
ɡuān shān
  • Guanshan;mountains and frontier passes
关山 [guān shān]
  • (1) [fortress and mountains;forts and hills]∶关隘和山川

  • 万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。--《乐府诗集.木兰诗》

  • (2) [hometown]∶指家乡

  1. 戎马关山北,凭轩涕泗流。(杜甫《登岳阳楼》)

    War rages in the northern mountain passes ;| leaning on a war rages in the northern mountain passes ;

  2. 结果显示:近35a关山南麓地区年平均气温升高了0.7~0.8℃,前30a年均降水量减少了50mm;

    The results show that the annual mean temperature rose by 0.7 ~ 0.8 ℃ during last 35 years , the precipitation reduced by 50 mm in last 30 years .

  3. 关山不同植被下山地普通棕壤腐殖质研究

    Study on the humus in brown forest soils under different vegetations

  4. 中东部为秦岭、关山山区。

    In the Qinling Mountains to the east , Guan Shan mountain .

  5. 从《关山飞渡》看古典好莱坞影片的叙事模式

    Discovering the Narrate Model of Classical Hollywood Movies From Stagecoach of the Famous Text

  6. 装点此关山,今朝更好看&源于基地环境的建筑设计创新

    The Architecture makes the Environment More Attractive & The Architecture Design Innovation Based on the Circumstances of the Site

  7. 系统地总结了有关山核桃的生态生物学特性、繁育技术、高产稳产技术方面的研究概况。

    Researches on Carya cathayensis in its bio-ecologic characteristics , high and stable yield cultivation , and propagation techniques are reviewed in this article .

  8. 朦胧烟雨的彼岸,扬帆待发,伊人念远,纵有一座座关山,却也遮不住,更难挡住。

    Dim shore of rain , sail , she read far , have a mountain , but also can 't hide , harder to block .

  9. 水仙花遍布在人行大道上,玉兰花则分布在公主大道上,而樱花道上的粉红色关山樱也很快就要绽放。

    Daffodils line Broad Walk , magnolias run through Princess Walk and on the Cherry Walk the pink Prunus ' Asano ' species is expected to blossom soon .

  10. 关山隧道在掘进过程中,围岩裂隙带和构造破碎带相互串通导致基岩裂隙水向隧道内渗漏,引起山体泉水干涸,对其周边地区生态环境产生影响。

    During the tunnel digging , crevice water seeped into the tunnel and resulted in the dry-up of the springs , thus affecting the ecological environment of the mountain region .

  11. 本文对关山高、中、低山当归的生长、早期抽苔、产量和挥发油含量及其主要成分进行了研究。

    The growth , early bolting , yield of Angelica sinensis and its content and components of essential oils in the high , middle and low mountain of Guan Shan in Long Xian were discussed .

  12. 第五章:将关山方音与周边县市方音放在一起进行比较,首先立足于共时层面,总结类型化特点,然后分析音变轨迹,并从音理角度解释演变的原因。

    First , based on the synchronic level and then sum up the features of typed . Second , analyze the track of the sound changes . And explain the evolution from the perspective of phonetic theory .

  13. 经济作物中,渭北区中药材增幅较大,为45.7%,河谷区、关山区油料作物增幅较大,河谷区冬油菜增加47.5%,关山区胡麻增加22.7%;

    The area for Chinese medicinal herb was increased by 45.7 % in north of Wei River . The planting area of winter rape was increased by 47.5 % in valley district and by 22.7 % in Guan Mountain area .

  14. 依据调整方案,在粮食作物中,渭北区、关山区马铃薯种植比例提高较大,较规划前分别提高了15.6%和40.7%,河谷区提高8.7%;

    According to this scheme , the proportion of potato planting was raised by 15.6 % in the north of Wei River , by 40.7 % in Guan Mountain area and by 8.7 % in valley district than that of past .

  15. 林果类中,渭北区桃、杏增幅较大,为24.1%和33.3%,河谷区葡萄增幅40%,关山区杏增加12.5%。

    The area of peach and apricot in north of Wei river was increased by 24.1 % and 33.3 % , respectively , the area of grape was increased by 40 % in valley , the area of apricot was increased by 12.5 % in mountain .