

    Discussion of steelmaking and continuous casting technologies for special steel in China

  25. 连铸小方坯生产高质量特殊钢线材

    High Quality Special Steel Wire Rod Producing by Concasting Billet

  26. 瑞典特殊钢工业的结构与特点

    The Structure and Feature of the Special Steel in Sweden

  27. 高技术轧制&比利时阿尔兹的特殊钢冷轧厂

    High-tech rolling . The Special-steel cold rolling Plant at ALZ in Belgium

  28. 特殊钢酸洗废液回收&扩散渗析-石灰石法

    Recovery of spent pickling solution of special steels by diffusion dialysis-limestone method

  29. 短流程特殊钢生产线的工艺设计与实施

    Designing and Implementing of Compact Route of Producing Special Steel

  30. 抚顺特殊钢公司合金钢连轧生产线

    Alloy Steel Continuous Rolling Line at Fushun Special Co Ltd