
tè kān
  • special;special issue
特刊 [tè kān]
  • [special issue;special] 为纪念某事或某人而专门出版或加版的报纸杂志

特刊[tè kān]
  1. 由英国利物浦大学研究人员德克·林登鲍姆(DirkLindebaum)博士和彼得·乔丹(PeterJordan)博士编撰的关于工作中情绪的研究是《人类关系》杂志的一期特刊话题。

    The study of emotions in the workplace , edited by University of Liverpool researchers Drs. Dirk Lindebaum and Peter Jordan , is the topic of a Special Issue of the journal Human Relations .

  2. 首先对于贵基金特刊《红丝带在行动》的出版表示祝贺!

    Congratulations on your special issue , Red Ribbon Is In Action .

  3. 林德鲍姆还与他人合作编辑了《人类关系》(humanrelations)杂志的特刊,包括一项显示逾三分之二的负面情感事件实际上带来积极结果的调查研究。

    He has also co-edited a special edition of the journal Human Relations , which includes a study suggesting more than two-thirds of emotionally negative events actually lead to a positive outcome .

  4. MOR正在应征会员将您拍摄的照片作为MOR未来特刊的封面照。

    MOR is calling on members to send photos for the cover of future MOR issues .

  5. 这就是CalvinKai-ChingYu想要在《梦想》杂志十一月特刊中探索的新课题。

    This is what Calvin Kai-Ching Yu wanted to explore in a new study published in the November issue of Dreaming .

  6. 爱尔兰每日星报和意大利杂志《Chi》已经刊登了照片——后者在周一制作了一个26页的特刊。

    The Irish Daily Star and the Italian magazine Chi have already republished the photos - the latter in a 26-page section on Monday .

  7. 爱尔兰每日星报和意大利杂志《Chi》已经刊登了照片&后者在周一制作了一个26页的特刊。

    The Irish Daily Star and the Italian magazine Chi have already republished the photos – the latter in a 26-page section on Monday .

  8. 英国广播公司报道中称,此前,意大利八卦杂志《Chi》就表示当周会出版一期名为“赤裸的王妃”26页特刊。

    The news came after Italian gossip magazine Chi said it planned to print the pictures in a special 26-page issue this week , the BBC reported .

  9. 在今年《体育画报》的泳装特刊上,你能看见56岁的NicolaGriffin身着金色泳装所拍摄的照片,这是SwimsuitsforAll运动的一部分。

    In the pages of this year 's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue , you 'll find 56-year-old Nicola Griffin posing in a metallic gold bikini as part of a Swimsuits for All campaign .

  10. 出版通讯和科学文章特刊;

    The publication of special editions of newsletters and scientific articles ;

  11. 你在整合你的特刊。

    You 're putting together your " must mode " issue .

  12. 芝加哥特刊将在明年三月份出版。

    The special issue will be out in next March all about Chicago .

  13. 特刊中另一项研究指出了一个有趣的矛盾点。

    An interesting contradiction is identified in another study of the special issue .

  14. 为本教会15周年特刊的最后编辑工作,各项庆祝活动的策划代祷。

    Pray for our15 anniversary special edition , and all the preparation activities .

  15. 《人民日报》抗震救灾特刊分析

    Analysis of " feature of earthquake relief work " in the People 's Daily

  16. 本期《人物》特刊还回顾了2009年的时尚败笔。

    The People magazine special issue also looked at some of the fashion flops of2009 .

  17. 1934年六报联合特刊的新闻史学意义分析

    On the Historical Significance of " Combined Special Journal Published Six Papers " in 1934

  18. 只可惜,这份免费的、14版的《纽约时报》“特刊”是假的。

    The only problem ? The free , 14-page " special edition " newspaper is phoney .

  19. 今天我们的嘉宾是罗西·梅林达,她是时尚杂志的特刊编辑。

    Today our guest is Rosie Melinda who works as a features editor for Fashion magazine .

  20. 本期《人物》特刊还回顾了2009年的一些时尚败笔。

    The People magazine special issue also looked at some of the fashion flops of 2009 .

  21. 一项相关的最新科研报告已发表在自然杂质气候变化特刊上面,它能支持我的上述经验之谈。

    A new social science study in the journal Nature Climate Change backs my anecdotal experience .

  22. 关于此次特刊的任何问题,所有需要递交的材料,请直接联系和寄送给特邀编辑。

    If you have any question about this special issue , please contact the guest editors directly .

  23. 讲堂内容将以网络专题或特刊形式发布。

    All information about the lectures will also be released through on-line special coverage or special editions .

  24. 《时代》杂志曾出版一期法国特刊,以阿斯特里克斯和奥贝里克斯作为封面图案。

    Asterix and Obelix appeared on the cover of Time Magazine for a special edition about France .

  25. 《世界气象组织简报》将结合2003年国际年出版一期特刊。

    A special issue of the WMO Bulletin will be issued in conjunction with the Year during 2003 .

  26. 特刊编辑的工作跟时尚编辑或者其他的编辑职位有什么不同呢?

    How does the job of features editor differ from that of fashion editor or other editorial positions ?

  27. 虽然这只是一份特刊,但根据读者的反应,它可能会变成一种固定的形式。

    This was a special edition , but depending on the response it might become a regular format .

  28. 《加拿大西部离心主义:过去、现在与未来出路》,载《南开学报》,2002年特刊。

    Western Alienation : Past , Present and Future , Journal of Nankai , Special Issue , 2002 .

  29. 本序言叙述为什麽中华心理学刊出版「汉字词处理」本特刊。

    This introduction describes why Chinese Journal of Psychology publishes this special issue on Chinese character / word processing .

  30. 那些采用本土化的视角构建一般性理论的研究也将对本期特刊作出有价值的贡献。

    Papers that build universal theories by using indigenous research approach also would be valuable contributions to this special issue .