
  1. 桑迪·帕拉吉拉斯在2011年和2012年间担任脸书的平台运营经理,他说他在任期间,公司内部确实意识到脸书容易让用户上瘾。

    Sandy Parakilas , who was a platform operations manager at Facebook in 2011 and 2012 , said there was definitely an awareness8 that Facebook was habit-forming when he worked at the company .

  2. ASP平台运营的原模型分析

    Analysis of Original Business Model for ASP Platforms

  3. 根据这一原模型,对几种最常见的ASP平台运营的模式进行了对比,分析了其优劣势及适用的环境。

    On the basis of this prototype , several common operation models for ASP platform were compared in their advantages , disadvantages and working environments .

  4. 总部位于剑桥、同样获得谷歌风投支持的初创企业手机游戏平台运营商SCVNGR就是一个例子。这家公司去年秋季率先公开推出与GooglePlacesAPI整合的产品。

    As one example from fellow Cambridge-based and Google Ventures backed startup SCVNGR , the company was the first to publicly launch with integration to the Google Places API last fall .

  5. 第二个教训:bp在危机爆发初期表示,尽管自己要为漏油负责,但事故并非自己造成的,因为平台运营已经被转包出去了。

    Second lesson : BP did itself no good in the early days of the crisis by saying that , while the spill was its responsibility , it was not its accident because a subcontractor had been running the rig .

  6. GE副总裁兼销售与市场商务官凯特o约翰逊举了一个例子:最近,一家海上石油钻井平台运营商在动态生产数据中检测到了异常状况,从而避免了潜在的事故。

    Kate Johnson , vice president and commercial officer for sales and marketing at GE , offers the example of an offshore oil rig operator that recently averted a potential failure after detecting changes in production performance data .

  7. 负责HBX平台运营的巴拉特•阿南德(BharatAnand)承认,免费和廉价的在线课程内容增多,或许会造成校园课程学员人数的小幅下降,侵蚀这方面的收入流。

    Bharat Anand , who runs HBX , admits the growth in free and cheap content online may cause a small fall in numbers on campus courses - and therefore an erosion of a revenue stream .

  8. 文章最后对实证研究结果进行了讨论,并向微博平台运营商提供了一些营销和运营的参考建议。

    Finally , as the results and discussion , provide some suggestions to the the micro-blog platform providers for the proposed marketing and operations .

  9. 电视的数字化与产业化,造就了由内容提供商、平台运营商、各地网络接入商、设备生产商及终端用户构成的新的产业价值链。

    The television 's digital and industry formed an industry value chain , including program provider , program-integrated flat , everyplace network-service , equipment producer and the end users .

  10. 从理论上来看,数字出版产业链上的各主体&内容服务商、技术服务商、平台运营商、电信运营商、渠道商、终端制造商等都有整合产业链的可能性。

    From the theory , all the main body in the chain of digital publishing industry & content providers , technology service providers , platform operators , telecom operators , channel providers , terminal manufacturers have the possibility of integration of industrial chain .

  11. 随着互联网从封闭走向开放的进程,互联网行业进入了一种全新商业生态环境中,在这种生态环境中,平台运营商和开发者之间的关系已经从竞争转向合作,共同推进互联网行业的发展。

    With the internet from a closed to an open process , the internet industry has entered a new business ecological environment , in which the relationship between platform operators and developers from competition to cooperation , to jointly promote the internet industry development .

  12. 从全国范围看,西部各省融资平台运营模式和所处的环境、经济发展水平等有许多共同之处,因此本文结合宁夏自治区的案例,对融资平台的发展战略进行研究。

    In the national , there are many common aspects in platform operation model and economic environment , the level of economic development of western provinces , Therefore , with the case of the NingXia autonomous regions for financing platform will be researched in development strategy .

  13. 物联网商业模式主要有客户全部自建模式、平台租赁运营模式、广告模式、移动支付模式、政府BOT模式。

    There are some business mode of IOT , build up by themselves of customer , leasing operation on plateform , advertisement , internet payment and government BOT mode .

  14. 该平台以运营商的移动网络为依托,以客户为中心,以银行卡为支付载体,使用WAP技术作为无线通信接入手段,通过WEBService完成支付过程。

    This customer-centric platform was built on the basis of the mobile operators ' communication network , took WAP as the wireless communication access technology , used bank cards for payments and completed the payment process via Web Service .

  15. 由银行运营的暗池在其中所占的份额最大,由交易所和Chi-X欧洲(Chi-XEurope)等另类交易平台所运营的暗池所占份额最小。

    Dark pools operated by banks accounted for the largest share of that figure , with those run by exchanges and alternative platforms , such as Chi-X Europe , the smallest .

  16. 在基于ESB服务模式的基础上,对软件外包公共服务平台的运营机理和服务能力进行了分析,由专门成立的江苏虚拟软件园股份有限公司承担平台建设和运营。

    On the basis of ESB service mode , it analyzes operating mechanism and service ability of software outsourcing public service platform , its construction and operation shall be undertaken by Jiangsu Virtual Software Group Co. , Ltd which is specially established .

  17. 目前,该企业在很多硬件和软件平台上运营各种发布版,但是Villegas坚定地设置在一个路径上来进行整合和简化。

    Today , the organization operates several release versions on many hardware and software platforms , but Villegas is firmly set on a path to consolidate and simplify .

  18. 第四章主要介绍公共物流信息平台的运营模式,通过分析已有的运营模式,得出适合现阶段的物流信息平台的运营模式。

    The fourth chapter introduces the available business model of common Logistics Information Platform .

  19. 而支付宝等第三方支付平台的运营与完善的金融网络密不可分。

    However , the operation of the third-party payment platform such as Alipay is closely connected with the perfection of financial network .

  20. 因此,开发功能完善的网络优化平台是运营商对自身网络实现自动优化的迫切要求。

    Thus developing a radio optimization system platform with perfect function to realize automatic optimization of the radio network is CMCCs ' urgent request .

  21. 该平台包含运营管理中心和应用服务中心,车辆管理子系统是应用服务中心的核心子系统。

    This platform contains operation management center and application service center , the vehicle management subsystem application service center is the core of subsystems .

  22. 尽管伦敦国际葡萄酒交易所是在互联网与电话平台上运营,但其还是希望在香港设立一个办事处,让它得以订立可在这一地区交货的合同。

    Although Liv-ex operates an Internet and phone-based platform , it wants an office in Hong Kong to allow it to set up contracts deliverable in the territory .

  23. 分析了建立网上购书系统的可行性,对图书销售平台的运营模式和图书选购流程进行了深入的探讨。

    The establishment of system analysis , the feasibility of online bookstores in book sales platform and the operation mode of the choose and buy books process thoroughly discussed .

  24. 公司拥有丰富的广告宣传资源、电信运营资源、渠道推广资源,通过公司自主研发的游戏平台进行运营管理及为玩家提供增值服务。

    The company has access to plenty of resources in the areas of advertisement , telecommunications and channel of distribution , and offers value-added services to game players through the operation of its self-developed game platform .

  25. 他们所需要做的就是在一个简单得多的SOA平台上规划运营。

    They could do what they needed to do to scale their operation with a much simpler SOA platform .

  26. 对于那些考虑用WindowsPhone7作为操作系统平台的移动运营商来说,Netflix在平板电脑拟真应用开发领域内的成功无疑将进一步激发他们的兴趣。

    Its success in creating a popular , immersive app for tablets could strengthen the appeal of mobile carriers considering Windows Phone 7 as a platform .

  27. 323终端之间开展多方电话会议业务。MoIP统一协作通讯多媒体综合业务平台分为运营支撑层、媒体交换层和用户接入层3层架构。

    The multi-media integrated service platform based on MoIP Unified Collaborative Communication is divided into operation support layer , media switching layer , and user access layer .

  28. 此研究结果对网上支付平台的实际运营工作具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。

    The results have reference and guiding significance for actual operators of online payment platform .

  29. 2014年初,这个平台开始平稳运营,随即就拥有了240万用户。

    In early 2014 , once we got the platform stabilized , we brought on 2.4 million customers .

  30. 该部分先介绍了网络交易平台提供者的运营模式,然后对网络交易平台提供者的主体地位进行了论述。

    The section describes operation mode of Internet Computer Service Provider , and then elaborates the subject status of Internet Computer Service Provider .