
  • 网络the laity;layman
  1. 信徒皆为祭司,受职者与平信徒同心服事。

    We believe in the priesthood of all believers , the parity of ministers and the laity .

  2. 总祈祷意向:愿平信徒和基督徒团体成为司铎和修会圣召负责任的推动者。

    General : That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and religious vocations .

  3. 他父亲曾经当过平信徒传道师。

    His father had been a lay preacher .

  4. 曾听人说过,牧民议会成全了平信徒的传教使命;

    Some have proposed that the pastoral council accomplishes the task of the lay apostolate .

  5. 路德将平信徒皆为祭司原则贯彻到人格上的平等和宗教礼拜仪式当中。

    Luther put his principle which all Christian were clergy into equality in personality and religious service .

  6. 堂议会平信徒代表的选举须在有关教堂的教堂周年会议中进行。

    The election of lay representatives to the Church Council shall take place at the annual church meeting of the church concerned .

  7. 不管是透过有说服力的人或是透过平信徒,能够认识神更多,总是乐事。

    Getting to know God better is always a delight , whether it happens through a powerful and persuasive communicator or through ordinary Christians .

  8. 正如你所看到的,牧民议会提供了平台让平信徒正式参与司铎的牧灵规划。

    As you can see , the pastoral council then is the place where lay people officially participate in the pastor 's apostolate as planners .