
ɡuān shè
  • concern;be related to;involve/affect sth. else
关涉 [guān shè]
  • [have effects on sth.else] 有所关联;牵涉

  • 这是关涉到国家、人民利益的大事,切不可马虎从事

  1. 普世价值之争的焦点:关涉政治与无涉政治

    Dispute Focus of Universal Values : to Concern or not to Concern with Politics

  2. 网络文学的文学性问题关涉这种文学的资质确证和价值立场。

    The literariness questions of network literature concern with natural endowments confirmation and valuable position .

  3. 此事与国民经济关涉甚大。

    The matter has much to do with national economy .

  4. 教育知识(PedagogicalKnowledge)主要关涉着如何实际有效地引导人的真正成长,它具有很强的实践智慧与人文取向。

    The pedagogical knowledge is primarily concerned with how people can guide the actual real growth effectively ; it has the very strong practice wisdom and the humanities orientation .

  5. 对“可耗尽自然资源”的理解&仅指有限的非生命资源还是包括生命资源在内,关涉到GATT第XX(g)条的适用范围。

    The understanding of " exhaustible natural resources " which refers to nonliving resources or living resources determines the extent to which Article XX ( g ) of GATT can apply .

  6. 它关涉着理性认识和实践活动之间的转化性。

    It concerns the transformation between theoretical understanding and practice activities .

  7. 句序安排直接关涉到句际衔接。

    The word order is directly related to the inter-sentence coherence .

  8. 传统道德与现代经济伦理的内在关涉

    The Inherent Contact of the Traditional Morality and Modern Economic Ethics

  9. 教育是一项关涉人的生命、提升人的生命的事业。

    Education is a career that concerns and promotes human life .

  10. 艺术幻象是一个关涉艺术本质的非常重要的范畴。

    It is a category involving the essence of arts .

  11. 与耶西的儿子并没有关涉!

    We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse .

  12. 课程管理过程关涉着课程权力的运作与变动。

    Course management process involves the operation and change of course powers .

  13. 管理公正关涉到最广大人们的根本利益。

    The management justice concerns the most fundamental interests of the people .

  14. 性别藏匿于个体,却关涉着历史和文化的痕迹。

    Hiding in individual , the gender connects with the history and culture .

  15. 纯语言性反思与分析理性思想的端倪&先秦哲学的语言关涉与名家思想取向

    Language Engagement of Pre-Qin Chinese Philosophy and Ideological Orientation of School of Names

  16. 主语是句子所关涉的人或事物,其后加动词词组。

    The subject is the person or thing that the sentence is about .

  17. 翻译是一种神圣的事情,它关涉到的不仅仅是译者一个人。

    Translation is something holy , which involves not merely the translator himself .

  18. 具有时代特点。民俗反映着民意,丧俗关涉着时政。

    Folkways reflect popular will , funeral custom concerns the current political situation .

  19. 如何解读,这直接关涉着摆脱危机的实践。

    How to read , this directly relate the practice of " crisis " .

  20. 作为一种符码,服饰关涉能指与所指。

    As a kind of code , costume code relates to signifier and signified .

  21. 为限制外资进入或引导外资进入的部门和领域,许多国家都采取了种种投资措施,使得投资措施成为关涉投资准入自由的一个重要问题。

    Different countries take different investment measures to limit the accession of foreign investment .

  22. 教育哲学怎样关涉美好生活?

    How dducational philosophy relate with good life ?

  23. 课程实施关涉着将落实谁的课程权利的问题。

    Course implementation involves the question of " to fulfil whose course rights " .

  24. 如何理解和界定语义的模糊性,直接关涉模糊语义学的研究范围和对象。

    The understanding and definition of semantic fuzziness will determine the scope of research .

  25. 后者是指具有普遍意义的,关涉生命本体的悲怨美内容。

    The latter refers to being with general .

  26. 美与人的生存关系是关涉美学哲学基础的问题。

    The relation between aesthetics and the subsistence is the basic problem for aesthetic philosophy .

  27. 随着两权的日益分离,公司董事越来越成为公司经营的中心,董事会权利越来越大,在关涉自身利益的时候,也有损害少数股东利益的可能;

    With the growing separation of powers , company directors are increasingly becoming corporate operations center ;

  28. 最成功和可持续的项目都以最关涉妇女的问题为切入点。

    The most successful and sustainable projects use an entry point that matters most to women .

  29. 前者关涉行,而后者注重知。

    The former concerned about " doing ", and the latter cared about " knowing " .

  30. 男人则在双侧枕骨叶更加活跃,这关涉到视觉处理。

    Men exhibited stronger activation in the bilateral occipital lobes , which are associated with visual processing .