
  • 网络TVER;Cherbourg-Octeville
  1. 当一个城市的条例规定,任何酒精的扬特维尔在两英里送达,该建筑是先转换成一个妓院,然后到20世纪20年代由法国蒸汽洗衣服。

    When a town ordinance mandated that no alcohol be served within two miles of Yountville , the building was converted first into a brothel , then to a French steam laundry by the1920s .

  2. 尤科斯公司主要的生产部门被出售给了贝加尔金融集团(BaikalFinanceGroup),这家神秘的公司于尤科斯公司解散前两星期成立,并且注册地址位于莫斯科北部小镇特维尔(Tver)的一家伏特加酒吧。

    Yukos 's main production unit was sold to Baikal Finance Group , a mysterious firm set up two weeks earlier and registered at the address of a vodka bar in Tver , a provincial town north of Moscow .

  3. 如米特维尔和本维尔这样的城镇基本上被夷为平地。

    Towns such as Mittelwihr and Bennwihr were virtually razed to the ground .

  4. 这就是这种方法在华盛顿外弗吉尼亚州森特维尔LondonTowne小学的实践方法。

    Here is how it works at London Towne Elementary School in Centreville , Virginia , outside Washington .

  5. 该公司在莫斯科特维尔大街的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-CarltonHotel)设立了流动销售办事处,每天有数十名亿万富翁穿过该酒店大堂。

    A kind of traveling sales office was set up at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Moscow 's Tverskaya Street , where dozens of billionaires pass through the lobby each day .

  6. 后来迁居犹他州森特维尔(Centerville)的哈萨德说:如果你不重新改写目标,它们就开始变得不清晰了。

    ' If you don 't rewrite your goals , ' says Mr. Hassard , who has since moved to Centerville , Utah , ' they start to become invisible . '

  7. 威克特维尔附近一个加油站工作人员报告。

    We got a report from a gas station attendant near victorville .

  8. 亲普京团体的党员委员会在特维尔本地的一个戏院受到了招待。

    A local theatre in Tver hosted a Council of pro-putin groups .

  9. 森特维尔高中,这里是克利夫顿野生猫科动物们的家乡。

    Centreville High School , home of the wild cats in Clifton .

  10. 但是您又怎样称呼蒙特维尔呢?

    But what name do you give to montrevel ?

  11. 四大洋冰淇淋,森特维尔,马萨诸塞州

    Four Seas Ice Cream , Centerville , Massachusetts

  12. 多一个雪糕在特维尔大街的供应商。

    One more ice-cream vendor in Tverskaya Street .

  13. 特维尔是个度假胜地,而特鲁维尔更多的却是个工业城市。

    While Deauville is a holiday resort , Trouville is more of a working town .

  14. 他为此联系了费邪特维尔市阿肯色大学利用树的年轮来研究气候的戴维·斯塔堡。

    He contacted David Stable of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville who uses tree ring data to study climate .

  15. 思嘉替他包扎时他很难为情地解释说,他在弗耶特维尔试图钻进一个鸡窝,结果被人家发现了。

    As she bandaged it for him , he explained awkwardly that when attempting to get into a hen coop at fayetteville , he had been discovered .

  16. 信号炮发出了单调的声音,于是,包围莫斯科的军队便从特维尔、卡卢日斯基和多罗戈米洛夫等城门开进莫斯科。

    A solitary cannon shot gave the signal , and the invading army marched into Moscow & at the Tver , the Kaluga , and the Dorogomilov gates .

  17. 在过去的两年里,在森特维尔镇内或周围所发生的几起事故,都是十多岁的青少年司机。

    Again , the writer falsely assumes that the only cause of such accidents is the lack of teenagers'driver 's education , for which there is no support whatsoever in the argument .