
píng jiǎo
  • straight angle;flat angle
平角[píng jiǎo]
  1. 哥特式穹顶的对角拱柱同时把该顶点处多角形的角转换成平角。

    At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle .

  2. 同时把该顶点处多角形的角转换成平角。你只能作点边边角角的改进。

    At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle . You just get improvements on the margin .

  3. 法国不准男性在公共泳池穿宽松平角泳裤,只能穿紧身五分泳裤。

    In France , swimming shorts are not allowed to be worn in public swimming pools by men ; only skintight swimming trunks are allowed .

  4. 显然,这是出于卫生考虑,因为男性可能会把宽松的平角泳裤当成普通内裤来穿,这样他们可能会感染尘土之类的脏东西。

    Apparently3 , it has to do with hygiene4 , because men may wear their baggy5 swim shorts as normal shorts and then they may pick up dust , dirt , and such . 9 .

  5. 膜式水冷壁管屏平角、仰角MAG焊接工艺研究

    Technique research on weldment face and root bend of membrane water-wall used MAG welding method

  6. 因为两年前与亚洲航空CEO托尼·费尔南德斯就F1大奖赛打赌输了,这位亿万富翁企业家不得不男扮女装:脱掉平角内裤穿上丝袜!

    The billionaire entrepreneur swapped his boxer shorts for a pair of stockings after losing a Grand Prix bet with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandez two years ago .

  7. 无数代美国男人都是穿着没有牌子的三条装平角裤或乔基三角裤(Jockey)长大的,他们几乎没有在里面穿的基础内衣上花过什么心思、时间或税后收入。

    For generations , American men who were raised wearing generic boxers or Jockeys purchased in three-packs expended little thought or time or post-tax income on the foundation garments worn beneath their outerwear .

  8. “Lochte更喜欢穿什么睡觉呢?“我赤身露体,或穿平角裤,他带着狡猾的笑容说道,“上床睡觉时我不喜欢穿太多的衣服,我喜欢去感受自由。”

    And what does Lochte prefer to wear to bed ? " I 'm naked or in boxers , " he said with a sly grin . " I don 't like to wear too much clothing when going to bed . I like to feel free . "

  9. 大配平角起始条件下的非线性末制导律研究

    Research on nonlinear terminal guidance law under high alignment angle condition

  10. 我的平角裤小了,想买几条三角裤。

    My pants are small now , I want to buy some brief .

  11. 平角裤T恤西服袋巾还有手帕

    Boxers , t-Shirts , pocket squares , handkerchiefs .

  12. 床上的床单皱巴巴的。干净崭新平角短裤,还没有穿过,仍然是新的。

    The bed , crumpled bed clothing , fresh clean pair of boxer shorts , unused , still new .

  13. 某些麦田怪圈是电的和辐射性的,将带有直线、直边或平角。

    Some crop circles are electrical or radioactive , and these will have straight lines or edges or angles unto them .

  14. 想当年,男人们只需要在三角裤和平角裤中挑一种,如今却有了更丰富的选择。

    Boxers or briefs used to be the only question men needed to ask themselves , but today , the options have grown .

  15. 两家公司都还面临着一个更大的挑战:到底有没有足够多的人愿意分享从学业成绩到平角内裤品牌的一切信息?

    Both businesses face a larger challenge : Will enough people be willing to share everything from academic awards to the brand of boxers they wear ?

  16. 而弟弟詹姆斯的照片更是不堪入目:一张照片中,这位开蛋糕公司的单身汉只穿着一条平角短裤,还把手伸进短裤内。

    In one , the bachelor , who runs a cake-making company , has his hand down his boxers , which are all he is wearing .

  17. 女士们会挎上与自己最好的睡衣相配的手包去逛商店;在闷热的街道上,老年男子会只穿着条平角短裤。

    Ladies match a handbag to their best PJs , for a trip to the shops ; old men wear only boxer shorts in the sultry streets .

  18. 脱掉宽松舒适的衣服(大学的运动衫、平角短裤),穿上能让你辣味十足的服装,比如穿上细高跟鞋、迷你裙或涂上红色的唇膏。

    Ditch the breakup comfort clothes ( college sweatshirt , boxer shorts ) and rock outfits that amplify your hotness , like stilettos , a mini , or red lipstick .

  19. 去年T型内裤的销量降低了7%,全底内裤(包括三角裤、男孩式平角裤和高腰三角裤)的销量总共增长了17%.

    Sales of thongs decreased 7 percent over the last year , while sales of fuller styles - briefs , boy shorts and high-waist briefs - have grown a collective 17 percent .

  20. 我赤身露体,或穿平角裤,他带着狡猾的笑容说道,上床睡觉时我不喜欢穿太多的衣服,我喜欢去感受自由。

    I 'm naked or in boxers , he said with a sly grin . I don 't like to wear too much clothing when going to bed . I like to feel free .