
  • 网络endemic species
  1. 论述了山东维管植物特有种的物种组成多样性、生活型多样性和空间分布格局多样性及其生态地理特征和区系特征。

    The present paper deals with the species diversity , the diversity of life forms , the patterns of spatial distribution , and the ecological and geographical characteristics of the Chinese endemic species of the tracheophyta in Shandong province .

  2. 通过查阅有关文献整理得出,中国淡水双壳类特有种计有58种,隶属于双壳纲(Bivalvia)2科17属,其中主要是蚌科(Unionidae)的种类(16属57种)。

    After consulting relevant materials , 58 endemic species of Chinese freshwater bivalves belonging to 17 genera in 2 families were systematically sorted out , most of which belong to the family Unionidae ( 57 species , 16 genera ) .

  3. 栗属中国特有种&板栗、茅栗、锥栗RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Three Chinese Endemic Castanea Species

  4. 中国栗属特有种保守RAPD片段分析

    Analysis on Conservative DNA Segment for Different Species of Castanea in China by RAPD Marker

  5. 岛屿特有种全缘冬青遗传多样性的ISSR分析

    ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of Ilex integra , an insular endemic plant

  6. IUCN(2002)红色名录的物种有33种;有中国鸟类特有种37种,占全国鸟类特有种的536%。

    33 species were recorded in the red-list of IUCN .

  7. 研究了高黎贡山东坡水平带蚂蚁群落特征,结果表明,除中南段2500m等高线外,东坡各水平带的不同位置均有特有种。

    On the east slope of Gaoligong Mountain each section has its endemic ant species except the middle south section at 2 500 m.

  8. 本文报道中国壁虎(Gekkochinensis)形态特征、食性和雌性繁殖的基础数据。中国壁虎是中国特有种,但人们对该种的生物学特征知之甚少。

    Some basic data on morphological traits , food habits and female reproduction were reported for the Chinese gecko ( Gekko chinensis ) , a species that is endemic to China but its biological traits remain poorly known .

  9. 水青冈属(Fagus)植物是北温带落叶阔叶林的主要树种,该属共有11种。中国5种均为特有种。

    There are 11 species in Fagus , 5 of them are endemic to China . They are the major trees of deciduous broadleaved forest in Northern temperate region .

  10. 在1000m、1500m、2000m、2500m等高线上,从北到南特有种数目依次递增,但北段1500m和2000m等高线出现特有种增高例外。

    From north to south , the amount of endemic species increases at 1 000 m , 1 500 m , 2 000 m and 2 500 m contours , but the north section at 1 500 m and 2 000 m has exceptionally high endemic species amount .

  11. 1955年发现的一种常绿针叶树;中国的特有种。

    Chinese evergreen conifer discovered in1955 ; not yet cultivated elsewhere .

  12. 为中国特有种。论我国和近邻的高等真菌特有种

    Endemic higher fungi with a note on China and adjacent areas

  13. 文章探讨了轮虫的特有种和入侵种问题。

    The thesis discussed the endemism and invasion of rotifers .

  14. 5中国特有种丰富,共有881种,占总种数的68.83%。

    Chinese endemic species of seed plants in this area are abundant .

  15. 栗属中国特有种居群的遗传多样性;

    Genetic diversity of Chinese special species and groups ;

  16. 中国淡水双壳类特有种的地理分布

    Geographical Distribution of Endemic Species of Chinese Freshwater Bivalves

  17. 地理分布:本种为香港特有种,仅见于青衣岛。

    Distribution : Endemic to Hong Kong and restricted to Tsing Yi Island .

  18. 地理分布:香港特有种,仅见于大屿山。

    Distribution : endemic to Hong kong , only found in Lantau island .

  19. 关于中国鸟类特有种名录的核定

    A revision of china ′ s endemic bird list

  20. 亚洲:琵琶湖,日本的特有种。

    Asia : Endemic to Lake Biwa , Japan .

  21. 中国特有种占16%。

    Species endemic to China , 16 % .

  22. 其中51种为中国特有种,占区内全部种类的9.92%,属于国家保护的种类有10种。

    10 species are national protected species . Most species are in buffer zone .

  23. 中国特有种&沙芥繁育系统和传粉生物学研究

    Studies on the Breeding System and Pollination Biology of China Species & Pugionium cornutum

  24. 有8种为中国鸟类特有种。

    Species belong to Endemic Species of China .

  25. 对海南石灰岩特有种比例较低的原因和保育进行了探讨。

    A list of endemic species distributed in limestone region on Hainan is tabulated .

  26. 新疆植物特有种及其分布

    The endemic species and distribution in Xinjiang

  27. 非中国特有种但在中国仅见于海南岛的有17种。

    Seventeen species occur only in Hainan Island despite they are not endemic to China .

  28. 这样的特有种称为活化残遗种。

    Such endemics have been termed epibiotics .

  29. 中国特有种353种,占总种数的52.0%。

    There are 353 Chinese endemic species , making up 52.0 % of the total species .

  30. 地理分布:香港特有种,见于紫罗兰山及柏架山。

    Distribution : Endemic to Hong Kong , only known from Mount Violet and Mount Parker .