
tè luò yī mù mǎ
  • Trojan horse
特洛伊木马 [tè luò yī mù mǎ]
  • (1) [Trojan horse]

  • (2) 为了破坏和指使本地的颠覆集团的目的,把间谍和宣传人员安置在打算作为牺牲品的国家内的计策

  • (3) 蓄意或可能要暗中破坏既有的制度的个人、组织或因素

  1. Linux特洛伊木马关键技术研究

    Key Technology of Linux Trojan Horse

  2. 在此基础上对特洛伊木马渗透远程计算机技术进行了研究,分析了木马种植、隐藏技术及木马突破防火墙技术。

    The third chapter discusses the Trojan horse to infiltrate a remote computer technology , and analyses the technology of Trojan planted , Trojan hidden , Trojan break through firewall .

  3. 最后,讨论了基于APIHOOK技术的特洛伊木马的检测技术。

    Finally , the current detection technology of Trojan horse based API HOOK it presented .

  4. 之后,他就开始收到各种有关病毒和特洛伊木马的警告,最后连Windows系统都无法启动了。

    He starting getting warnings about viruses and trojans and soon he couldn 't get Windows to boot up at all .

  5. Nest就是入侵家居领域的特洛伊木马。

    Nest was a Trojan horse into the home .

  6. 基于DLL技术的特洛伊木马植入新方案

    New Scheme for the Injection of Trojan Horse Based on DLL

  7. 基于DLL的特洛伊木马隐藏技术研究

    Research on the concealing technology of Trojan horse based on DLL

  8. 基于DLL的特洛伊木马实时检测机制研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Real-Time Detection Mechanism of Troy Dynamic Link Library

  9. 为了能够让大众更安全地上网,政府应该普及有关计算机病毒和特洛伊木马病毒(Trojanhorses)的各种知识,让公众能够识别并预防,除此之外,还应该不断更新使用的杀毒软件。

    Educating people about computer viruses and Trojan horses will help , and using updated antivirus software is also important .

  10. 基于APIHOOK技术的特洛伊木马攻防研究同时高起点地分析了IPv6环境下的Phishing攻击及其防御。

    Attack and Defence on API HOOK Technology of Trojan Horse Furthermore it analyses the phishing attack and defence based on the IPv6 .

  11. 研究了如何将Windows环境下的动态链接库(DLL)技术与远程线程插入技术结合起来实现特洛伊木马植入的新方案。

    A new scheme is studied to realize the injection of Trojan horse by combining the technology of DLL ( dynamic linking library ) and that of remote thread injection on the Windows platform .

  12. 考虑监测或过滤出站DNS连接,以便更好地维护您的枉络,对抗某些钓鱼攻击和一种新的伪装成DHCP服务器的特洛伊木马。

    Consider monitoring or filtering outbound DNS connections to better protect your network against certain phishing attacks and a new breed of trojans that masquerades as DHCP servers .

  13. RootKit是特洛伊木马后门工具,通过修改操作系统软件,使攻击者获得持续的系统访问权并隐藏在计算机中。

    RootKits are Trojan horse backdoor tools that modify operating system software so that an attacker can keep access to and hide on a machine .

  14. 内核级木马是一种与内核Rootkit技术相结合的特洛伊木马。内核Rootkit通过修改内核重要的数据结构,来实现对整个木马的隐藏。

    Kernel Trojan horse is the one which combines with kernel Rootkit technique which conceals whole Trojan through modifying the impartment system kernel data structure .

  15. 近期出现的内核模式驱动级病毒是集特洛伊木马病毒、下载器病毒、后门病毒、Rootkit技术为一体的复合型病毒。

    The recent Kernel-mode driver virus is Trojan horse virus , downloader virus , backdoor virus . Rootkit technology as a whole complex of the virus .

  16. 有时,手机在生产过程中就已经被植入了恶意软件,就像2014年StarN9500智能手机被发现预装了“特洛伊木马”一样。该款Android手机在中国制造,在亚马逊(Amazon)和eBay等平台出售。

    Sometimes phones are compromised during production , as happened in 2014 when a factory-installed " Trojan horse " was found on the Star N9500 Android smartphone , made in China and sold by companies such as Amazon and eBay .

  17. 在木马程序中最难以被用户检测到的就是更加深入操作系统内核的木马,内核层级木马是一种与内核Rootkit技术相结合的特洛伊木马。

    Most difficult Trojans detected by the user is the Trojan horse which penetrates more deeply into the operating system kernel , the kernel level of Trojan is a Trojan horse combined with Kernel Rootkit technology .

  18. 特洛伊木马病毒占据了总数的53.8%,在同一时期仍然是最多的,紧随其后的是Adware病毒,占据39.02%。

    Trojan horse viruses , which accounted for 53.8 percent of the total , remained the most prolific in the period , followed by Adware viruses , at 39.02 percent .

  19. Quttera无法和不应该被用来检测病毒,特洛伊木马病毒传播作为共同的计算机程序或可执行文件。

    Quttera is unable and should not be used to detect Viruses and Trojans spreads as common computer programs or executable files .

  20. 他说这个被称为Duqu的新病毒是一种特洛伊木马病毒,专门收集并反馈客户系统的信息。

    He said the new malware , dubbed Duqu , was a Trojan Horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system .

  21. 剖析特洛伊木马的隐藏技术(续)

    Anatomy of veil technique for the Trojan Horses ( continuation )

  22. 任期后门描述的一个特定群体,特洛伊木马程式。

    The term Backdoor describes a specific group of Trojan Horses .

  23. 攻击者使用它来传输病毒,蠕虫和特洛伊木马到用户的工作站。

    Attackers often use tracking cookies in conjunction with Web bugs .

  24. 损害就是这是“特洛伊木马”听证会。

    The harm is that this is a Trojan horse hearing .

  25. 研究了特洛伊木马对量子密码算法的攻击。

    Trojan horse attacking strategy on quantum cryptography is investigated .

  26. 你是说发送个病毒或是特洛伊木马进去?

    You mean send a virus or a Trojan horse ?

  27. 特洛伊木马程序隐藏技术分析

    The analysis of the concealing technology of Trojan - horse

  28. 特洛伊木马可生存性研究及攻防实践

    Research and Practice Based on Survivability of Trojan Horse

  29. 网络安全管理之特洛伊木马的防御

    Defense against Trojan horses in network security management

  30. 特洛伊木马程序攻击机理分析

    The Principium Analysis of the Trojan-horse Procedure Operation