
  • 网络special steel
  1. 基于Web的ERP/MES系统在辽宁特钢集团的应用

    Application of Web-based ERP / MES System in Liaoning Special Steel Co. , Ltd

  2. 应用这一新技术,重庆特钢公司累计生产M-2钢7981t。

    Chongqing Special Steel Corporation has produced 7981 tons of M-2 high speed steel applying this new technology .

  3. PLC在西宁特钢厂连铸水系统工程中的应用

    Application of PLC to CC water system at Xining Special Steel Plant

  4. 基于UML的特钢企业制造执行系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization on UML-based Special Steel Enterprise Manufacturing Execution System

  5. 基于MES的特钢企业CAPP系统研究及应用

    The Research and Application of Special Steel Enterprise CAPP System Based on MES

  6. 面向MES的特钢企业标准化管理系统的研究与开发

    A standardization system based on MES for special steel enterprises

  7. 将特钢企业集成质量管理系统框架模型应用于实际案例,运用先进的J2EE架构开发了东特集团集成质量管理系统。

    Using advanced J2EE framework and putting the above model into practice , the integrated quality management system of Northeast Special-Steel Enterprise is developed .

  8. 以某特钢行业为应用背景设计了基于J2EE平台的系统应用软件,并总结了系统实现的特点。

    It designs system application software base on J2EE and summarizes the characteristics of system with an application background of one special steel industry .

  9. 基于EAM的特钢行业设备管理信息系统研究

    Research on EAM-based Special Steel Enterprise Plant Management Information System

  10. 基于ISPS的销售管理系统在特钢行业的应用研究

    Research and Implementation of ISPS-based Sales Management System in Iron and Steel Enterprises

  11. 上海清算所(ShanghaiClearingHouse)网站消息称,除了中国国开行承销的逾8亿元人民币融资券,东北特钢也可能在4月到期的10.15亿元人民币的90天期商业票据上违约。

    Along with Rmb800m underwritten by China Development Bank , Dongbei Special also risks defaulting on Rmb1.015bn of 90-day commercial paper due in April , according to the Shanghai Clearing House website .

  12. 革命性的ECR无头铸轧技术在生产特钢和普通长材中的应用

    The revolutionary ECR endless casting rolling process for the production of long products in specialty and commercial steel

  13. 特钢20t电弧炉炉门水冷碳氧枪技术的应用实践

    Application of Water-cooled Carbon-oxygen Gun Technology in Furnace Gate of 20 t Electric Arc furnace

  14. 某特钢企业在生产经营过程中,为解决缺乏宏观管理和集中控制与调度等方面的问题,通过分析本企业的生产特点,提出了基于Web的C/S与B/S混合结构的特钢行业体系结构。

    For solving the problem of lacking macroscopic management and centralized control through analyzing the characteristics of a special steel industry , web-based production management mode of C / S and B / S structure fitting for the special steel industry is put forward .

  15. 最后结合上述的理论研究和技术分析,针对东北特钢集团财务核算管理的特点和现状,给出了基于web平台的erp财务核算管理系统的实际应用案例。

    Combining above-mentioned theories and technological analysis with account , based on the characteristics and the current situations of financial sale accounting system in northeastern special steel group , the applied case of Web-based ERP financial sale accounting MIS was provided .

  16. 将三层生产计划模型应用于企业实际案例,同时结合企业自身的实际情况和特点,采用J2EE四层体系结构开发了东北特钢集团生产成本管理系统。

    Appling the three-level production planning model and according to real conditions and characteristics of the enterprise , adopting the J2EE 4-tier architecture , the production planning management system for Northeast Special Steel Group is developed .

  17. 根据上述思想,构建了基于MES的特钢企业生产计划模型,分为总厂计划、分厂月生产计划、车间日作业计划三层;

    According to the theories described above , this paper builds integrated production planning management model which includes three levels : enterprise planning , monthly plant planning , daily plant planning .

  18. 阐述了特钢企业在CIMS环境下的成本控制基本概念,并提出了特钢企业成本控制与分析的决策支持系统。

    This paper describes the basic concepts of cost control in a special steel enterprise , and puts forward the DSS for cost control and analysis under CIMS circumstances in a special steel enterprise .

  19. 本文采用管理信息系统开发模式中快速原型法的进化性原型法和采用Thin-C/S和B/S混合模式构建基于WEB平台的ERP财务核算管理系统,开发了东北特钢集团信息化项目&DTCIMS中的财务核算管理系统。

    By adopting evolution prototype of the fast prototype method to develop the Web-Based ERP financial sale accounting MIS and mixing Thin-C / S and B / S mode to structure the system , developed the financial sale accounting subsystem of DT_CIMS .

  20. 文章结合特钢行业生产模式的特点,阐述了在CIMS环境下建立集成化质量信息系统(QIS)的必要性。

    With the characteristic of production pattern for special steel industry , the necessity of integrated quality information system ( QIS ) in CIMS is expounded .

  21. 新增纯收益率22.42%,边际成本报酬率3.33。稻田种植春玉米高效耦合技术包括部分放开冬春茬,稻田冬春季改小麦为菜果经济作物;NET开发了基于规则的特钢企业调度系统。

    The increased net profit ratio is 22.42 % and the marginal benefit-cost ratio is 3.33 . Efficient techniques for system coupling of planting spring-corn in rice field include that the winter and spring can be freed , and the wheat can be changed to the economic crops ;

  22. 53岁的杨华生前兼任东北特钢(DongbeiSpecialSteel)党委书记。3月25日,公司网站确认了他的死讯。之前一天,警方接到了他在家中上吊身亡的报告。

    Yang Hua , 53 , who also acted as the Communist party secretary of Dongbei Special Steel , was confirmed dead on March 25 by the company 's website , a day after police received reports that he had hanged himself at his home .

  23. 介绍了新抚顺特钢公司炼钢厂30tEBT电弧炉采用USTB炉壁氧气喷吹新工艺的使用情况。

    This article introduced the new USTB oven wall oxygen injection technology is introduced used in 30 t EBT electric arc furnace of steelmaking plant New Fushun Special Steel Group Co.

  24. 在对特钢行业质量业务流程进行描述的基础上,分析了集成化质量信息系统的构成,提出了适应于特钢行业质量管理特点的QIS功能模型。

    On the basis of quality operation flow description , the struction of integrated QIS is analyzed and QIS function modle which applies to special steel industry is presented .

  25. 为使原有的Φ750mm特钢初轧机既保留一部分开坯能力,又能直接生产成品钢材,对其进行了增设1涟架平立连轧机的技术改造,总投资9000多万元。

    In order to keep the breaking-down ability but directly produce finishing product of Φ 750mm blooming mill for special steel , the technology reformation was carried out .

  26. 介绍了西宁特钢集团公司235mm×265mm大方坯合金钢连铸机的主要性能,设备组成,应用的先进技术。

    The peper presents the main specifications , equipment configuration , and the advanced techniques used for 235mm × 265mm bloom alloy steel caster in XI ′ NING special steel plant .

  27. 兴澄特钢300mm×320mm低碳钢铸坯酸洗后,可观察到铸坯角部振痕波谷处的横向裂纹,其长度为10~30mm,最大宽度达2mm。

    The transverse cracks with length 10 ~ 30 mm and maximum wide 2 mm at billet corner vibrating mark trough of pickled 300 mm × 320 mm low carbon steel cast bloom produced at Xingcheng special Steel were observed .

  28. 特钢返回钢优化利用及可利用资源的开发

    Optimized Utilization of Special Steel Scrap and Development of Usable Resources

  29. 龙岩特钢蠕铁石墨形貌特征

    The morphology characteristics of vermicular graphite in Long Yan cast iron

  30. 沪昌特钢连续精整线介绍

    Introduction of continuous finishing line of Huchang Special Steel Co. , Ltd